I was hoping to attend this year's conference as well, but both money and time have conspired against me. My intention was to carry a large Blogs4Life sign and to wear the following-

A good idea still-I'll put it on hold until next year.
In order to help promote the conference I'm creating personalized, color synchronizing versions of the promo cartoon for every blog on the Pro Life blogs blogroll. I offer to do this because I am insane. There are over 500 blogs on the list, and I can create about fifty or sixty versions of the cartoon a day. By Friday of next week I should have all of these images completed. Idle hands, not me.
As you can see from the example posted below, the cartoons feature both the blog address and a small image of the blog itself, which can be seen in Neverborn's computer monitor. Under each cartoon are links to four files - (1)a blog sized image, good for posting on your own blog (2) a file which should give you a decent looking print on a standard sheet of paper from a home printer, and (s) a 't-Shirt' sized image in correct CafePress resolution and file format (2000 pixels wide by 200 dpi resolution png file), the lattermost being a very good deal for the price of nothing. If you've ever wanted a promotional image of your own blog to swig around on the back of your proud blogging frame, but didn't feel like spending a few hundred for the art, there you go. Bloggers are welcome to use these files to promote their own blogs and Blogs4Life; however, Neverborn himself is only on loan. Please, no subletting.
These images are complimentary to all bloggers who would like to use them to promote their own work and the Blogs4Life conference. If you're made of money and can afford to throw a few dollars my way in return for my visit to your site and the resulting files, the money would go directly into keeping faithmouse online. Thank you kindly.

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