Monday, January 28, 2013

Obama Unicorn Dreamer Painting, Ebay Art Auction

Revised, the painting I posted a few days ago as an Ebay art auction titled Obama Unicorn Dreamer - 

Obama unicorn dreamer

Here's the preliminary image-

Obama Unicorn Dreamer Painting - Ebay Art Auction

I may still come back and revise this a third time.  I think I prefer the expression on the unicorn in the first version, and i'd like to re-accentuate the red shadow beneath the unicorn's face, which is was meant to allude to a wound from being pierced.

You can move your cursor back and forth over the display image on the auction page for this painting to better compare the changes.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Obama 11 Inch Footlong Subway Sandwich / Michelle Obama Pancake Bangs Painting, Ebay Art Auction

A painting of President Barack Obama riding through the clouds on a unicorn which has an 11 inch footlong sandwich for a horn, which he attempts to measure with a tape ruler which has no numbers, while an unknown man who looks like Michelle Obama as a Subway employee with pancake bangs looks over his shoulder.

footlong 12 inch Subway sandwich 11 inch Obama unicorn fail

This is a large 24 by 30 inch acrylic painting on a stretched canvas. I'll post a pic of the painting on a easel later today.

Thanks to the many sites which have recently posted my Obama 2013 Inauguration Unicorn painting, including Breitbart, Fox News Red Eye's The Activity Pit, and a few others. 

11 Inch Subway Sandwich Obama Unicorn Painting - Ebay Art Auction

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

A Gallery Of Paintings From 2012

A gallery of some of my favorite paintings from 2012, which is actually just my dragging and dropping a number of things onto the top of my Painter Of Pancakes page, but it works for now-

Dan Lacey Art Gallery Of Paintings From 2012

Monday, January 21, 2013

Novak Djokovic Rips Shirt Off Nude Painting Ebay Art Auction

This is a painting of Serbian tennis great Novak Djokovic ripping off his shirt at the recent Australian open while balancing a pancake on his knee-

Novak Djokovic rips shirt nude art

In this small acrylic painting we witness tennis superstar Novak Djokovic expressing the historic yearnings of his native Serbia by engaging in an impromptu dance of freedom. Removing his blue (sadness) shirt, Novak abandons the chiseled visage of his puzzled anthropomorphic chest to the unexpected presence on the knee of a Palatschinkenkačamakalabrcabnokvomiplăcintămesk, a pancake shaped maze polenta with sharpened syrup wings; a delicious break-fast used traditionally for greeting and/or genocide. Behind the gaze of his beady nipple eyes, Novak holds forth in his outstretched 'soul' two lime green tennis balls, a graceful gesture which defuses the implied threat of the dangerous pancake. This completes the static theme of 2 (balls, buns, syrup wings, nipple eyes) which in repetition creates a tension which can only be released by sacrifice of the 1 artificial State (Serbia/shirt of sadness/ego). Still, the liberation erupting from the top part of the image remains dependent upon the delicate ballet maintained below. The viewer remains unsure of whether the painting is visually unified as a result of this tension, or, like Novak Djokovic's phenomenal success on the tennis court, is a result of micro bouts of religious ecstasy induced during moments of self induced asphyxiation while disrobing.

Novak Djokovic Nude Shirt Rip Fuzzy Tennis Ball Dance - Ebay Art Auction

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Obama 2013 Second Term Inauguration Nude Unicorn Pancake Painting With Grumpy Cat, Ebay Art Auction

A 2013 White House commemorative painting of nude President Barack Obama taking the inaugural oath of office for his second term upon a stack of pancakes with the assistance of Penelope The Unicorn, while Grumpy Cat looks on approvingly-

Obama 2013 inauguration commemorative art

This is a 16 by 20 inch acrylic painting on stretched canvas, placed for seven day auction on Ebay.

Obama 2013 Inauguration Unicorn Pancake Painting - Ebay Art Auction

Friday, January 18, 2013

Manti Te'o Imaginary Pancake Girlfriend Painting, Ebay Art Auction

Notre Dame is French for 'Our Lady' but here it represents the sorrowful Notre Dame des Douleurs as the pancake Co-Redemptrix is mourned by fabulous Mormon linebacker and Heisman Trophy finalist Manti Te'o. We see in Manti's powerful visualization an understanding that love, once imagined, is not only beyond our grasp but also defies any demanded description or definition, especially when the object of one's affection is meant not for possession but as personalized inspiration.  In the classic two pancake stack Manti sees the eternal loss of the unification of the Christian Church, with divergent origins in God/Man Peter/Paul Catholic/Protestant coming to final manifestation in the questions concerning the authenticity of his own faith, sexuality, and lack of straight line speed.  For as much as a good breakfast is desired, it sometimes remains an elusive ideal, as overly idealized as the Venus of Willendorf and as geopersonally separated as East versus West. In the death of the professed idol Manti is able to overcome all of these false parallels, but yet the loss is shared by both the creator and the created, the latter shedding butter tears and with syrup mouth rotund in the anguish of assassinated myth.

Manti Te'o imaginary pancake girlfriend

Manti Te'o Imaginary Pancake Girlfriend Painting - Ebay Art Auction

Monday, January 14, 2013

Kaepernicking Nude Obama & Unicorn San Francisco 49ers Victory Painting, Ebay Art Auction

A painting of a President Barack Obama and Penelope The Unicorn Kaepernicking nude over the Golden Gate Bridge following the San Francisco 49ers decisive victory over the Green Bay Packers on Saturday night -

Colin Kaepernicking Obama nude unicorn art

Go, 49ers!

This is a 16 by 20 inch acrylic painting on stretched canvas, and my latest painting in my continuing Obama Nude On A Unicorn series, begun in 2008.

Kaepernicking Obama Unicorn Painting - Ebay Art Auction

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Sweet Pancake Kitty Painting

A painting of a cat with a pancake on its head-

sweet pancake kitty

This is a rather sweet cat with a pancake on its head.

Sweet Kitty With A Pancake On Its Head / The Painting - Ebay Art Auction

Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Sean Hannity Half Pancake Portrait, Ebay Art Auction

A portrait of Fox News host Sean Hannity with a pancake for half of his head-

Sean Hannity half pancake.jpg

I've never understood how you get 'schawn' out of Sean.

This painting represents Sean Hannity's ideological disfigurement, and also the recent news that he lost half of his audience immediately following the election while competing pundits on rival networks lost little or none.

Sean Hannity Half Pancake Portrait Painting - Ebay Art Auction

Monday, January 07, 2013

Striped Cat With A Pancake On His Head Painting, Ebay Art Auction

A painting of a striped cat with a pancake on his head. One of a number of recent cat pancakes-

Striped cat pancake painting

This painting is currently on 7 day art auction on Ebay-
Striped Cat Pancake Painting - Ebay Art Auction

Ive added the above and four additional paintings to my continuing gallery of pancake kitty art-
22 Paintings Of Cats With Pancakes On Their Heads

Sunday, January 06, 2013

Justin Bieber Pancake Addiction TMZ Pot Photo Painting, Ebay Art Auction

A painting of music legend Justin Bieber making the wise choice of choosing pancakes over pot, re the recent TMZ photo of JB holding what looks to be a marijuana cigarette.  Instead of a blunt he holds a tiny fork; in the other hand, a tiny but ample plate of delicious pancakes-

Justin Bieber pot marijuana drug photo

Great choice, Biebs!  However, do keep in mind that unlike mary jane, pancakes are physically addictive, and if abused can lead to a lifetime of very serious consequences. Food is the addiction of choice for most Christians.

Justin Bieber Pot Photo Pancakes Instead Painting - Ebay Art Auction

Saturday, January 05, 2013

Thursday, January 03, 2013

John Boehner Frozen Pancake Syrup Tears Painting, Ebay Art Auction

A painting of GOP House Speaker John Boehner crying pancake syrup tears, which freeze instantly in the frigid Washingtonian climate-

John Boehner frozen pancake tears portrait painting

Also, a painting of President Barack Obama with a triumphant laurel leafed pancake stack on top of his head-

Obama triumphant pancake

Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Orange Tabby Cat Fiscal Cliff Pancake Painting, Ebay Art Auction

A painting of an orangy tabby cat with a pancake on the top of his head-

tabby cat pancake

This tabby cat is very tired of the continuing fiscal cliff budgetary crisis in Washington, D.C.  His large golden eyes plead with Republicans and Democrats everywhere to enjoy a nice, warm pancake off the top of his furry head, instead of telling one another to 'go something themselves.' Delicious pancakes are a friendly way of  building consensus!

Tabby Cat Fiscal Cliff Pancake Painting - Ebay Art Auction