Friday, February 29, 2008

Plank In The Eye

Timothy A. Bear receives a plank to the eye.

Another pencil/ink hybrid. If I had more time I would prefer to ink every cartoon. Faith is actually a tad larger than Timothy, but here I switched their respective dimensions for SUBTLE EFFECT. Trust me, he's smaller.

Christine asks-"Dan, Can you please tell me why you spend time doing an oil of a pro-abort like Obama?"

Absolutely. I thought I could sell it on Ebay and make a few bucks. As of this writing the painting has a high bid of one dollar.

Anon asks-"Are there no black evangelicals in existence?

Black Evangelicals Emerging as New Conservatives- Christian Post.

Polyticks ask- "Why the pancake on the bunny's head?"

And now, a list of recent post and link acknowledgements. Some require registration to view. Thanks to all!

Thanks to Mpls St Paul Magazine for recently including Faithmouse as a 'Best Blog.'

A thread at Silk Roads displays the Faithmouse/God Loves You This Much cartoon.

Neverborn gets a mention by a poster on the popular Comics Curmudgeon.

Cartoon Cheryl gives a thumbs-up to the recent Neverborn/Morrissey cartoon.

Harry Potter forums thinks the Neverborn/Bob Ross cartoon is scary but fun.

Neverborn/Paris Hilton are the background on .

Rants and Raves - Buddy Democrat.

Committed To Romney has the Huckafree cartoon, and is crossposted on a few additional Pro-Romney/Fie To Huckabee blogs.

Realm of Libby7 adds the Neverborn/Morrissey cartoon to her profile page. Gracias.

Dallas Hardcore displays a Faithmouse/Mitt Romney cartoon.

Run Ryder - Blogs4Life Neverborn/Hillbilly White Trash promo cartoon.

"Man, I wish Dan Lacey would get on some anti-psychotics long enough to get Faithmouse syndicated because that belongs in every paper" - The Exchange

Ed Shultz Show forum - a Faithmouse/John McCain cartoon from 2005.

Ffb-location-de (German)- Ganstas For Lyfe cartoon .....ich mag dich ... =)

WMTU-edu - You're One In Christ birthday cartoon.

Politico forum - Huckafree.

USA Mafia - Ganstas For Lyfe.

FunTrivia - Neverborn/Squirrels Gone Wild.

Boinaslava (Romanian) - Neverborn/Chaim Right To Exist cartoon in Hebrew.

Rachel Tamer/Facebook - Neverborn/Valentine's Day cartoon.

Now Public - Beijing Olympics protest cartoon.

Mrs. Welch MySpace - Faithmouse/God Loves You.

Samurai Of Legend - Personhood.

Goozen-No- Go - Original Beijing Olympics protest cartoon, Catholic emphasis.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Barack Obama Portrait & An Inappropriate Cartoon

This is one of my miniature oils of Barack Obama. Ocassionally I'll post a similar painting to my Ebay auction page, but I'm happy to take requests. A 4 by 6 oil is $50, a 5 by 7 is $75 and an 8 by 10 is $100. You can contact me at faithmouse (at) yahoo [.] com.

Barack Obama portraits

Here are a few additional portraits I've created of the current Democratic presidential frontrunner, some of which I've posted directly to in their 'community blogs' section.

Barack Obama portraits

Barack Obama portraits

Barack Obama portraits

Democratic Presidential candidate Barack Obama oil portrait

Thanks to Drew Onaloff for posting the above Barack Obama artwork.

MBDScout also posts the Barack Obama in their AP - Obama effectively clinches Dem Nomination thread.

Just My Thoughts has the Barack Obama painting in their History Has Been Made post.

A few recent additional posts of the above painting... Obama portrait Obama portrait Obama portrait Obama painting Barack Obama prays painting Barack prays painting

Barack Obama President Victory Pie

My most recent Barack Obama painting. I call this 'Obama Victory Pie.'

And now, an inappropriate cartoon featuring Faithmouse, Poot and Taint (adult content.)

I don't create as many cartoons as I used to in the past, mainly because I've been unsucessful in getting a syndicate to distribute Faithmouse and also because the hand-painted oils continue to do well. However, the cartoon continues to thrive online, as well as on a number of off-site forums where I regularly post original content.

Love to have the time to ink all of the newer cartoons, but for now I'm satisfied with the pencils.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Faithmouse ACEO 'Praising God With A Potted Plant' cartoon

Faithmouse original ACEO painting, praising God with a potted plant

Click above to view larger ACEO image.
ACEO stands for Art Cards, Editions and Originals. Measuring only 2.5 x 3.5 inches, ACEO's are an excellent way for collectors to accumulate a private portfolio of original art at affordable prices.
Above is my very first ACEO Faithmouse cartoon which I'm currently offering on Ebay. The painting is based on a line cartoon I drew about a year ago. This is also my very first painting using gouache, which is sort of a very opaque watercolor. Creating a full color image the size of a Pokemon card was a challenge and took longer than it probably should have, but I'm not too unhappy with the results.
Most of these cards seem to sell for anywhere between 5 to 50 dollars, depending upon factors such as subject matter, attractiveness and detail. This particular card will be available for bidding for the next 7 days. An entertaining experiment, I hope.
Happy bidding!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Miniature Oils

red cardinal bird painting

A new bird art painting of a male red cardinal.

This painting is currently on auction on Ebay, concluding on Wednesday, June 24, 2009.

Cardinal Sky Painting - Ebay Art Auction

Here are a few paintings from 2008, including a previous cardinal painting. I've painted a number of other bird art paintings as well-

U.S. Flag painting
A miniature painting of a U.S. Flag, fluttering in the breeze. May add a rainbow to the background.

cardinal bird painting, perched on branch
A bright red cardinal perched on a branch. With frigid winter temperatures moderating this week here in the upper Midwest, bird songs are quickly returning to predominance.

Barack Obama oil portrait
An oil portrait of Democratic candidate Barack Obama, still in progress.

painting of a bunny with a pancake on its head
Lastly, a miniature painting of a bunny with a pancake on its head.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

I, Aborto double page spread sketch

Taint and Faith, together for the first time. Click image to view larger.

Sort of a conglomeration of noteable architectural styles from both Minneapolis and St. Paul. Secular's is based upon the now defunct Dayton's, and the clock tower building behind it is a landmark on University Ave. in St. Paul. Beyond that I'll have some a cluster of older Phillips neighborhood houses.

A Secular's cartoon from the Christmas series of a few years ago, featuring Ms. StarMole and Faith-

Secular's Department Store

I Aborto Cover, 2

A reworking of the previous posted cover sketch.

Power Of Christ!

power of Christ!

Power of Christ!

Friday, February 15, 2008

I, Aborto page 2 and 3

Dr. Aborto holds the last component of his soul engine

Taint in an apartment in Minneapolis

I, Aborto continued-with Faith's sister Taint. Click above for larger image.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

I, Aborto

Faithmouse comic book cover sketch, I, Aborto

Click image above to view larger I Aborto comic book cover sketch.

Faithmouse I Aborto, page two

Sketch two, I Aborto.

If Faithmouse were a comic book instead of an internet cartoon. My Shar-pei abortionist character has appeared in a few previous cartoons, including Birth of Taint, One Billion Slaughtered, and Abortion, Inc.

Agoracom has a Faith, Ms. StarMole and Timothy A. Bear in a God Bless America panel from an unfinished cartoon. - Please Be My Valentine.

Oh Shi- MySpace - Please Be My Valentine.

Two St. Valentine's Day Cartoons

a St. Valentine's Day pro-life cartoon

First, a St. Valentine's Day favorite from a few years ago.
Nonsens HumHum (Belgium) shows the Please Be My Valentine cartoon above.
Sweety-KW Jappy (Germany) - Please Be My Valentine.
Discouragement Kitten MySpace - Please Be My Valentine.

an anti-war Taint St. Valentine's Day cartoon

A new anti-war St. Valentine's Day cartoon featuring Faith's anarchistic sister Taint.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Pencil Sketches

spiritual blast

Faith unleashes a spiritual blast.

alley thugs

Alley thugs assault a boy with a comic book.

Just a few pencil sketches featuring isolated scenes from more developed storylines. Should have that new St. Valentine's Day cartoon up by the end of the day.

Catholic Media Review - Pepe McCain.

TAR-zan MySpace - Neverborn/Ms. StarMole Trick or Treat cartoon as background.

Rachel Tamer Facebook - Neverborn Will You Be My Valentine? Day cartoon.

Now Public - Beijing Olympics Protest Logo.

Sexy Ladies (German) -Britney Spears 'Catholic Charities' cartoon.

kaj la hundo iris kun ili.... - Bill Clinton Presidential Hair Collection cartoon.

DVD Maniacs - Britney Spears Jack Chick track cover parody.

Discussion Forums - Beijing Olympics Protest Logo.

The Unsophisticate - Mamma Mia cartoon.

Blogs4Brownback - Two Pepe McCain cartoons.

Artibet - Beijing Olympics Protest Logo.

William Hung, President of William and Mary College resigns

A cartoon from last year which has reappeared in a few places in response to the recent resignation of William Hung, President of William and Mary College, hider of the Wren Chapel cross and on-campus sex show booking agent. Happy to see it getting a second showing.

William and Mary president resigns in disgrace - Michelle Malkin

Fark - Faithmouse/Ms. StarMole 'Good News Xian' Wren Chapel cartoon.
Facebook - Same.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Bill Clinton Presidential Hair Exhibit

Presidential hair collection to go on display at The Academy of Natural Sciences in Philadelphia

Actually, the hair referred to in the story above belongs to just the first twelve U.S. presidents. In a similar contemporary exhibit I'm guessing that former President Bill Clinton's most historically appropriate hair would garnish the most interest, but perhaps not considering how many people have already had a peek.

Friday, February 08, 2008

Taint' Faithmouse Cartoons

I think I've done fairly well delivering on my A Sincere Proposal post from April 2006, when I pledged to work a more liberal perspective into the cartoon. I'm still planning to quit Faithmouse sometime soon once again, right after I get that one last cartoon out of my system.

Anyway, here's two very liberal cartoons in progess-

Taint in an anti-war Saint Valentine's Day cartoon

One of a few recent cartoons (posted off-site due to mature content) featuring Faithmouse's sister Taint. An anti-war Saint Valentine's Day cartoon, in progress.

Ms. StarMole and Minnesota Loon in a pro-gay marriage cartoon

Ms. StarMole and Minnesota Loon in a pro-Gay marriage cartoon in progress-a situation alluded to in a few previous cartoons including this Number 6/Gigantor cartoon from last June.

Whiney G. Winegarten makes this comment on the continuing Come with me, come to the land of batshit rightwing cartoonists - ILXOR thread, to which I regularly contribute-

"Man that Amy Winehouse is worthy of Mad magazine.."

- so I submitted Faithmouse (and Angel too.) Let's see what happens. Wedding invites for Abbott from the same thread featuring the 'Holding Hands For Christ' Otters in progress as well.

Cracked Magazine forum - Neverborn/Delivery Refused, Return To Sender cartoon.

Google Groups ASA Veterans - Howard Donkey, Rush Elephant Southern Border cartoon.

Latter That Day - Neverborn/Martin Luther King Day cartoon (by the way, #1 in Google now for Martin Luther King Day cartoons.)

Texas Frightmare Weekend - Ruby Jewels (goodbye, Rudy) Cloverfield Monster.

GOP Christians LiveJournal - Original New England Patriot Remains Undefeated.

'Britness' Britney Spears board (Israeli) - Faithmouse/GayBear Catholic Charities. LiveJournal - Miley Cyrus Christian post

Darth Tater 68 - Original New England Patriot Remains Undefeated.

Free For All - Devilcat panel from a Mel Gibson cartoon.

Sodahead - Neverborn/Squirrels Gone Wild

Google Groups BRAZILAJ KATOLIKAJ ESPERANTISTOJ- Now who could this be...?...Nissa!

Genshed has some nice words for Faithmouse in this Somni Forum post from December-

"The fetus-with-rifle ornament reminded me of some of Dan Lacey's work in his online comic "Faithmouse". He has one character who's a fetus in the womb - a cartoon womb with furniture, lights and a front door, which is often under assault by would-be abortionists. There's also a fetus-with-wings, with the charming name Neverborn. Yep, Lacey's a bit on the insane tip, but he draws really well."

Less anyone think I'm a traitor to the cause (I've been accused of this by my fellow Freepers at Free Republic in response to waving pro-Huckabee cartoons around on anti-Huckabee boards, and then Jim Robinson himself turned around and endorsed Huck the moment FR's most recent fundraiser drive ended, go figure) consider this recent anti-endorsement at Science Blogs-

"That man's website is a hodge podge of stupid. There is a link to Faithmouse, one of the most annoying web comics around. He backs Alan Keyes run for president. There is quit a bit about Terri Schiavo. They just cannot believe that the poor woman was brain dead for over a decade."

Yes! Still have it!

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh don't like John McCain

Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter don't think very much of John McCain

No love lost between John McCain, Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh.

A new Pepé McCain cartoon, inspired by the original Warner Brothers Pepé Le Pew.

McCain Reaches Out To Conservatives [At CPAC] - FreeRepublic thread

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

It's A Super Tuesday Cartoon!

#1 Google search result with a bullet!

Super Tuesday election results: don't forget to vote!

A Super Tuesday cartoon. Click above for larger image. Super-duperist.

An explanation of why conservatives turned out for Tuesday's election in much lower numbers than moderates and liberals; they simply forgot what day it was.

California has just very expediently rolled in for both Hillary and John McCain, so except for the window trimming I guess that just about wraps up the mystery from now until November. Professional conservatives such as Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter have a choice to either get behind the Republican nominee or continue to rail against both, but I imagine they'll stick to the latter as having two targets may prove twice as profitable for their respective brands than one. Beware of pundits with marketshare claiming philosophical integrity.

Like Timothy A. Bear, I also didn't possess the enthusiasm to make certain I knew what day it was. While I certainly dislike the Clintons, the situation as it now stands requires maintaining that dislike for the next nine months while learning to appreciate the subtler, non-traitorous qualities of John McCain. Supporting McCain has become a duty; unless between now and then my cartoon becomes syndicated and I can afford to farticate from high above it all regarding The Way It Should Have Been.

John Pepe LePew McCain
Click above to view larger image. Largest.

Can I go home now?

Super Tuesday redefines what 'winning' means - Chicago Tribune

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Original New England Patriot Remains Undefeated

New England Patriots remain undefeated in loss against New York Giants

The original New England patriot remains undefeated.

In related news, the New York Giants defeat the New England Patriot football team in Superbowl 42.

Google search results page #1 with a bullet-
Superbowl 42 cartoons
New England Patriots cartoons

New York Giants cartoons
Diana Ross cartoons

This post makes the Patrick Ruffini 2008 Presidential Wire -Mitt Romney.

Young Dead Elms - Still Undefeated New England Patriots logo.

Misfitsland - Still Undefeated New England Patriots logo (reg required.)

Nonickname96 LiveJournal - Still Undefeated.

Landover Baptist - Otters Holding Hands For Christ.

Sports Central - Huckafree.

I Am Cookie Myspace - Angelbabies cartoon used as background image.

Netphoria - Mitt Romney cartoon.

Katheol (German) - Neverborn/Delivery Refused, Return To Sender.

Linky-Love - Ron Paul/Galilea Montijo Internet News Flash.

Blogrunner - Angel Rescues Britney post.

Wikio - ABBA Mamma Mia! The Movie post aggregated.

The Comeup Board - Canadian Mounties cartoon.

Mile Hi Mama - Beijing Olympics protest cartoon.

Blogs4Brownback - ABBA /Our Lady cartoon post.

The Divine Will - Our Lady of Guadalupe/ Mexican Abortion.

Biker Brawls - Ganstas For Lyfe.

Mamma Mia Movie Cartoon Two

Mamma Mia musical cartoon two

Click above for larger Mamma Mia cartoon.

Second Our Lady of Guadalupe / ABBA: Mamma Mia! (the latter a soon to be released feature film based upon the hit Broadway musical) hybrid cartoon.

Here's a link to the previous ABBA cartoon.

I've launched a second cartoon blog based upon my Angel character-

angel celebrity cartoons