Saturday, May 31, 2008

Harvey Korman Memorial Portrait

racehorse Big Brown wins both the Kentucky Derby and Preakness

A miniature oil portrait of 70's comedy icon Harvey Korman.

Harvey Korman Memorial Painting - Ebay Art Auction

Harvey Korman tries to keep a straight face opposite Tim Conway in this classic Carol Burnett Show sketch-

Harvey Korman - Wikio

Friday, May 30, 2008

Big Brown

racehorse Big Brown wins both the Kentucky Derby and Preakness

A miniature oil portrait of Kentucky Derby and Preakness winner Big Brown.

Big Brown horse painting - Ebay Art Auction

Monday, May 26, 2008

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Amy Winehouse Pre Memorial Portrait

Amy Winehouse pre memorial portrait

Amy Winehouse Remembered - Times Online

An original miniature pre-memorial oil portrait of British pop star and soul singer Amy Winehouse, who recently recorded the theme song for the upcoming James Bond film Quantum of Solace. The question is-will Mrs. Winehouse live long enough to hear her big and brassy Shirley Bassey-styled megahit played on the radio?

I normally hold off until a person has passed away before painting a memorial portrait, but since Mrs. Winehouse seems intent upon killing herself there seem to be no point in waiting. Amy; I dare you to prove this portrait wrong.

Amy Winehouse Pre Memorial Portrait - Ebay Auction

In this recent 'Amy Winemouse' video, Amy displays a brood of baby mice and in the heartbreaking voice of one implores her jailed husband Blake (who has returned to his Catholic faith while awaiting trial) not to divorce her.

Amy Winehouse Becomes Catholic? I didn’t See That One Coming…The Black Cordelias

And now, a moment of levity-

Amy Winemouse

Meet Amy Winemouse.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Barack Obama Cartoon

Barack Obama cartoon

A Barack Obama cartoon; actually, my most recent commissioned political 'muppet' miniature oil painting. The size of this piece is 4 by 6 inches, painted on canvas. A painting similar to this or of any other subject is $50 plus 3 for the shipping; payments can be made through Paypal or by check or moneyorder via snailmail.

danlacey (at) faithmouse (dot) com

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Divided We Fail

divided we fail republican elephant democratic donkey logo hybrid monstrosity
Click above or here for larger Divided We Fail cartoon. Big Fail.

AARP's 'Divided We Fail.'

Divided We

Friday, May 16, 2008

Burma Cyclone, China Earthquake Cartoon

Burma cyclone, China earthquake
Click above or here for larger Burma cyclone / China earthquake cartoon.

Faith and Timothy have something to say about the recent Burma cyclone and China earthquake twin devastation.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Starbucks Is Slutbucks Coffee Logo Cartoon / Tastes Like Slut

Starbucks changes logo and becomes Slutbucks, Christian protest against indecency
Click above or here for larger Starbucks is now Slutbucks cartoon.
Super sized sea whore coffee image.

Starbucks Corporate Culture - Changes Name to Slutbucks?- Starbucks Coffee Talk

A Christian group called 'The Resistance' is leading a protest against the new 'retro' Starbucks logo, which features their original 1971 spread-eagle two-tailed logo.

Starbucks will obviously stoop to anything now to bolster flagging coffee sales.

Viva la Résistance!

Thanks to Starbucks Coffee Talk ( for posting today's cartoon.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Catholic Church Vatican Astronomer UFO Aliens From Outer Space Incomplete Confession Cartoon

Director of the Vatican observatory and chief astronomer says it's okay to believe in aliens and UFO's
Click above or here for larger Vatican UFO cartoon.
Massive Black Hole sized.

Inspired by the recent statement by the director of the Vatican Observatory that alien life forms may be considered our extraterrestrial brothers but may not need redemption, among other observations.

This is also a cartoon about the dangers of not giving a full and complete confession.

Vatican astronomer says if aliens exist, they may not need redemption - Catholic News Service

Father Robert Altier Preaching At St. Agnes Drawing

Father Robert Altier preaches at St. Agnes Catholic Church in St. Paul, Minnesota

A drawing of Father Robert Altier, formerly of St. Agnes Catholic Church in St. Paul, Minnesota, and creator of The Fundamentals Of Catholicism series. The drawing was done from a photo, which shows Father Altier preaching at St. Agnes.

Father Robert Altier Drawing- Ebay Auction

Fundamentals Of Catholicism Audio Series - Sonitus Sanctus

I expect our former coadjutor and new Bishop John Nienstedt is waiting until after former Archbishop Harry Flynn, who retired last week, completes the remaining appointments on his official calendar before fully restoring Father Altier to the equivalent or better of his former duties.

I expect that is what he will do. Not a few of us also expect that's what he should.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Irena Sendler Memorial Portrait

Irena Sendler, Catholic hero of the Holocaust

Standing less than 5 feet tall, Polish Catholic social worker Irena Sendler saved more than twice as many Jews during World War II than Oskar Schindler, many times sedating children and carrying them out of the Warsaw Ghetto in sacks, boxes or coffins in order to save them from a trip to an extermination camp. Eventually she was caught, tortured, but survived the war. Her story was largely unsung until 1999 when four Kansas girls doing research for a school play discovered she was still alive. In 2003, Pope John Paul II sent a personal letter to Sendler, praising her wartime efforts.

Irena Sendler was passed over for a Nobel Prize in 2007. The award instead went to Al Gore.

Irena Sendler Memorial Portrait- Ebay Auction

Irena Sendler: Polish Holocaust Hero Dies - RightPundits

Dottie Rambo Christian Gospel Music Legend Memorial Portrait

Dottie Rambo, Christian Gospel music legend and prolific songwriter

A miniature oil portrait of Gospel legend Dottie Rambo, who died in a tour bus accident last Sunday morning on her way to a Mother's Day engagement.

Dottie Rambo Memorial Portrait- Ebay Auction

I've always been a fan of Dottie's, both because she was so prolific and also because she forged ahead by faith through personal hardships, which included the breakup of her family and partial paralysis. God bless her friends and family.

Dottie Rambo killed in bus accident - TownHall

Monday, May 12, 2008

Pope John Paul II Pencil Drawing And Peta Poster Horse Eight Belles, Revisited

Pope John Paul II Pencil Drawing

A pencil drawing of Pope John Paul II, drawn from the same photo as that of an earlier sketch.

Pope John Paul II Pencil Drawing - Ebay Auction

I have a second and this time much more impressionistic painting of Kentucky Derby filly Eight Belles for auction on Ebay as well; a subject I decided to revisit after receiving emails accusing me of exploiting a horse.

Peta inductee Eight Belles

Peta poster horse Eight Belles.

Eight Belles Impressionistic Painting - Ebay Auction

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Gary Gygax Dungeons & Dragons Creator Memorial Portrait

Gary Gygax Dungeons and Dragons creator memorial portrait

A miniature memorial oil painting of Dungeons and Dragons creator Gary Gygax, who passed away in March. Not the best scan; I'll photograph this under natural light later on Sunday and post a better pic.

Gary Gygax portrait - Ebay

Gary Gyax sent this email to a gaming compatriot last January-

Thank You, Michael,

All I am is another fellow human that has at last, after many wrong paths and failed attenpts, found Jesus Christ.

Via con dios,

"Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven." Matthew 5:16

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Hillary Clinton 'Sesame Street Muppet' Style Painting

Hillary Clinton drinks whiskey in a bar with a rifle displayed over her head, as Ms. Piggy in a Sesame Street Muppet style painting

A miniature oil painting of Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton in the style of a Sesame Street muppet. Hillary is pictured here as Ms. Piggy, drinking whiskey in a bar with a rifle displayed proudly on the wall behind her head, and wearing her famous Rhode Island campaign stop yellow and black designer dress, which made her look either like a large bee or a school bus.

Hillary Clinton 'Sesame Street Muppet' style painting - Ebay Auction

Update - Sold

Thanks for the mention on the Tough Pigs Muppet Fan Forum.

Friday, May 09, 2008

Steampunk Vladimir Putin Russian Prime Minister Original Art and Print

steampunk steam punk art Russian Soviet President Vladimir Putin

A miniature oil painting of steampunk Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin.

Original steampunk Putin - Ebay Auction

My timing seems to be right for this painting, as Russia has revived its grand military parade spectaculars of glories past. Considering their sales of armaments to any and all buyers, I'm surprised they don't have little price tags fluttering off of every turrent.

Victory Day: Military Parade Through Moscow — Breitbart

Vladimir 'steampunk' Putin art portrait gets noticed by the Russians in this Inosmi forum.

Thursday, May 08, 2008

San Diego Harbor Seal Pup Caught In Net Is Now Free

San Diego California harbor seal pup caught in plastic fishing net

Habor Seal Painting - Ebay Art Auction

A miniature oil painting of the San Diego, California harbor seal pup who was entrapped by both a fishing net and the law.

Men Risk Arrest To Free Baby Seal Tangled In Net- 10 News San Diego

Myanmar Burma Cyclone Cartoon

cyclone devastates Myanmar, formerly known as Burma, aid slow to be accepted by military government
A cartoon on the subject of the devastating Myanmar (Burma) cyclone, and the fact that what aid is now being allowed to arrive by the military government is too little, too late.

Forty Percent of Children in Cyclone May be Dead, Missing - The Irrawaddy

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Hillary Clinton Bill O'Reilly Fox News Interview Muppet Painting

Hillary Clinton and Bill O'Reilly as muppets Ms. Piggy and Kermit the Frog, inspired by the recent Fox News interview

A miniature oil painting of Hillary Clinton and Bill O'Reilly as muppets Ms. Piggy and Kermit the Frog. Inspired by the recent Fox News interview. As you can see, they are getting along fabulously. The most recent painting in my 'political muppets' series.

I've set a minimum price of $10 for this item, but you can purchase it immediately for $25 using that Paypal option.

Happy bidding!

Hillary Clinton Bill O'Reilly Muppet painting- Ebay

Hillary Clinton and Bill O'Reilly: chemistry? - TV Squad

Beauty The Bald Eagle With A Broken Beak

Beauty the Alaskan bald eagle has a broken beak from a shotgun blast, awaits artificial beak prosthesis

A miniature oil painting of Beauty, the rescued Alaskan bald eagle who will soon receive an artificial beak to replace the one damaged by a shotgun blast.

Bald Eagle Beauty Painting- Ebay

Idaho team readies artificial beak for wounded bald eagle - TownHall

Monday, May 05, 2008

GayBear Admits He Watches FoxNews...You Can Too!

gay bear admits he watches fox can too!

Amusing how many blog commentators report in detail on Fox News, but won't admit to being regular viewers.

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Eight Belles Kentucky Derby

Update June 24, 2008-The painting pictured below has been sold; however, a new 'Eight Belles Last Run' miniature oil is currently up for auction on Ebay. You can find it at the link below-

Eight Belles Last Run - Ebay Art Auction

filly racehorse Eight Belles breaks both front ankles and is euthanized at the Kentucky Derby

A miniature oil painting of filly racehorse Eight Belles, who placed second in the Kentucky Derby and who had to be euthanized moments later after breaking both front ankles.

Eight Belles Kentucky Derby- Ebay

Eight Belles- Skakesville Blog

Friday, May 02, 2008

Zombie Kid / I Like Turtles Painting, And A Keith Richards Snorting His Father's Ashes Cartoon In Progress

YouTube zombie kid likes turtles, a lot

You still have a few hours left to bid on this minature oil painting I created last week, inspired by the beloved Zombie Kid 'I like turtles!' video.

Zombie Kid / I Like Turtles- Ebay Auction

Keith Richards admits to snorting his late father's cremated ashes

Keith Richards has admitted that he did indeed snort his late father's cremated ashes after all.

I have something to say about this...

Report: Rolling Stone Keith Richards Admits Snorting Father's Ashes- FoxNews

Faithmouse Says-Sinners Aren't Winners

Christian cartoon, sinners arent winners

Sinners aren't winners!

Russian Federation Prime Minister Vladimir Putin Portrait

Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin

A miniature oil painting of former Russian Federation President and current Prime Minister Vladimir Putin.

Putin Painting - Ebay

Medvedev takes helm, Putin charts the course - Times Of India

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Oprah Winfrey, Barack Obama, The Dalai Lama And A Suave Cat

A new portrait of Oprah Winfrey, currently on auction on Ebay. This auction closes on Wednesday, June 24, 2009-

Oprah Winfrey portrait

Oprah Winfrey Three Quarters Portrait - Ebay Art Auction

A few previous paintings. The auctions for these paintings are all concluded-

Oprah Winfrey

A portrait of television personality Oprah Winfrey. Present it to Oprah herself on your next visit to the windy city. and perhaps she will thank you with a car in the shape of Barack Obama.

Oprah Winfrey portrait - Ebay

Barack Obama thinks about Reverend Wright
A portrait of Democratic Presidential candidate Barack Obama, explaining something or other regarding the Reverend Jeremiah Wright.

Barack Obama 'classic' portrait - Ebay

The Dalai Lama prays that China will leave Tibet alone
A portrait of the Dalai Lama, praying that China will leave Tibet alone.

Dalai Lama portrait - Ebay

Suave cat with a mustache and a glass of wine want you to marry him
An oil painting of a cat with a mustache and a glass of wine, and in a very romantic mood. Would make a fabulous engagement present. Suave cat would like to marry you.

Romantic cat with mustache and glass of wine painting - Ebay