Acrylic underpaintings for two new Obama unicorn paintings, in progress-
Obama , Penelope, and Rush Limbaugh have an encounter in the sky above Washington, D.C.
Penelope checks the Spf on a bottle of suntain lotion as she and Barack Obama relax in their secluded Hawaiian getaway. Featuring a volcano and lots of flowing lava.
Thanks to the Silicon Valley Insider for the article regarding the Nick Denton painting, which can be viewed via CNN.
Thanks to the Financial Times Deutschland for the interview and inclusion of two of my paintings in their recent 'Weekend' article. Click above to view larger image.
Decided to redo my 'Fallout Obama' painting, which is based upon the Fallout 3 video game and its setting of a post nuclear Washington, D.C. Here's the President-elect is posed upon his unicorn Penelope, the latter of whom is decked out for the inauguration in a vault dweller uniform. An enclave vertibird explodes in the background.
Acrylic underpainting shown; still need to add a number of figures to the scene, including a John McCain super mutant behemoth ambling down the Capital steps. Hopefully I'll get the finished image posted sometime pre-inaugural.
First panel of a new Faithmouse cartoon, which I've been developing on the Faithmouse Megathread II at Something Awful.
Thanks to POE-NEWS, where I've been nominated as best poster of 2008.
My current Barack Obama 'Wall Street' painting is at $500 on Ebay with four days to go. Thanks to the current high bidder; it's a pretty nice painting-I'll throw in some original Faithmouse cartoons to the winning bidder as well.
A few recent posts and links I've discovered in my referrer stats-
A 16 by 20 inch stretched canvas horse art painting from summer of 2008, painted on-site in the stable area of Canterbury Park racetrack in Shakopee, Minnesota. Junior launders using a bathroom plunger in a metal bucket. Painted in both acrylic and oil.
President-elect Barack Obama leaps from his unicorn and takes down a rampaging bear on Wall Street. Painted for this weekends' Financial Times Of Germany.
A miniature oil painting of another Harry Reid pancake cave-in. This one centers around Rod Blagojevick's selection of former Illinios attorney general Roland Burris to fill President-elect Barack Obama's empty Senate seat.
Thanks to Kedzie at SA for discovering a reference to the Barack Obama Nude On A Unicorn Victory Print in yesterday's Chicago Tribune. Here's the online article-
A miniature oil and acrylic painting of a pancake stalking another pancake, while a third looks on. Painted on the grounds of St. Nicholas Catholic Church in New Market, Minnesota.
A miniature acrylic and oil painting of DFL Minnesota Senate candidate Al Franken.
Not a bad portrait. Image is from my scanner, but I think the gold metallic background bounced the light around and made some of the skin tones seem more opaque than they actually are. I'll try to get a better image tomorrow with my digital camera under natural sunlight.
A miniature acrylic and oil painting of a delicious rainbow trout, evading capture by a hungry bear and her cub, while the woods burn and the head of Obama looks on in the foreground.