The Parshalls were both very impressive at the debate and were also good enough to sign a number of items including my kneecap and my car. I'll post more on this tomorrow after I fetch the photos from Walgreens.

Oh boy, well, today's toon certainly took longer than a few hours to finish. You can view the previous version of the same toon here.
I'd like thank two God inspired women: Becki of The Question Fairy for the soul strengthening email, as well as the magical Stacy Harp of MediaSoul for successfully smuggling cartoon contraband into the NRB. Thirdly I'd like to thank the original faithmouse herself for the wondrous Valentine's Day dinner and especially dessert, which was extra sweet. Hubba.
While Howard Dean and other Democrats scramble to discover what makes people of faith tick (without expressing intentions to change position on any actual issue) I believe, unlike many on my side of the aisle who have been critical of this wholly politically motivated DNC epiphany, that only good can come out of the effort. The secret for which these strategists search is to simply live the personal life with Christ as the reference point for everything. Fellow travelers who also search for Christ will judge over the long run whether the efforts are sincere or not. Democrats should act confidently in faith, and any accusations of hypocrisy should generally be ignored, as it's usually impossible to discern the accuser from the accusee, you betcha. As far as Christianity is discerned, those who equate all faiths as being somehow equal in merit (as if such a revelation could be worth the price of God's sacrifice) or who are personally offended by the concepts of sin and redemption, are deserving of suspect status from any demographic which gave George Bush the edge in the last election, which would be just about all.
Pros in the shipping business would tell you that it's imperative to hustle those packages closest to the door. One of the most promising fields of evangelization amongst the Christian conservative community are conservatives themselves. While many pure political types are appreciative of religious nuts such as I who seemingly (but not provingly) gave The Right the edge in the last election and promise similar conquests in the future, some regard Christ only as an unproven but powerful piece to play. Christians who use their own lives as an example of the honesty and practicality of the integrated life with all it's bruises and inconsistencies may be employing the best strategy for evangelization, lest the proselytizing which The Left as a long dull mantra accuses The Right of but now steels itself to wield with desperate abandon. After all, we need those doorways free for the George Soroses and Howard Deans who are doing the good work of inadvertently producing the next wave of the faithful. -Dan
I'll post the rework of Captain Wash's toon in a few hours. Also, I'll be updating the galleries below. -Dan
Look! I'm famous, but I slept through the whole thing. Your cartoonist and Hugh Hewitt in Minneapolis on Thursday. Hugh holds a copy of Pookie18's Today's Toons; I clutch a copy of Hugh's Blog to keep from falling over.
Today's toon was a request by Stacy Harp of MediaSoul and E-Involved. With some luck she'll be able to present the toon to Craig Parshall at the National Religious Broadcasters conference going on now until Tuesday in Anaheim, California.
Stacy describes Craig's work thusly-
The series is about Will Chambers, former ACLU attorney who finds Christ and solves really hard cases. It's a 5 book series and the final book is coming out this month. It's called The Last Judgment.
So there. Now you know why Judge StarMole is freaking out in the last panel. Happy St. Valentine's Day!
Craig's better half Janet has been kind enough to feature a recent faithmouse cartoon in her online newsletter and is allowing a few items with said design to be offered for the benefit of her fans in our CafePress shop. Thanks, Janet!
Pookie18 has posted a thread on the Hugh Hewitt/Today's Toons connection with some photos I took at the recent Hewitt/Beinart debate. Your host can be viewed in the pics in all his overworked glory.
I've come to the conclusion that you can't have an in depth discussion with an ardent leftist without somehow ending up psychoanalyzed (by the leftist.) Comparing the merits of Hillary Clinton versus Condoleeza Rice descend at some point into accusations against conservatives of being dearthly afraid of old school feminism. Owning a large car is obviously a case of compensating for much smaller physical attributes (um-height, for example.) Defending one's country (which means defending one's family and the defenseless, which Christ doesn't ask for us to leave to the mercy of wolves) is just a violent acting out of feelings of inadequacy, fear, jealousy, guilt, prissiness, what have you. Deconstructing all matters down to the personal for the purpose of revelation is a technique best left to Christ. Fellow fallible sapiens, don't try this at home! -Dan
Welcome to our new toon affiliate Into The Word Magazine.
Loads of fun at the Hugh Hewitt/Peter Beinart debate last night. Chris glassed over a few times during the evening (to her credit, politics isn't her strong suit) but she did get to meet one of her
favorite writers James Lileks, and Mr. Hewitt (one of only two people I met at the event besides St. Paul of Fraters Libertas who knew of the cartoon-nice to be obscure) was good enough to pose with Wednesday's collection of Pookie18's 'Today's Toons' (69 pages!) from Free Republic, which I presented to him as airplane reading material. I'll drop the film at Walgreens later today and post the photos this evening. It's a great day to be a freeper.
The 14 year old George Bush impersonator at our debate table we learned is also a cartoonist and Flash whiz who operates a webtoon called Peabodies. Please don't call Tom an amateur because his work is quite adept (he works with the vector based Adobe Illustrator, while I continue to grind out pixels in Photoshop.)
As you can see I have Chaplain Walsh's cartoon posted, but it obviously needs a little more work. Not a bad start, though....
Well...there's one. This toon is an addition to an earlier part of the timeline. 'Helo' is navy slang for helicopter. Chris and I will be attending the Hugh Hewitt Peter Beinart debate in Minneapolis tomorrow. Hopefully we'll be able to snap a photo of Hugh with a collection of toons I'm giving him from Pookie18's Today's Toons collection on Free Republic.
There's a story linked on Drudge right now about cable to begin broadcasting The Pentagon Channel..but here in the upper Midwest I've been watching TPN on local Dish Network for the last week or so. Because TPC is categorized as a public interest channel it resides only a few clicks away from the anti-military Free Speech Network. TPN is a great education tool, focusing not only on the who, what, where and why's of the U.S. presence in various parts of the world, but also on the feelings and motivations of our soldiers. Highly recommended! -Dan
Progress is pretty darn slow on two cartoons I'll have online later today. One of the toons is from photos supplied by Chaplain Steve Walsh of the 42nd Police Brigade in Baghdad, who is pictured below. If you would like to send Chaplain Steve your well wishes, please email me and I'll be happy to pass them along. -Dan
Ramblings for Monday Part Deux-
Not only haven't I finished today's cartoon, I lost in my category at the EU blog awards! The winner is Rantings of a Lord of The Rings Fanatic by Handsome Tom. The adjective which best describes Tom's site is 'goofy.' Also to his credit are nice quotes on his homepage by Ronald Reagan and Winston Churchill. To all who took the time to vote for faithmouse-thanks! A list of all of the winner's can be found here.
Ramblings for Monday-
Voting is on now until Tuesday at 5 p.m. at the Blog Awards. You can visit EU to cast your vote or send an email from here directly to Eric with a note which simply says 'faithmouse.'
Please welcome Carla's Reflections of the Times to our blogroll. Carla was a finalist in the same category as faithmouse until the second round. I think she has a great blog - it's certainly worth a visit!
Today's toon is an addition to the storyline already presented. I'm also working on a redo of the 'lamaze' cartoon from a few days ago (part of a set of two.)
A fan of the cartoon who is also a chaplain in Baghdad has sent me a few photos which I'll be using as reference for tomorrow's toon.
Ramblings for Sunday-
Faithmouse has made it to Round Two of the EPA, which is a big honor. I don't think I'll win as 'Best Evangelical Blog-Humor' but it's great to be nominated (a lot of the blame can go to Eric at EU who's a fan of the cartoon, but I'll accept the kudos regardless.)
A recap of the current 'Tsunami' series so far...
The South Asian tsunami catches a vacationing Ms. StarMole and her chihuahua Petri off guard as they are vacationing at Khlao Lak, Thailand. Faithmouse, Timothy A. Bear and Augustine
the Cat, hearing of the disaster, head to the area in a Nighthawk helicopter loaded with relief supplies. They pluck Ms. StarMole from the ocean (after she refuses a lift from the U.S.S. Abraham Lincoln) and fly to Indonesia, where they are shot at by Government soldiers posing as hostile guerrillas, causing them to return to Thailand instead. In the meantime, medical officer Gaybear, having recently earned a certificate in Lamaze coaching, heads to the Indian Ocean aboard the hospital ship U.S.N. Mercy, which will take thirty days to reach the disaster area. A secondary subplot (which is the actual focus of the entire series) should make it's debut this week as well.
Faithmouse became a continuous storyline startling with the widely criticized 'Gaia' cartoon shown at the very end of last year. It's a direction I had considered for some time, after experimenting last year with a few similar series. Previous to this series, faithmouse has been primarily a single issue cartoon with a continuing roster of characters. Faithmouse could continue as a single panel issue cartoon (when I come up with a popular one it's pretty widely circulated) and none of the affiliates would complain...but I felt that it was time for the cartoon to grow. Faithmouse in it's current form can be challenging, and can serve almost as an impetus against gaining new affiliates (um, Dan..if you have a point you're sure taking your sweet time getting there) but, like a good novel I hope it will grow on you in time. Currently I'm working on backtracking and adding to the plot thus presented.
If the story line so far seems cold hearted, please keep in mind that I'm staging the adventure on a very broad pallet and that we haven't even arrived at the heart of the tragedy. In the spirit of the many Christian relief agencies long at work in this and similar theaters of human need, the series keeps a 'chin up' attitude in the face of danger and challenges. Hundreds of thousands have perished in this disaster, but the task of the living is to improve the lives both physically and spiritually of the millions of survivors, most of them children. So, that's what I'm trying to reflect with the cartoon.
If the cartoon is good for anything other than entertainment value it's to help point the way to who Christ is and just as importantly who Christ is not, and to encourage those who aim to do good in Christ to continue in faith. If you don't care for what I'm saying, primarily that I have political viewpoint as well as a theological one and that I put them both on the line, God bless you! If you share my understanding that the Christian experience is a personal and passionate journey, where Christ can make use of every part of our lives (like the root of a plant makes use of every bit of it's pot) then-God double bless you!-Dan
Notice: Regardless of the current claim of the CafePress ad further below on this page, we have no thongs for sale in our faithmouse store.
Ramblings for Saturday-
A hearty welcome to our new affiliate Damascus Road. Today's cartoon (in progress) is by special request of faithmouse fan Joseph Volpendesta.
Ramblings for Friday-
Hats off to Kevin Lauer for reminding me what year it is. What, it's 2004 already?
Ramblings for Thursday-
I would love to talk to the long time visitor to this site from Turin, Italy (a city Chris and I visited during the Jubilee Year to view the Shroud of Turin.) Please email me sometime! Deciding to move away from hand lettering on the cartoons (in order to save more time for the artwork) has made me realize how much I detest font lettering. I officially retract my pledge
not to hand letter. Forget I ever said it! I was whacked out on hot chocolate at the time.
Today's cartoon is a reworking of yesterday's toon. The only part I could salvage was the center panel.
Ramblings for Wednesday-
Former faithmouse affiliate is for sale, due to a serious illness in owner's Jamie Walker's family. It's a great domain name, and the purchase would go to a good cause. Click logo for more information.
'St. Paul' at Fraters Libertas posted a nice link to the toon, after I emailed him and the other folks at Fraters after reading an article about fellow Minnesota
bloggers in the Pioneer Press during a Culver's run with Chris. Atomizer has a good post there about Madonna Clinton's recent show of empathy towards the never-born; yet another rhetorical feeler meant to check the temp of her own supporters as she begins to pump the gas on her four year long 'Reinvention Tour.'
Democrat lawmaker wants tiny boxing gloves on Roosters inspired me to post this moment of epiphany via Colonel Kurtz at Free Republic.
After having stood down from the cartoon for the past few days I'm cracking open the windows to let in some cool air. Today I'm doodling some character spec for Professor Ferret Nietzsche. Chris and I have moved our cross country gear a little closer to the front of the garage, in anticipation of another convenient round of fluffy stuff sometime during the next month or two. In the meantime I'm nesting and full exploring what must be a mid-life crisis by researching everything I can find about the fascinating Agnetha Fältskog.
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