Tuesday, July 31, 2007
The Real Vatican Kitty
Monsignor Georg Gaenswein, personal assistant to Pope Benedict XVI and inspiration for the character of Vatican Kitty, used to be one semi-wild cat, with long hair and a taste for Pink Floyd.
Early in the Roman morning, if one listens closely, strains of Shine On, You Crazy Diamond can be heard waifting from somewhere deep within the Vatican apartments.
Pope Benedict XVI Apostolic Travel Hat
Click cartoon to view larger image. Largest.
List of journeys of Pope Benedict XVI - Wikipedia
Benedict XVI - Travels - The Holy See
Not as well-traveled as his predecessor, but Pope Benedict XVI has made a few voyages which I've commemorated via travel pins on his alpine hat. The smaller pins below are for trips within Italy.
Had a problem logging on for Monday, so the previous cartoon was offline for most of the day. Sorry about that.
Thanks for the prayers and well-wishes. Most appreciated!
Monday, July 30, 2007
Non-Christian Prayer Protestor
Click cartoon to view larger image. Largest.
'Christian patriots' interrupt Hindu prayer in Senate - Free Republic discussion
Friday, July 27, 2007
Holy Water Umbrella
We're back from a trek to Chicago and the Lyon and Healy factory there, where Chris' harp was long overdue for a regulation. During our trip we also made a day long pit stop at The House On The Rock in Wisconsin.
Chris with her number 17 at the Lyon and Healy factory in Chicago.
Haven't had much time to acknowledge posts, but here's two-
Thanks to eliah2 at the Greek В поисках Бога и святости for posting the Opus Dei / St. Josemaria Escriva de Balaguer toon from last year.
Ansar al-Zindiqi posts part of the Donnie Davies toon in this Faith Freedom International forum.
Glad to be back!
Friday, July 20, 2007
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Anoka Cuteness Based Distraction
About $67 per Catholic, more than $1 million per parish - California Catholic Daily
I've made two character changes to Faith's family, which you may have noticed in the cartoon above. Inspired by conjoined twins Abigail and Brittany Hensel, who I was fortunate enough to meet earlier this year. Mary and Martha love being together, so for them it's a very natural transition.
Makes for a nice icon, if anyone needs one.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
A Day At Disneyland

I'm going to reach into my magic hat and revive Faith's happy family from the aborted 'future' series; at least for this one cartoon. One image behind schedule for the week so far (busy at home) but I'll do my best to close the gap.
Posted above, a cartoon from early 2006. Clockwise: Solomon, Talitha (a girl bear with Down Syndrome), Blackbear, Faithmouse, Samson, Mary and Martha (the twins), Deborah, Father Augustine and Timothy A. Bear.
City Pages in their current Cover Story section gives us a nod for inspiring their current Comix issue-
It all started with Faith Mouse.
In our annual Best Of issue, published April 25, City Pages gave the Best Locally Generated Blog (Right-Wing) award to faithmouse.com, the home of a strange comic that stars a Christian rodent with a supporting cast that includes ACLU Ferret, Gay Bear, and an aborted fetus named Neverborn.
This caught the attention of the Minneapolis cell of the "International Cartoonist Conspiracy," a loose affiliation of comic artists who get together once a month to create a collaborative strip. They chose Faith Mouse as the topic of their next jam, and sent us the outcome, which could best be described as "Mickey Mouse meets Hieronymus Bosch."
Bomb Throwing Pacifict posts The Spirit of B16 Latin Mass cartoon, with extended commentary.
Senior member MichealF. at MilitaryPhotos.net adds the Pope John Paul II / Pope Benedict XVI Lawnmower toon to their Pope: Other Christians not true churches thread, appending a previous link.
Yahoo Groups Friends of Conjoined Twins (registration required) has the Abigail and Brittany Hensel cartoon.
Pookie18 adds the most recent Stop The ACLU Ferret toon to Wednesday's Today's Toons thread at Free Republic.
A poster in a forum at Redding News Review (registration required) links to our page of anti-abortion / pro-life cartoons.
Thanks to Believe Mail for adding the feed to the regularly updating cartoon to their front page.
Mentions of faithmouse and a defense of my more experimental work (still unable to log on at POE) can be found at this Comics Journal thread.
Vegan Fudgesickle!!! [K.F.F.T.O.T.W] posts the Blue GayBear drawing to Adman123's MySpace page.
Iriss posts 2004's Stop And Praise God cartoon to Jazzy Wazzy's Jazzy_Jayze MySpace page.

Monday, July 16, 2007
B16 and Vatican Kitty / Scouts
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Neverborn / Catholic Cool
Thanks to SyrianCatholic at Ecce Agnus Dei for posting the Spirit of B16 cartoon.
Thanks to CatholicandGOP at her Truth and Country for including faithmouse in her favorite blogs meme.
Grazie to A Thorn In The Pew for posting the most recent Pope Benedict XVI cartoon, under the post title Fill 'er up with Latin, please!
Nihilist In Golf Pants includes us in his Top 11 Gifts That The Nihilist In Golf Pants Received On His 40th Birthday From Fellow Bloggers.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Father GayBear
Thanks to author and minister Tamra Nashman for adding a faithmouse link to her Shoes For The Spirit.
Thanks to BlogHer for posting the preview of the New Seven Wonders toon on her Metaxy / Agnostic Seeker.
Pookie18 has posted a few recent cartoons, including this post of last weekend's Stop The ACLU Ferret toon on Wednesday's Today's Toons thread at Free Republic.
Daniel at JazzMin127's MySpace has posted the DevilCat sparklie (some adult content).
A thread at Ruined City has the Squirrels Gone Wild cartoon (registration required).
Yukon at Liberty Post posts the Hillary Clinton / Perdoname, No Habl0 Inglese cartoon.
The Pope John Paul II / Pope Benedict XVI Lawnmower cartoon from a few years ago has reappeared on a number of forums, including the following (which I'll post separately to avoid html tangles)-
Tank Net - Episcopalians on the cutting edge
Phatmass -Pope: Jesus Formed "only One Church'..
MilitaryPhotos - Pope: Other Christians not true churches
DevilCat / Happy New Hat
New Seven Wonders
The statue of Christ the Redeemer (which normally overlooks Rio de Janeiro in Brazil) comforts the Statue of Liberty, who's nomination was recently jeered at the ceremony in Portugal. The New Seven Wonders were chosen via an internet poll, which explains it all.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Pope Benedict XVI and the Latin Mass / The Spirit of B16
A new Pope Benedict XVI cartoon, this time sans Vatican Kitty and referencing the Pope's recent Motu Proprio, allowing wider use of the traditional Tridentine, pre-Vatican II Latin Mass.
Sunday, July 08, 2007
Stop The ACLU Ferret

Click above to view larger image. Largest.
Friday, July 06, 2007
Mitt Romney's Dog
The completed 'Mitt Romney's dog' cartoon which I previewed a few days ago. Could probably call this 'the revenge of Mitt Romney's dog' or 'Mitt Romney dog story.'
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Fourth Of July cartoon / Expensive Fireworks Courtesy Of A Gracious Sponsor
I'm pushing back the previous two cartoons in progress to post two Fourth of July cartoons instead. The first in a variation of a cartoon I posted last year. The second will feature Chaplain Catodanno rushing through battle carrying a last rite communion kit. Should have the latter online late tonight.
Happy Fourth of July!
Monday, July 02, 2007
A New Paris Hilton (Cartoon)

A new Paris Hilton cartoon in progress, re-featuring both neverborn and St. Gentian, patron St. of hoteliers.
Sunday, July 01, 2007
Stop The ACLU Ferret / Freedom From Ron Paul Flyers Would Be Nice

Click above to view larger image. Largest.
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