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Miss Mexico alters pageant dress showing hangings -Angelqueen forum
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Miss Mexico alters pageant dress showing hangings -Angelqueen forum
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For the Sunday Funnies at Stop The ACLU.
I had a preliminary version of the above posted yesterday at Stop The ACLU.
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Neverborn in a second Memorial Day weekend cartoon. Posted at Stop The ACLU.
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A patriotic cartoon for Memorial Day weekend.
Rudy Goes Judge-Mental: Cross-dressing act is wearing thin - The Reality Check
Pro-Life News: Giuliani vs. Pope on Abortion, Partial-Birth Abortion, Pregnancy - LifeNews
Re-think of the Rudy Guiliani cartoon previewed yesterday. A few more hours...
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'Al Gore' version of the cartoon first posted Thursday morning to What Would Jesus Download. I changed Faith's shawl to a music bar pattern, and intend to use the same image on a revision of the previous toon which is drawn but not yet scanned (Faith knits directly from music which emanates from the radio, instead of just hearing the notes). I'm trying to get a head-start on Sunday's Stop The ACLU Ferret toon, so that other revision will have to sit tight on the back burner for now. The above is the seventh (and a half) new cartoon posted in the past six days.
The Garrison Squealor calendar behind the radio.
Revised version of the cartoon posted Thursday morning.
A cartoon combining everything that's important on the Internet; Ron Paul and Latino sex actress and model Galilea Montijo, who won the 'Big Brother 3 VIP' television reality show contest in 2003 and has appeared in several shows and Mexican soap opera serials since.
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Thanks to Alan Keyes Renew America for posting two recent cartoons.
Thanks to Fluffy for the mention on Formulaic and Derivative.
Chief at Freedom Dogs posts Faith Mouse says: Keep it.
Martin Andrade credits Faithmouse with hilarious via Fraters.
Democratic Underground has a new faithmouse thread.
Thanks to Karen for her post at Karen's Korner.
Swiftee posts a Dan Lacey top ten list at his Restraining Order. Thanks!
Thanks to Pookie18 for the recent posts at his popular Today's Toons threads at Free Republic.
The Association of Alternative Newsweeklies has a follow-up City Pages responds to 'Best Of' auctioneer post.
Thanks to FaithintheRight (Conservatism made Republicans a majority - not, Republicanism) for posting Saturday's Hillary Chipmunk toon to a recent Rush Limbaugh Live Radio Thread at Free Republic.
Just discovered this post of the Neverborn / Eviction Notice cartoon (which resigned John Edwards' staffer Amanda Marcotte blogged about at length) on this comments page at Feminist Rage LiveJournal.
Crossword Bebop includes faithmouse in today's MOB Lileks Roundup.
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A bonus cartoon for today, which can also be viewed at the free Christian Ubuntu / Linux operating system site What Would Jesus Download.com.
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Revised version of this morning's cartoon.
Intended as a second President Bush / Neverborn cartoon playing off the same theme as yesterday's Bump Your Rump For Life!, but Neverborn seems to get the point across just fine here on his own.
Minnesota Monitor posts regarding our current Ebay auction of the City Pages award in their Some gratitude post.
Thanks to Swiftee at Pair o' Dice (also known as Restraining Order) for his post titled Best use of a worthless accolade from a two bit lefty rag. Swiftee has some nice words to say as well in the comments section of City Pages own competing auction at The Blotter: Putting a Price on Best of. All the best to City Pages; they've actually got the original award up for bid, but bidders please bear in mind that I'm offering for sale the commission of original artwork, as the category of my Ebay auction clearly states. Also, I could really, really use the $666 dollars. Hey, liberals; support the arts! While we're on the subject of art, City Pages commentor Avidor who also posts at Dump Michelle Bachmann creates the following image from my artwork-
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Click above to view larger image. Largest.
Slipped this one in ahead of the Saint Paul Saint cartoon, which is nearly completed.
I've received no bids, inquiries, or interest in my current auction on Ebay of my City Pages Best of the Twin Cities Best Locally Generated Blog (Right-Wing) award. I suspect the problem may lie in my not setting a minimum bid in order to facilitate activity. Perhaps when people perceive something as having no value, content follows form. Therefore I've revised the listing and set when I think is approximate market value.
Happy bidding!
Thanks to The Association of Alternative Newsweeklies for the plug on our Ebay auction.
Hey, what do you know...there really is a certificate...
and it's up for auction at City Pages.
Um, happy bidding.
Cartoon in progress. Should have this completed sometime Tuesday.
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