Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Christ! (from Pope Benedict XVI)

happy new Christ happy new year catholic cartoon

A Pope Benedict XVI New Year's cartoon. Click above for larger.

B16 wishes you all a very happy New Christ!

Actuarial Outpost - Bumpa Your Rumpa For Lyfe cartoon.

Dumbrella - Christopher Hitchens cartoon.

GuRoNSenEnEpTi's Hi5 - Second Life cartoon (registration required).

WordForge - Principal John Klang memorial cartoon.

Swami Durchananda's MySpace - Donnie Davies 'God Hates Fags' panels.

QuickSilverScreen - Hillary Chipmunk.

Fröken D (Sweden, I think) - Neverborn/Paris Hilton.

Rambodoc - 2007 New Year's cartoon.

Ðãt HøÑë¥*ღ*ÐîP Ü ëÑv¥[*M@ría*]«¬'s MySpace - same.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007


Click above to view larger image. Largest.

Intended the above as a new Christmas Day cartoon in three panels; 1-Neverborn flies through a very large 'O' in the word 'joy', 2-Faith enters as seen above, and 3-Timothy A. Bear tries to enter through a much smaller 'joy' with the word becoming stuck around his neck.

I settled for the above; simpler and especially quicker since I'm engaged in so much painting.

Journalfen - ACLU Christmas Grinch cartoon

Blogs4Huckabee - Huckacross cartoon

Elvis Ramone MySpace - Neverborn/Morrissey

Soccer Hooligan - Blue Gaybear cartoon

Morrissey Solo Forum - Neverborn/Morrissey cartoon

Pookie 18's Today's Toons at FreeRepublic - ACLU Ferret toon

Gummybearz MySpace - Christ With Dead Children

Cdarnau MySpace - Happy New Year Portal of Evil cartoon

Jesus F*** - Happy Thanksgiving Pilgrims cartoon

Wide Awakes - ACLU Ferret toon

Wheels on Steel - Terrible Mistake cartoon

Nafl - Neverborn/Delivery Refused, Return To Sender

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Monday, December 24, 2007

Santa Claus Is Catholic

Pope Benedict XVI cartoon, Pope dressed as 'Santa Claus', white fur trimmed red bonnet known as a camauro
Click above to view larger image. Largest.

A Christmas cartoon from last year, featuring Pope Benedict XVI, Vatican Kitty, Ms. StarMole, her nephew Chauncey-World Scout, and Al Gore as a slipper.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Stop The ACLU Ferret / Late To The Nativity, Again

the ACLU Ferret loses again

Nothing says Christmas like the ACLU Ferret. Late to the Nativity once again, but at least he got a ride from THE Moonbat of Canterbury.

For the Sunday Funnies at Stop The ACLU.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Tony Blair Converts to Catholicism

Tony Blair Converts to Catholicism-AOL News

Congratulations! What to say it wasn't THE Archbishop of Canterbury's pre-Christmas piddling on the Nativity 'myth' (we Catholics embrace our traditions, instead of publicly dismissing them) which pushed him the rest of the way up the aisle?

If C. S. Lewis were alive today he'd be 109 years old and Catholic.

Santa Christ

a Christmas cartoon, featuring Jesus disguised as Santa Claus

Christ disguised as Santa Claus in a Christmas cartoon from 2004. Click Santa Christ to view a larger version.

I'm taking some time off from cartooning, which gives me a chance to show some older cartoons such as the one above. Merry Christmas!

Blogs4Brownback - Faithmouse Friday

MafiaRPG - Donnie Davies/God Hates Fags panel

Dry White Toast MySpace - Grateful She's Dead

Church And State - Bad Santa

Free Dominion - Fraud Fits Loves Lawsuits
Free Dominion is the Canadian 'Free Republic'.

Zolaboard - ACLU Grinch
(used as avatar)

Debbie Schlussel - link to Energy Saver Bulb cartoon.
Debbie is a frequent guest on Bill O'Reilly's show on Fox.

Reformed Hispanic - Neverborn/Swoopy Blogs4Life promo toon

Zanz - Neverborn/Delivery Refused, Return To Sender

Crime Club - Bad Ass For Life

One of a half dozen portraits of Mother Teresa I've painted during the past decade. Not the best background on this particular version, which is why I still have it. Hard to sell something I know could be better. It's come in handy though as reference for a newer version-

First application of oil over an acrylic underpainting. The background is off to a much better start, I think. Should have this completed and posted by Christmas eve.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Merry Christmas, 2007

Baby Jesus in manger Christmas drawing

I'm going to take a hacienda from the cartoon and produce Catholic themed oils instead. You can keep track of the paintings both here and at the original
If you have a more traditionally oriented Catholic site you should be very pleased with the newer work, especially if you're running the regularly updating image.
I started a Faithmouse archive and forum about a month ago, which I'll return to now and then for the purpose of posting all past cartoonery. Not absolutely sure how many past toons I've drawn but I suspect it's over one thousand. It'll take some time.
Anyway, I've decided the above cartoon makes for a very nice segway on turning the site over to more spiritual, realistic work. Many visitors don't realize that I have a background as a displayed and published oil painter previous to creating Faithmouse.
Anyway, Merry Christmas! Should have a new Mother Teresa painting posted in a day or three. If you have any suggestions for Catholic-themed oils, I'll be happy to consider them.

Thanks to Psycheout at Blogs4Brownback for his most recent Faithmouse Friday.

QueensU has our banner logo on their Facebook page.

A Ms. StarMole/Chauncey, World Scout cartoon is the background to on KoreyJD's YouTube page.

Taylor's MySpace - Baby Morrissey cartoon

The recent Mitt Romney Is A Mormon, Mormon, Mormon! cartoon can be found at Religiopoliticaltalk.

Xtalk has the B16/Chauncey, World Scout/Santa Claus Is Catholic cartoon.

Neverborn/Bad Ass For Life can be found at Ugolok.

Bulletstar - Gangstas For Lyfe.

- Neverborn/Paris Hilton/Room Service cartoon.

The Nancy Pelosi/Harry Ried/Faithmouse Prayer Cooties cartoon can be found at Navy, Together We Serve.

Pookie18 posts to his Today's Toons thread at Free Republic.

Whitethizzle posts the Ganstas For Lyfe toon to his Gaia Profile page.

Pennsylvania Righty Blogs displays the ACLU Thanksgiving cartoon.

Somewhere within the German KathNews can be found the Stella Borealis banner.

A thread at Fark has the Mitt Romney's Dog cartoon.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Huckabee's Floating Cross

Mike Huckabee is being followed by a floating cross

Revision of yesterday's cartoon.

Mike Huckabee is being followed wherever he goes by a floating cross huckatoon. Inspired by the campaign's official Christmas huckavideo.

Seriously now; it seems you can't have a simple huckacross in a Christmas huckagreeting without some people getting all up in arms...

Monday, December 17, 2007

Neverborn Promotes Mike Huckabee, January 2007

Mike Huckabee for President, promoted by Neverborn

A Mike Huckabee cartoon I drew for the mikehuckabeepresident2008 blogspot blog back in January as part of my effort to create promotional cartoons for every member of the Pro-Life Blogs blogroll and also to promote the 2nd annual Blogs4Life conference at the Family Research Council in Washington, D.C. (I signed cartoons at the 1st while Chris handed out promos for fellow bloggers who had sponsored our trip-we both handed out promos on the National Mall later during the soggy March For Life).

Faithmouse and Neverborn; a wet day in D.C.

Pretty cool to see this Neverborn cartoon suddenly surface today on page one of Google image search under the querie 'Mike Huckabee cartoon.'

Faithmouse hasn't abandoned her support of Alan Keyes, but it would negligent not to note the sudden ascendancy of the Governor of Arkansas with a new cartoon, in progress.

Thanks kindly from an original Brooklynite to a self-described 'queer vegan treehugging idealist living, working and learning in Brooklyn' for the post of the Otters Holding Hands For Christ cartoon (inspired by the endearing YouTube video) and accompanying plug+link on her Pink Rabbit Says Peace Now!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Bad Santa

Faithmouse, the ACLU Ferret, Santa and the Establishment Claus
For the Sunday Funnies at Stop The ACLU

Faithmouse discovers that the ACLU Ferret has disguised himself as Santa Claus. A very bad Santa, indeed.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Kitty Lucia

Santa Lucia day; cats and saffron buns

Happy belated Santa Lucia Day!

Saint Lucy-Catholic Online

Holiday: Lucia Day, December 13-SwedishKitchen

Sorry I'm late-a stalled cartoon was blocking the road.

This was supposed to be about those glow-in-the-dark cats from South Korea, which seemed like a pretty nifty idea two days ago. The candles on top of Augustine's head were meant to look like tall strands of DNA, only glowing. You'll just have to imagine how awesome a Glowing Cloned Cat With DNA Head-Wreath/Santa Lucia Day cartoon might have been because I sure couldn't draw it.

My wife and I like to serenade our skittery white seal point Lucia with the following sweet lyric, which amuses us endlessly:

Kitty cat on the bed
Purring besides our head
Kitty Lucia, Kitty Lucia!

-sung to the tune of the original Italian folksong.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Hillary's Dirt Becomes The Story

You don't have to listen too closely to hear that steady chop chop chop coming from the heart of liberal woodland; it's the sound of the MSM deciding en mass to fell a squat, pant suited tree.

How did this sorry spectacle transpire? Let us review-

Leathered by years of monkey cartoons and comedy central skits, Mr. Bush continues to plow ahead with his agenda, media and public opinion be darned. Defying Time magazine predictions of non-influence, the President benefits from just shy of double the current approval rating of the dead-on-arrival Dem controlled Congress. He's getting everything he wants, nearly. The self-neutered MSM, taken out of the influence game as a result of their own snarky arrogance can only stand by and wait for the coming Democratic liberation, where all former glory is certain to be reconfirmed upon them with regal aplomb…by Barack Obama.

Now, back to that chop chop chop.

Three weeks before the Iowa caucuses is a bad time to launch a smear campaign which infers the candidate is queen and media no more than droning vassals expected to knock Lancelot from his horse. Established news outlets, so long the enablers of Clinton and Co.'s underhanded game plan seem to have coalesced around the opinion that job #1 is to survive the current topsy-turvy circus of old media versus new. Perhaps, the press has decided, it isn't worth indenturing oneself to a second, nastier Bubba presidency and all of the career deciding Clintonian manipulations and threats which promise to go along with it.

No surprise then that suddenly Hillary can't stoke up the dirt onto her opponents without the dirt itself becoming the story. This was demonstrated yesterday when we learned that the campaign in New Hampshire had shaken its head in shame at the Senator’s past drug use, even though Mr. Obama fully admits to inhaling. Only a few days previous, Andrew Young's recent reference to Obama's reputed womanizing was reported to have came across as a humorless Bill Clinton joke, a feat which previously wasn't thought possible. Seeing Hillary's numbers plummet as a direct result of actual reportage must create a Cialis glow in shrinking newsrooms throughout the land, even though the MSM is merely passing along unwhored the same stuff the conservative blogosphere has been putting out there since Gosh knows when, ...since pre-FreeRepublic I suppose, if it's possible to peer that far back in the mist.

So, what does this have to do with Christ (I hear you wonder, wonder..)? With Bill Clinton's wife out of the race early, a social issues conservative such as Mike Huckabee has a real chance of beating a first term Senator from Illinois with no foreign policy experience in a time of war. Six months ago digital theophobes openly celebrated Mr. Guiliani’s seeming coup and the banishment of the Religious Right from the GOP. We're far from the Promised Land, but as of this writing there's a real possibility of a Bush 3.

Whether or not a President Huckabee or Romney would unwaveringly support social conservative benchmarks remains to be seen, although I suspect the answer would be no based upon their past non-performance as fiscal conservatives (which is why I find it difficult to get enthusiastic about either candidate). We may however be able to trust these two with the courts. If conservatives can retain the privilege of appointing judges for a successive pseudo-conservative administration there's a chance Christians may retain the liberty to occasionally reveal themselves as hypocrites in schools and city council chambers across the land, which would be a good thing. Making public fools of themselves is the God-granted right of every person of faith, a ruler against which all others liberties are measured.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Jeanne Assam, Honorary Guardian Angel

Jeanne Assam, christian hero of New Life Church in Colorado

Jeanne Assam, Christian hero of New Life Church in Colorado.

Security Guard Prayed For Divine Guidance Before Shooting Gunman - ABCNews

A Neverborn cartoon honoring New Life Church parishoner and security guard Jeanne Assam, who saved countless lives as a result of the brave and unfaltering decisions she made this past Sunday in Colorado.

This story also has three Minnesota principles comprising of two victims and one hero. Twenty-six year old Tiffany Johnson of Chisholm, Minnesota was shot and killed at the Youth With a Mission center in Arvada; Burnsville resident Charles Blanch suffered multiple shots to his leg at the same location. Jeanne Assam is a former Minneapolis policewoman who was fired for what the MPD refers to as a 'truthfullness' issue, having to do with words she may or may not have said on a city bus. Think about that next time you're riding Metro.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Colorado Christian Shootings

Four killed and six injured in two separate attacks against Christians in Colorado

Click image above for larger cartoon. Largest.

Four die (including the gunman) and an additional six are wounded in two separate attacks Sunday against Christians in Colorado.

Thanks to Karen at Karen's Korner for the posting the above to her Police confirm megachurch shooter is Matthew Murray, 24 post.

Commentator beenthere has kind words for faithmouse at Michelle Malkin.

A thread at Igbgaming displays the Christmas LOL Cat cartoon from last year.

Hillary Chipmunk makes her way onto a thread at qubetv.

Thanks to Christine for including faithmouse on her new MySpace WorldIMHO.

Hollie-Is-Right's LiveJournal is just one of the sites showing the most recent ACLU Ferret cartoon via Stop The ACLU's feed.

Kaiserfam's StumbleUpon features the regularly updating toon in his thumb's up for our Catacombers affiliate.

Sunday, December 09, 2007

The Golden Ferret

The golden compass is a big bomb

The Golden Compass meets The ACLU Ferret.

The box office failure of The Golden Compass is a blow to those sympathetic to the establishment of an anti_Catholic film franchise on the scale of The Lord Of The Rings and Narnia. My guess is that we won't be seeing any poseable collectable figurines representing characters in The Subtle Knife (or their demonic familiars) anytime soon.

For the 'Sunday Funnies' at Stop The ACLU.

stop the golden ACLU ferret compass

Thanks to Psycheout for posting the recently revised Al Franken (or Ferret) Party Trick to Blogs4Brownback as this week's 'Faithmouse Friday' cartoon.

Dain Ironfoot posts last year's Stop The ACLU Ferret/Open Mike Comedy Night cartoon to the discussion forum.

Faithmouse hops into page one Google image search rankings under the search term political cartoon.

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Friday, December 07, 2007

Golden Compass

Faithmouse goes to see 'The Golden Compass'

Click image above for larger cartoon. Largest.

What Every Parent Should Know About "The Golden Compass"-Zenit

Plan to Turn Anti-Christian Books into Super-Series after "Golden Compass" Released- LifeSite

Faith with a very open mind goes to see 'The Golden Compass' and is more than a little surprised to learn who's playing the bears (hotel bible vandalizing anti-Christian celebrity Ian McKellen is billed as the voice of the bear Iorek Byrnison-the others are concealed deeply within CGI fursuits). The inclusion of Harry Reid is due to his recent condemnation of conservative Christians at BYU, Steve Martin for his mocking of Mel Gibon's Passion Of The Christ (looking forward to Steve's upcoming New Yorker Magazine article flaying Compass for its unabashed pro-atheist book promoting hucksterism), Linda Ronstadt who doesn't like singing for Christians)-Et al.

Run Ronny Run's MySpace uses the Neverborn/Bob Ross cartoon as the background.

Steph! posts the Worm Vulvas toon to Legoweave's MySpace page. The Shins sound like The Smiths.

Somewhere in DJForums you can find the ACLU Ferret/The Christians Are Coming! cartoon.

Right As A River has the ACLU Grinch toon from last year.

TylerTequila's MySpace page has the Da Vinci Commode toon, also from last year. 28 Days sounds like The Flaming Lips.

The Republican Humor Yahoo Group has the Mitt Romey is a Mormon, Mormon, Mormon! toon.

Erica's MySpace uses the Neverborn/Eviction Notice toon as the background image.

LOUIS*EL*PAPI posts the Ganstas For Lyfe toon to his i-dressup blog.

Pookie18 posts the recent Mitt Romney toon to Thursday's Today's Toons thread at FreeRepublic.

A thread at Anubis Boards displays the Neverborn/Women's Rights Begin In The Womb cartoon.

Sarah's MySpace has a Neverborn/Hillary Chipmunk cartoon; friendship required.

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Al Franken's Party Trick

Mitt Romney is a Mormon

Al Ferret (here in the role of Al Franken) shows Faith a party trick.

Comedian Says Minnesota Run Is a Serious One - NY Times

Al Franken (creator of the 'Supply Side Jesus' anti-conservative parody, which was much less respectful to the Christian faith than the fake scenario he was mocking) stands here in the role of Al Ferret, displaying one of the recent party tricks he likes to perform at campaign meet-and-greets-drawing from memory every position he's held on the Iraq troop surge.

'Comedian' references to Franken in the MSM Media seem to have taken the place of much more respectful 'author' 'writer' 'talk-show host' and 'former talk show host' descriptions, revealing the barely concealed disdain of most liberal journalists towards a media personality who's made a lot more money hating the right than they themselves have managed up to this point.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

DevilCat Reports / GodTube & XFacts: Panspermia!

Click above to view larger image. Largest.

DevilCat Reports : GodTube's XFacts Connection: Panspermia!

Click above to listen to .mp3 file (4.95 MB).

DevilCat (preceded briefly by Ms. StarMole and Timothy A. Bear) reports on GodTube, the popular Christian video site which until recently shared an executive officer with XFacts, an alien research site which presents some very creative ideas regarding the population of our solar system.


Tuesday, December 04, 2007

DevilCat Is On The Air

Devilcat is on the air
Click above for .wav file

Stand by for an important message from DevilCat...

Monday, December 03, 2007


Mitt Romney is a Mormon

Click image above for larger cartoon. Largest.

Mitt Should Can "The Speech" - David Limbaugh

My goodness, Governor Mitt Romney sir-stop sticking your finger in it. If Orrin Hatch was a serious contender for the GOP presidential nomination his honorable Mormon faith would be a non-issue... because his record as a conservative isn't.

Now the news is that Mitt will give some sort of nonsense JFK 'separation' speech for the benefit of the media and Democrats, when he really needs to convince skeptical evangelicals within his own party that his faith, no matter how 'odd' it may seem, truly forms the bedrock of his conservatism. Evangelicals within the GOP may embrace Mitt if he reveals himself as being a man of deep conviction, but it seems he won't which should ensure dismissal from his peers.

Contrary to perception, Mr. Romney hasn't been shy to reference his faith as a means of bolstering his suspect conservative creds, but now he needs to explain why-something which even fellow Mormon Orrin Hatch has encouraged the candidate to do this coming Thursday.

Does Mr. Romney have the correct conviction of his heart to appeal to all of Christiandom; that is, faith in Christ above tenets, and loyalty to tenets because they flow from a heartfelt interpretation of the will of Christ? We may never know.

Patrick Ruffini includes the current post in his Mitt Romney 2008 political wire.

Swap Blog agrees in Romney and "the speech". Thanks!

Blogs4Conservatives links with Faithmouse on "The Speech".

You're #1 in Christ! can be found on this We Are The Music Makers thread.

Pookie18 includes the Unattributed Wise Man cartoon to Tuesday's Today's Toons thread at FreeRepublic.

The most recent Stop The ACLU Ferret cartoon can be found on Dave Kelly's LiveJournal.

The forums at Gulf Coast Pundit links to the present Mitt Romney cartoon.

Stop The ACLU Ferret / Why He Got Away

the letters in the acronym ACLU wouldn't make for a very effective pair of handcuffs

Click above to view larger image. Largest.

For the Sunday Funnies at Stop The ACLU.

The letters in the acronym 'ACLU' wouldn't make for a very effective pair of handcuffs, would they?

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Pope Benedict XVI and Devilcat / German Suplex

Pope Benedict XVI performs a german suplex wrestling move on Devilcat

Click above to view larger image. Largest.

Suplex - Wikipedia

B16 (Pope Benedict XVI) performs a 'german suplex' wrestling move on Devilcat. By request of SharoKham on PoE.

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Unattributed Wise Man

San Francisco Chronicle attributes words of Christ only to 'a wise man' in Hillary Clinton promo piece

Click above to view larger image. Largest.

Clinton, Democrats find religion, court evangelical voters-SFGate

Sen. Clinton at Saddleback Church - A big mistake? OneNewsNow

Borrowing Minnesota Loon and Neverborn for a cartoon regarding a San Francisco Chronicle story about Hillary Clinton's appearance at Saddleback church in California (flock of pop-pastor Rick Warren, author of The Purpose Driven Life and coddler of Syrian terrorist President Assad, killer of our troops in Iraq) a story which also couldn't resist a reference to some Christians as (of course) hateful. The hateful quote was correctly attributed, but no such luck for the Son of God and author of one of the world's best know unattributed parables. Perhaps the SF writer was just being coy or not trying to offend a diverse readership. More than likely she wasn't familiar with the source.

Thanks to Psycheout for deciding to create a Faithmouse Friday at his Blogs4Brownback.
Psycheout lends comments to the faithmouse forum as well, where I've just completed posting November archives.

Superdickery links to the recent Worm Vulvas toon, which one poster claims is incomprehensible.

I contribute a number of pro-Christmas avatars to a Christmas Avatar thread at Hipinion.

The World Trade Center/Greetings From Hell cartoon can be found at the German Jappy.

Ronfez display the You're #1 In Christ!

The Kings Crown
has the Terri Schindler Schiavo The Grateful She's Dead toon on his Nexopia profile page.

Powerball discovers and posts his custom Blogs4Life promo toon from last January and gives faithmouse a nice plug. Thanks!