Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Large Blue Michael Jackson Eyes Painting

A large 'blue' painting of Michael Jackson's eyes with reference to show the scale of the painting.

Again, not the best pic; not showing small detail and somewhat color corrected to counteract the yellow interior light..I'll try another photo later today in natural sunlight-

Large blue Michael Jackson eyes painting

Monday, December 26, 2011

Two Cats With Pancakes

"The painting was a giant hit! Everyone loved it. I cannot believe how beautiful it is. Thank you for the magnets and prints as well. I absolutely LOVE the Paula Dean portrait!! I totally forgot to remind you to post to your blog but if it's not too much trouble, can you post it to your blog anyway? My 16 year old son wants to show his friends at school and the easiest way would be for him to forward your blog web address to his friends to let them see the masterpiece there." - Michaele

Unfortunately, I was so focused on getting the finished commission to Michaele in time for Christmas that I neglected to take a final photo. This is what the painting looked like in progress.  Imagine with additional color, detail, and whiskers-

cats with pancakes painting

A 'blue' painting of Tim Tebow

A large 24 by 36 inch 2 by 3 foot 'blue' painting of Denver Broncos quarterback Tim Tebow. By commission.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Jonathan Davis KoRn Pancakes

A painting of Jonathan Davis of the musical group KoRn with corn covered pancakes on his head. On one of the pancakes, the word 'KORN' is written.  It is written in kernels of corn.

Jonathan Davis KORN Pancakes

Mr. Davis recently expressed the opinion that Barack Obama is of the Illuminati.  That has nothing to do with anything.

By commission.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Kim Jong Il With Glorious Pancake Hair Painting #1

One of a set of four paintings of late North Korean dictator Kim Jong Il with glorious pancake hair.  You can find all four portraits listed under my items on Ebay.  I'm making each painting available for $75, which includes a print of my Kim Jong Il Ill Pancake Poultice print, and a matching refrigerator magnet.  Shipping is free...
kim jong il glorious pancake hair art

Kim Jong Il Glorious Pancake Hair Portrait - Ebay

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Kim Jong Il Is Dead. Therefore, A Portrait of Kim Jong Ill, ill, and With Pancake Poultice Upon His Head.

NOTE - I'll have four new Kim Jong-Il pancake paintings available as buy-it-now art items on Ebay later today.

A portrait of Kim Jong Il, Ill, with a pancake poutice upon his head.

Kim Jong Il Ill with pancake poultice portrait

Merry Christmas!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Christopher Hitchens Flying Spaghetti Monster Portrait

A portrait of late author Christopher Hitchens with the flying spaghetti monster on top of his head-

'God Is Not Great' author Christopher Hitchens with the flying spaghetti monster on his head

A miniature oil portrait of 'God Is Not Great' author Christopher Hitchens with The Flying Spaghetti Monster on his head.

This portrait is from 2008; prints are available on Ebay.

Christopher Hitchens Portrait Print- Ebay

Pancakes For Christmas

There's still time to order a print or even to commission a pancake portrait in time for Christmas-for those within the U.S.  Packages mailed late in the day Monday will still get to you by Friday the 23rd.

A number of specific prints are available on Ebay.

A print of any previous painting can be ordered here.

All prints are $20 on canvas, include free shipping and a complimentary refrigerator magnet.

A custom standard 8 by 10 inch portrait with or without pancake would be $150, and can be commissioned by emailing a  photo to faithmouse (@) yahoo {.} com. Thanks!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Obama Christmas Pancake Portrait Art Auction

A portrait of President Barack Obama with a winterish Christmas pancake on his head-

Obama Christmas pancake portrait

Obama Christmas Pancake - Ebay Art Auction

Monday, December 12, 2011

Chris Chan Pancake Portrait Art Auction

A portrait of internet legend Christian Weston Chandler, also known as Chris Chan, Chris-Chan, or simply CWC, with a pancake on his head-

Chris Chan with a pancake on his head

The oncoming demise of the forums at POE set me thinking about Chris and the fact that I had always intended to paint his portrait.

This portrait is for auction on Ebay.

Christian Weston Chandler Chris Chan Pancake Portrait - Ebay Art Auction

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Doctor Ron Paul Golden Pancake Portrait

Just discovered that the display image, originally posted using bloggeroid, came up AWOL on my Ron Paul Golden Pancake portrait post from earlier this year. It was one of my better pancakes, and not just that but I also neglected to include the painting in my 2011- The Year In Pancakes compilation, an oversight since corrected. With the addition of 'The Paul' and the recent painting of Claire Smyth's taxidermy fox pancake, the 2011 year in review now totals 64 paintings. Mostly of these paintings are of news figures, but a few are of not-quite-as-famous friends and commissions, a handful are cats with pancakes on their heads, and some do not feature pancakes at all but other food products.  Let's say I'm not always in a pancake mood.  A rework of Kenny Hotz's pancake portrait from a few months ago will be included shortly.

Ron Paul Golden Pancake portrait

The original portrait was spoken for, but I've placed a print of 'The Paul' up on Ebay for anyone who may be interested in a last-moment Christmas present.  The prints are $20 on canvas and include a handsome refrigerator magnet of a past painting.  I have a number of select prints listed on Ebay ( and a few originals as well ) but any of my former paintings are available as a canvas art print.

Ron Paul Golden Pancake Portrait - Ebay Art Print

Monday, December 05, 2011

Obama Unicorn Nativity Painting

A new Barack Obama & Penelope the Unicorn painting, celebrating this most special season. This unique piece of art also features Baby Jesus in a manger, who is visibly overwhelmed by the unexpected display of reverence.

This original painting is certain to become a family heirloom for the lucky bidder; unpacked with reverence each holiday season and displayed in a position of honor.

The original of this painting was recently auctioned on Ebay; however-I've made the image available as $20 canvas art print.  Free shipping and a matching refrigerator magnet are included in your order-

Obama Unicorn Nativity Print - Ebay Art Buy-It-Now

Barack Obama Nude On A Unicorn Christmas Unicorn painting #1

This is my second painting in as many years in the theme of Barack Obama, unicorns, and Christmas.  Last year I posted this painting, which was based upon a childhood memory of when my father, drunk on PM brand liquor and having trouble untangling the Christmas tree lights, decided to stomp them to death instead.

Barack Obama Nude On A Unicorn Christmas Unicorn painting

The painting above was purchased by a fellow in Argentina.
This painting is in Argentina.

Betty White Christmas Mistletoe Pancake Portrait Art Auction

A portrait of Betty White sporting a mistletoe pancake for Christmas-

Betty White mistletoe pancake portrait

I'll try to add this in the next few days to my 2011- The Year In Pancakes compilation, along with Claire Smyth's portrait from yesterday.

Betty White Mistletoe Pancake Painting - Ebay Art Auction

Sunday, December 04, 2011

Claire Smyth Fox Taxidermy Pancake

A portrait of facebook friend Claire Smyth of World Of Kitsch with a fox taxidermy pancake on top of her head-

Claire Smyth fox taxidermy pancake

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


A collection of my pancake paintings from the past year ( so far) -


Saturday, November 26, 2011

Fuming Pepper Spray Cop Painting, In Progress

A new portrait of the pepper spray cop, in progress-

pepper spray cop painting in progress

Friday, November 25, 2011

An Absolutely Useless Painting Of Rebecca Black For Black Friday Art Auction

An absolutely useless portrait of Rebecca Black for Black Friday-

a painting of Rebecca Black Friday

Rebecca Black oozes the blackness of purposeless consumerism on the blackest of all Fridays, one deadened eye considering us vacantly across the shared and silent shame filled void of post-economic stimulus while the other excretes a shopping receipt which immediately goes 'into the red' despite her best effort at success. Atop her bulbous blackened dome sits a shape which evokes a Kohl's department store, a present with a black bow, and perhaps a boombox. Mostly, it is just a useless thing of dripping blackness which could be yours for a special price during a limited time.

Thanks to artist and critic Tom Moody for the recent post of one of my paintings.

Rebecca Black Friday Painting - Ebay Art Auction

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Megyn Kelly Pepper Spray Vomit Portrait Art Auction

A portrait of Fox News culture warrior Megyn Kelly vomiting pepper spray. Painted yesterday, posted today with some slight revisions-

Megyn Kelly pepper spray art

Thanks to artist / critic / musician Tom Moody for the post of one of my dramatic prairie dog paintings ( commission by Google late last year for their YouTube office in Tokyo ) in a post referencing his recent commentary regarding the Clyfford Still museum in Denver, Colorado.

Megyn Kelly Pepper Spray Vomit Portrait - Ebay Art Auction

Monday, November 21, 2011

UC Davis Pepper Spray Cop Pancake Portrait Art Auction

A portrait of the UC Davis pepper spray cop in action with an appropriately unintentional shadow mustache and a pancake badge-

UC Davis pepper spray cop pancake portrait

Thanks to Marc at dangerous minds for posting Mr. pepper spray cop, as well as to Emily for the repost on Google+, which sort of encouraged my own Google+ post of the same.

UC Davis Pepper Spray Cop Pancake Portrait - Ebay Art Auction

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Robert Pattinson Bloody Twilight Pancake

A portrait of vampire Robert Pattinson from the Twilight / Breaking Dawn series with a bloody pancake on top of his head. This is a re-think of a portrait I completed and sold on Ebay a few days ago (with the winning bidder's permission.) Much better now I think-
Robert Pattinson's bloody twilight pancake

The original portrait isn't available, but I've made the revision available as a $20 canvas print-

Robert Pattinson Bloody Twilight Pancake Print - Ebay

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Herman Cain Pizza Nude Appears On Tonight Show

Thasks to The Tonight Show for including my painting of Herman Cain in the 'Things That Sold Or Didn't Sell On Ebay' piece.

Jay Leno Herman Cain painting

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Baby In The Womb Painting

A newer version of a painting of a baby in the womb which I first painted a few years ago-

baby womb painting

Baby In the Womb Painting - Ebay Art Auction

Tim Tebow Jesus Jersey Ebay Art Auction

A portrait of Denver Broncos quarterback Tim Tebow wearing a Jesus jersey-

Tim Tebow Jesus jersey

Tim Tebow Jesus Jersey Painting - Ebay Art Auction

Thursday, November 10, 2011

A Painting Of Barack Obama Without A Pancake On His Head Art Auction

A portrait of President Barack Obama without a pancake on his head.  It happens-

obama without pancake

-there is just a hint of sadness in this painting, the emotional echo of finding oneself pancakeless. Looking at it now I may go back and add a few leaves falling in the background...

Obama No Pancake Portrait

Obama No Pancake Portrait - Ebay Art Auction

Monday, November 07, 2011

GWAR Cory Smoot Flattus Maximus Memorial Kitty

A retro style memorial illustration of Corey Smoot of GWAR dressed as Flattus Maximus and skritching a kitty on his guitar -

GWAR Corey Smoot memorial kitty painting

GWAR Corey Smoot Memorial Kitty - Ebay Art Auction

Michael Jackson / Dr. Conrad Murray Trial 'Scream' Painting Ebay Art Auction, with Pancakes

A painting of Dr. Conrad Murray being tormented in his sleep by dancing Michael Jacksons. I call this painting 'Scream'-

Dr. Conrad Murray is tormented in his sleep by many dancing Michael Jacksons

The MJ's represented are from the videos to the songs Scream, Ghost, from the moonwalking segment of the Motown Special, and Billie Jean.  The faces are from Thriller.

I posted pictures of the painting in progress close to real-time on Facebook.
Thanks to Claire Smyth for posting this painting on her World Of Kitsch.

This painting has pancakes.

Michael Jackson / Dr. Conrad Murray Scream Painting - Ebay Art Auction

Saturday, November 05, 2011

Male Nude Desnudo Nudité Akt Nudo Nu обнаженный Painting Art Auction

A study of a male nude putting on a pair of jeans.  This is a 6 by 9 inch acrylic painting on a sheet on canvas-

male nude in jeans

I've shamelessly keyworded this posting for wider discovery.  Right now my paintings are appearing at around page 8 or so in Google Image Search under 'male nude art' and 'male nude painting' so it would be nice if they could come in a little higher.

Besides a number of things I desperately owe people, I'm planning on having a few new Michael Jackson paintings finished this weekend, including one having to do with the trial.

Male Nude Desnudo Nudité Akt Nudo Nu обнаженный Painting - Ebay Art Auction

Friday, November 04, 2011

Male Nude Artist Holding Paint Tube Ebay Art Auction

A painting of a male nude holding a tube of paint-

male nude with tube of paint painting

I think this is technically one of my better paintings this year.

Male Nude Paint Tube Painting - Ebay Art Auction

Taylor Swift Naked In A Barn Art

This is a painting of Taylor Swift, and she is nude in a barn-

Taylor Swift nude painting

I may give her a cowgirl hat and piece of grass sticking out of her mouth.

Taylor Swift Naked In A Barn Painting - Ebay Art Auction

Betty White Nude With Daisy

I've fallen behind on my blog posting, so far in fact that this painting of Betty White nude and holding a daisy has already come and gone on Ebay-

sweet betty white nude daisy

-recently linked on So Betty White.

Betty White Nude Daisy Painting - Ebay Art Auction

Thursday, November 03, 2011


Я заметил, комментарии относительно моего Майкла Джексона
живопись на русском ВКонтакте сайта. Я начала
Новая группа Майкла Джексона картин, а если кто-то на
сайт может отправить мне приглашение я могу быть рад поделиться
их с собой. Моя электронная почта faithmouse@yahoo.comСпасибо!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Herman Cain Nude Pizza Painting Art Auction

Herman Cain pizza nude top

Herman Cain pizza nude bottom

This painting is a diptych, that is, a series of two paintings which as a set compose one single painting. In antiquity, a diptych was a polyptych connected with a hinge. In this piece the hinge exists in the space between the two images; that is-the CAIN which is presented above the traditional border of portraiture, and that which exists below and therefore in the imagination-the true body of the subject. This is also the seperation between the traditional role of the politician as a tested child of favor and the revolutionary and continued success of a sudden representative from the merchant class.

Here, CAIN's most private areas are concealed with three slices of delicious pizza. This is a reference to the fact that the CAIN personhood is mostly defined by his persona as a CEO. The good name that CAIN has embellished upon Godfather's Pizza is a direct result (as any head salesman would attest) of the 'people' who comprise the hidden face of such an organization.

There is an alluded fourth of slice of pizza; the hairpie of CAIN's chest. This artificially shaped representation of his masculinity, his bravado, rests behind the two upmost slices of pizza and seemingly supports them, or perhaps visa-vi. Here is the visual hinge between CAIN's anger which is barely concealed behind a pitch of positivity (his very body produces both heat and cold) and the nakedness which exists close below and which CAIN is even now beginning to consume. Surely CAIN is hungry and must eat. Will any pizza remain come November 2012?

The Cain Diptych is available as an auction item on Ebay.  The current bid for the set is $13.63.

Herman Cain Pizza Lover's Diptych - Ebay Art Auction

Monday, October 24, 2011

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Barack Obama Nude On A Unicorn, Bob Dylan, And Muammar Gadaffi

A painting of Muammar Gadaffi, Bob Dylan, and Barack Obama nude on a unicorn which I call Obama Unicorn Odyssey Dawn -

a painting of Barack Obama nude on a unicorn, with Bob Dylan, Muammar Gaddafi, and Penelope the unicorn

I actually painted this a few months ago, but I thought I would repost the image and add an extrapolation in light of recent events.

The idealistic anti-war left represented by the 'Blonde On Blonde' era Dylan does not know what to make of Obama's continuing faith in The Military Option, but is willing to harmonize with the President's continuing successes by aiming the rhetorical weapon downwards. The 1966 Dylan reference alludes to the Vietnam War in a period of flux between the optimism of Kennedy's Camelot and the desperation of the Nixon White House, a time of prolonged uncertainty similar to the American military actions in both Iraq and Afghanistan today. Obama's unicorn Penelope (symbolic of either HOPE or the Anglo electoral majority) is here on the side of the young Dylan, who was himself perceived by the media as an icon of the political left when in fact he harbored strong conservative personal leanings which he hid behind a persona of aloofness. Penelope is playing Dylan's harmonica, choosing not to see and referencing the harmonica-heavy 'Just Like A Woman' (Just Like A Liberal) a song which seemingly alludes on the surface to a transsexual affair but which on a baser level hints at Dylan's coming purposeful retreat from iconic media stature, aware that it was he who was in fact acting in the role of the deceptive lover.

The central figure in the painting is Obama himself, striking a traditional Marian Co-redemptrix pose, his foot on the body of the snake while he beheads the serpent and releases the promised 'seed' (oil)-

'And I will put enmity between you and the woman
and between your seed and her seed;
He shall bruise you on the head,
and you shall bruise Him on the heel.' (Genesis 3:15)

If the opposite side of this painting could be viewed Obama would be seen with breasts and a vagina. Prodeny of the electorate, he as President represents the eternal Mother of the military. It is only correct that in this feminine role, while taunting the Libyan leader with his perfect unattainable buttocks, that he should act as both judge and castrator of the flamboyant dictator. Having removed from Gadaffi the source of his power and prowess, only Obama's heel holds him in the frame. Gadaffi is dressed in green because I thought the painting needed more green.

Thank you.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

A Few Erotic Male Nude Paintings Ebay Auction

Painted a copy of my Coffee Nude painting for Arthur-

male nude with coffee

-but I have a difficult time painting a copy of anything I've painted before.  Trying to do so resulted in two paintings. The first try was a failure and so I put it aside.  The second captured the spirit of the original-

coffee in the kitchen nude painting

-I then returned to the first try and reworked it in blue tones-

blue coffee male nude

I think this is the better painting even though it's quite different than what Arthur originally requested.  I've taken the chance that he'll agree, and have placed the second full color coffee nude up for auction on Ebay.

I've been painting quite a few nudes lately, including three new erotic male nudes that you can find listed in the Adult category on Ebay.  You will need to be a verified member to view these listings. Direct links are-

Erotic Male Nude 1 - Ebay Adult Buy-It_Now

Erotic Male Nude 2 - Ebay Adult Buy-It_Now

Erotic Male Nude 3 - Ebay Adult Buy-It_Now

An article and interview regarding my male nudes will appear in a future issue of Art Of Man magazine.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Blueberry Kitty Pancake Painting

blueberry kitty pancake painting

A painting of a cat with a blueberry pancake on top of her head.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Primo Levi Twittering With Nixon In Ear Tribute Painting

A portrait of Italian chemist and Auschwitz survivor Primo Levi twittering with Richard Nixon in his ear-

Primo Levi tribute painting

Primo Levi is pictured against a red and gold background; the gold behind representing the sepia-toned idyllic youth of his Italian childhood with the red representing both the vitality of his coming accomplishments and the conflict of a world at war. Richard Nixon, emerging from his thoughts, is symbolic of the fact that Primo, like Nixon, was haunted by memory and sought to come to terms with his earlier political trauma with globally achieved personal narrative authorship.

The 21,668 number is a reference to great American League baseball player Jimmy Foxx, who also fought personal challenges and adversity during World War II. Jimmy Foxx was portrayed by Tom Hanks in the 1992 film A League Of Their Own. Jimmy Foxx was born in Sudlersville, Maryland, which has the zip code of 21668. It is also an allusion to the fact that Primo Levi continued to speak proliferously regarding his loss of freedom ( as seen in the mangled 'Twitter' bird icons) and makes the statement that Mr. Levi would make good use of that form of communication today.

Primo Levi Nixon Twitter Tribute Painting - Ebay Art Auction

Sunday, October 09, 2011

Greta The Kitten No Kill Shelter Cat Pancake Portrait

I've painted a few cat pancake portraits entirely from my imagination recently, so I thought I'd swing back in the opposite direction and paint a cat from a photo.

Greta was recently adopted from the San Diego Cats no-kill non-profit animal shelter before I had the opportunity to complete her promotional painting-


Greta The Kitten No Kill Animal Shelter Cat Pancake Portrait - Ebay Art Auction