Thursday, December 31, 2009

A Rush Limbaugh Exposition

Rush Limbaugh with a pancake on his head

I've painted a few additional Rush Limbaugh portraits or paintings featuring Rush, but these are the ones I can find. I've also drawn a half-dozen or so Faithmouse cartoons with Rush as the subject; you can locate a few of those if you're interested via Google Image Search.

Barack Obama on a unicorn defeats Rush Limbaugh

Star Wars Rush

Star Wars Rush

Rush Limbaugh with a deflated football on his head

Obama Unicorn intervention

Oh, and get better soon, Rush. It wouldn't be the same without you.

On a related note, I've decided that my New Years painting-in-progress of boorish lout Mark Simone was a little too kind, so here's a reboot-

A little smaller this time around and on sheet canvas.

Update / Oct 19, 2010

Thanks to The Village Voice for posting the 'Rush The Hut' painting and linking to this collection at their Photo OP Slideshow 'Rush Limbaugh and the Many Face of Evil: A Photo Gallery.'  

Oh, and that completed Mark Simone painting from last New Year's currently resides at the top of page 2 in GIS-

a portrait of talk show host Mark Simone

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

A Mark Simone New Year, In Progress

WABC right wing talk show host Mark Simone wishes you a very Happy New Year

In Progress: WABC New York Right Wing talk show host Mark Simone wishes you a very special New Year. His 2010 banner is written on a length of toilet paper.

I'm painting this on gessoed masonite, a variation from my usual work on canvas. I'll refine the acrylic underpainting a little more, seal with a clear acrylic, and then proceed to the oil.

Thanks to Gawker for including me in their 2009: Gawker's Year in Pictures.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Plans For 2010

painting preview for 2010

I've made a commitment to paint larger and more detailed work in 2010. The longest I've ever worked on a painting is a few days; I'm planning to produce at least one piece a month with a time investment of 1-2 weeks. I'll keep posting smaller paintings for Ebay, although I can't say if there will be more or less of those than in 2009. I would think less, but you never know. The larger pieces I won't be able to auction, but I can make high-quality and signed giclee prints available, similar to the work I did for PETA earlier in the year.

For the past few weeks I've tried to decide upon a theme for 2010. I've made a list of possible work, ranging from the pornographic to the political, and the religious, or a combination of the three. Undecided, I reviewed my list and realized I made a list. So I'll just continue as normal.

Singletree Productions has asked me to make a poster for their upcoming S&M Lawn Care. Thanks, Mark-I'll have that for you in a few weeks.

My first detailed large work for 2010 will actually be the Tinsley Mortimer pancake painting from a few months ago. I missed out on having the painting appear on her upcoming CW Network reality show because I couldn't stop working on it. I know Tinsley is dissapointed, but she's getting a three thousand dollar painting for $125. Once she receives the canvas all may be forgiven.

Again, smaller Ebay work will continue into 2010. For New Years Eve I would like to honor with a new pancake portrait WABC Right-Wing talk show host and Mark Levin fill-in Mark Simone, who recently emailed me to let me know that I am an idiot. Mark, it will be a fat pleasure.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Monday, December 21, 2009

A Christmas Card

a Christmas card

A Christmas Card. Click image or link to view larger.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Michael Jackson Pancake

The winner of the last Michael Jackson Ebay art auction has requested the addition of a pancake-

a painting of Michael Jackson with a pancake on his head

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Bill Bernanke And Barack Obama Nude On A Unicorn Head 'South Of The Border'

a painting of Barack Obama and Fed Chairman Bill Bernanke on a unicorn, going South of the Border

I was reminded this morning by Time Magazine's selection of Bill Bernanke as 'Person Of The Year' of this painting of Bill Bernanke and Barack Obama Nude On A Unicorn which I posted a month or two ago to Ebay but neglected to add it to the blog. I call this painting South Of The Border.


Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Christmas Card, In Progress

I haven't send out an online Christmas card before, but I think the above commission in progress should make for a nice one. Sometime in the next week I'll post a page where you'll be able to email an image of the completed painting to friends or family for the holidays.

Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Two SA NSFW Painting Requests

Details of two adult content painting requests from SA's Laissez's Faire subforum-

A new Orly Taitz Pancake Birther. This is my third Orly.

Barack Obama and Henry Paulson engage in a coordinated activity.

I'll usually paint a layer of oil over the top of rough acrylics such as these, but I thought these looked fine as they were and let them be.

Both of these paintings were done as favors for long-time supporters of my work on SA. They were also intended as drafts for a newer, more developed theme which I'll introduce in 2010.

I currently have a half dozen Christmas commissions in process at the same time which I should have completed in the next day. I'm planning on posting some newer paintings to Ebay soon afterwards at a non-auction fixed price, for anyone who would like to immediately pick up a quick present in time for Christmas. I also still have some time for a commission or two; I'm currently asking 100 for a custom 5 by 7 portrait.

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Santorum Family Pancakes

Rick Santorum family pancakes

A painting of Rick Santorum and family crying syrupy tears. By request.

Santorum Family Pancakes- Ebay Art Auction

I've revised and posted to Ebay the Glenn Beck painting from last week.

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Monday, December 07, 2009

Vladimir Putin With Pancakes On His Head

A painting of Russian Premier Vladimir Putin with pancakes on his head

A painting of Russian Premier Vladimir Putin with pancakes on his head. I briefly had this posted to Ebay a year ago, then decided I didn't like it for some forgotten reason. I suspect I was offended by the crumpled folds of his suit, parts of which I've now transformed into the Ural Mountains.

What could say Christmas more than a painting of Vladimir Putin with pancakes on his head?

Putin With Pancakes Painting- Ebay Art Auction

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Nobel Prize Obama Rework

Nobel Prize Obama rework detail

Detail of the nearly completed rework of the 'Nobel Prize Obama' painting from a month and a half ago.

You're An Idiot, A Fool. Do You Have A Wife?

You're an idiot, a fool. Do you have a wife? Would you like your wife to be insulted like that? Do me a favour hang yourself - 'special rate'

Obama was nearly very carefully into the study with his brimming hot chocolate when he first heard the distressed chorus. He placed the cup on the divan and in bounds was up the stairs and into the master bedroom.

Michelle was a cornered puma peering out of the cave of her huge chiffon dress, the light from the laptop casting sunset upon the bed. Malia and Sasha clutched one another in the far corner of the bedroom. They were screaming. The screen commanded all.

Obama pryed the computer from his wife's outstreched arms, and spinning the painted image away from his family he faced the horror


Monday, November 30, 2009

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Gary and Giovanni's MJ Portraits

If I have the time I like to refine past portraits. Here are two Michael Jackson portraits which I put aside and recently revised.

Gary's Michael Jackson portrait

For the past few months Gary has allowed me to use in my Ebay listings the picture which was taken of him by The New York Times holding one of my portraits. This painting was meant as a thank-you, but it started out badly and so I put it aside.

UPDATE - Gary would like a different Michael Jackson portrait, so this painting is available for bid on Ebay-

Michael Jackson Bush Portrait - Ebay Art Auction

Giovanni's Michael Jackson portrait

Giovanni from Italy was the winning bidder on this MJ portrait, which had a lot of problems-the main one being that it didn't look very much like Michael Jackson. Better now.

Something Awful Requests

A few paintings from this weekend's Something Awful request thread. Each painting was completed in an hour or two; I may polish up a few and place them for bid on Ebay...

A new Orly Taitz-Pancake Birther.

Rick Santorum family cries syrupy tears.

Ayn Rand and Milton Friedman. I'd like to repaint Milton's head so that the syrup on his dome resembles a world map.

Glenn Beck douses himself with a bucket of syrup. Suit needs some work, etc.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Back Online, Nude Self Sans-Pancake

Back Of A Nude

After a Thanksgiving absence Lunarpages has conceded to allow my site to return; I'm in the process of switching my hosting service to Dreamhost. Thanks, Fluffy.

Posted is a new self-nude sans pancake. This, like the nude beforehand, is an excellent painting. The painting beforehand, one of the best pieces I've painted this year, sold for five dollars and fifty cents. I recently sold a new Michael Jackson for one dollar, which I ascribe to people temporarily not being able to find my work. For financial reasons I should probably just stop painting nudes, but like my defunct cartoon I think they're the best things I do.

Sometimes when I finish a painting I'll look at it again and say "Oh, is that what that was about?" I'm still suffering with a backache which now travels mainly down one arm, which I have trouble finding a comfortable place to rest each night. I have a full-time job working in a facility packaging dry foods such as pancake mix, which requires my lifting 50 lb sacks of oats, buckets of maple flavor, etc., and this has hampered the healing of whatever the hell this is. So I think this is a painting of my backache, represented by the contrast at the twist of my neck.

Back Nude- Ebay Art Auction

Friday, November 27, 2009

Black Friday Weekend Request Threads

As Lunarpages still has my site offline and no one can see most of my paintings, I've decided to post a request thread for anyone who would like to suggest a painting. You will be able to download a free desktop sized image of your request, and also bid on the original painting itself on Ebay. All images will be hosted by either ImageCheese or TinyPic.

Something Awful Faithmouse Black Friday Weekend Request Thread

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Debasing The Art Of Painting, Etc.


You are an exceptional painter. It is, however, pretty sad that you debase the art of painting by creating this crap. You have an enormous gift but you piss it away by doing pancake paintings. Have a little dignity and doing something worthy of your talent. You'll go much farther than your current 15 minutes of fame.

PS - find someone who knows how to build a website. Your layout sucks.


First, allow me to address your last comment. My web site is surreal and a bit unnavigationable, sort of like myself. I like it because I know where everything is. I suppose it does suck but I like it sucking. At the moment it looks even worse than normal because Lunarpages has suspended my account for having too many visitors such as yourself, so all of the pretty pictures have been replaced with white boxes with little red x's in them, which increases the vertigo. Now allow me to address the beginning of your email.

Please send me a photo of yourself so I can paint myself pissing on it. If it isn't too much trouble, please have your mouth open in the photo. I'm certain you have some sort of appropriate shot left over from some well attended and somewhat dignified suited event where you appear to be sucking air while holding ice cubes in your armpits-a wedding or a bar mitzvah, perhaps.

All the best,
Dan Lacey
The Painter Of Pancakes

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Web Hosting Account Suspended

My web image and html hosting site has been suspended, which is why you can't see my paintings online, cause currently unknown. Currently the best place to view new paintings will be at my Ebay auctions. I have two new Michelle Obama pancakes in progress.

I've been swept up in the current GIS controversy regarding Michelle Obama images, so I suspect that might be the cause. Again, I don't know.

As Google apologizes, bizarre Michelle Obama pictures abound online _ Christian Science Monitor

UPDATE - Lunarpages has suspended my account because views of my paintings has currently overloaded their servers. I've promised to upgrade if necessary, so I've been told I should be back online soon.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Two New Michael Jackson Portraits

Two new Michael Jackson paintings which I completed over the weekend.

Michael Jackson art with black background

Michael Jackson portrait art with black background - Ebay Art Auction

Michael Jackson performs color portrait

Michael Jackson Color Concert Portrait - Ebay Art Auction

When I started to paint Michael Jackson portraits a few months ago I never though that by the end of the year I would be approaching 100 paintings. Here are a few fan sites and forums which have recently posted some of my previous MJ's-,AR3_2009-09_2009-09-01_2009-09-30,index.html

I'm very thankful for the support.

All of my Michael Jackson paintings are available for bid on Ebay. Sometimes the paintings go high (thank you) but often you can purchase one of my original acrylic and oil paintings on canvas for what you might otherwise pay for another artist's reproduction. This is one of the reasons I'm broke all of the time, but I like to offer people the chance to own original art.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Antonin Dvorak New World Pancake

Antonin Dvorak New World Pancake

Antonin Dvorak New World Pancake. By commission.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Gawker / Obama Unicorn Intervention

Barack Obama and Penelope the Unicorn intervention

The sixth painting in the Gawker series, which is an elaboration on the Rachel Maddow riding a be-saddled Keith Olbermann into battle with a lance and pancake shield against a comparably-though-perhaps-differently-armored Limbaugh riding Hannity suggestion. The suggestion was made before the full assention of Beck and includes a completely gratituous full bodied although one-legged Sarah Palin with pancakes on her head. Obama and Penelope the Unicorn insert themselves into the center of the fray but are powerless to stop the slaughter. A 1000 pixel wide image of the painting can be viewed on the Ebay auction page.

Obama Unicorn Intervention - Ebay Art Auction

Personal Obama and Renoir MJ

Personal Obama

A close-up painting of Barack Obama which I call 'personal Obama' in reference to Depeche Mode.

Personal Obama- Ebay Art Auction

Renoir Michael Jackson

A new Michael Jackson painting which is sort of Renoir-like. I still have a lot of pain in my back and shoulder which has kept me from painting fluid line, so I've tried to compensate for that by concentrating on tone and color area. The application of color is brual but soft.

Renoir Michael Jackson - Ebay Art Auction

Friday, November 13, 2009

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

A Mother Teresa Portrait

an oil and acrylic portrait of Mother Teresa on stretched canvas

A new 18 by 24 inch Mother Teresa portrait on stretched canvas. Click to view larger.

A Mother Teresa Portrait - Ebay Art Auction

Monday, November 09, 2009

New York Yankee Obama

New York Yankee World Series Champion Obama

An oil and acrylic painting of Barack Obama and Penelope the Unicorn in celebration of the New York Yankees 2009 World Championship.

Another view of the same-

New York Yankee World Series Champion Obama

You can see that I've used the extra canvas at the top of this sheet as a palette.

New York Yankee Obama - Ebay Art Auction

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Graydon Carter Pancake Revision

I have a hard time leaving anything alone, including this painting from a week ago of Vanity Fair editor Graydon Carter playing a pancake fiddle. The original painting is still viewable as the original thumbnail on the Ebay auction page.

The main revision here, other than reworking various detail, was to make an allusion between Carter's hair and smoke. The look of indifference is the transition between the fire in the background and the smoldering hair.

A portrait of Vanity Fair editor Graydon Carter playing a pancake fiddle

Graydon Carter Vanity Fair Pancake Fiddle Portrait - Ebay Art Auction

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

DWI Chair Painting Back Online, No Thanks To La-Z-Boy Inc.

Obama DWI Chair Lazyboy Minnesota Unicorn painting

It seems that my most recent Obama Unicorn painting was also removed from Ebay following a complaint from the manufacturer of that SUV of chairs, the La-Z-Boy recliner company. The horror.

Proctor, Minn., police re-list motorized chair on eBay without La-Z-Boy trademark - Pioneer Press

Non-La-Z-boy DWI Unicorn Chair Painting - Ebay Art Auction

Monday, November 02, 2009

Michael Jackson Colorful Sadness Portrait & MJ Thriller Tears Portrait

I'm not too unhappy with the two Michael Jackson portraits I've painted today. For the past week I've been forced to work in pain as a result of a pinched nerve in my neck, so perhaps that's made a contribution.

Michael Jackson Colorful Sadness Art

Michael Jackson, Colorful Sadness.

Michael Jackson Colorful Sadness - Ebay Art Auction

Michael Jackson Thriller tears

Michael Jackson, Thriller Tears.

Michael Jackson Thriller Tears- Ebay Art Auction

Minnesota Obama DWI La-z-boy Unicorn Chair Art, With Percentage Of Final Sale To Benefit MADD

Obama Lazyboy Minnesota Unicorn painting

A new Barack Obama Nude On A Unicorn painting, this time with the now infamous Minnesota NHRA DWI La-z-boy recliner sitting in for Penelope. A percentage of this auction will be donated to MADD.

DWI La-Z-Boy eBay bid tops $39,000 - Kare11

DWI At Wheel Of La-Z-Boy - PoeNews

Minnesota Obama DWI La-z-boy Unicorn Chair Painting - Ebay Art Auction

Friday, October 30, 2009