A painting of Secretary Of State and future President of the United States Hillary Clinton in the hospital with a pancake on her head-
The pancake has melded into the shape of Hillary's hair, representing the fact that the blood cot is between her brain the skull and is an intimate complication of her concussion. Her hair ends suddenly on the side of her face so that we can view the thermometer without distraction; this represents her health issue interrupting her schedule and necessary room being made for the monitoring thereof. The thermometer is cool; there is no discernible red line of crisis, but this in itself might be a cause for alarm-we aren't being given any information. Hillary keeps her eyes completely on the problem-the design of the pupils sharing the same shape as her eyelashes denotes an almost trance like state of inner attention. The hair to the left side of her face is in the shape of a bended knee. This doesn't represent prayer, but the state of being subjugated to a condition but ready to take action.
Last Tuesday, Twitter Bird was flying through the Twittersphere minding its own business when it became the victim of a Twitpic upskirt photo. Twitter Bird retaliated for this insult by falsely reporting to the Google Chrome browser that it believed Twitpic was creating malware and spreading it throughout the Twitterverse. Now you know the real story.
A new painting of Dr. Orly Taitz, this time recognizing her career double threat of being both a skilled lawyer AND a celebrated dentist-
The mallet and tooth are composed of delicious butter. They rest upon pancake bases so very slathered in syrup they resemble chocolate donuts.
This is a revised version of the painting which I first posted to Ebay a day ago; I may do a little more work to the image before the auction concludes.
A painting of President Barack Obama as the robot Maria from Metropolis holding a newly birth Dr. Orly Taitz, who attempts to pour a celebratory drink from Obama's chest keg but the tap has run dry-
A painting of US House of Representatives GOP Republican Speaker John Boehner crying while causing the Newtown Connecticut school shooting massacre with his hairy gun tits. This is a 16 by 20 inch acrylic painting on stretched canvas. It is available for private purchase.
A detail of the painting is displayed; this is a family friendly blog-
In his painting, celebrated Christian football player Tim Tebow,stranded in a pit, tames his future team 'The Jacksonville Jaguars' by reading to them from scripture. There is a pancake in this painting as well.
This is a large 16 by 20 inch acrylic painting on stretched canvas. It has been posted for auction on Ebay.
A painting of President Barack Obama as Noh Hongchul picking up Korean Kpop superstar Psy with his kneecaps Gangnam Style, while the ghosts of pancakes blow away in the background-
UPDATE - The new Orly has been pulled by Ebay because of what they claim is a overly suggestive Twinkie. They inform me that I am welcome to repost the painting in the adult-only category, but I am undecided. Most people aren't aware that when you sell things in the 'adults only' category on Ebay, it prohibits ( from where I am, in the US ) anyone from outside of the US and Canada from bidding, so if I was to do so it would prevent many of the people who collect my paintings from bidding. I'm taking the opportunity in the meantime to do some revisions on the painting; just color areas I'm not completely happy with and not any self-censoring. I've spoken to George regarding this matter, and he informs me that he would be happy to purchase the painting outright ( he had originally sponsored the original listing, covering the 10 cent listing fee ) but it is the principal of the thing which most concerns me. Ebay won't say if a complaint led to the removal, but considering the fact that Orly continues to cite me in her anti-Obama legal filings, I suspect that this may indeed be the case.
Thanks so much to Greek billionaire and continuing Democratic party shadow master George Soros who recently personally sponsored this new portrayal of famed 'Birther Queen' Dr. Orly Taitz, which I have titled 12 12 12.
In my painting, the winged head of Dr. Taitz gives oral birth to a Hostess Twinkie, which in turn births a nude President Barack Obama as Ice-T who strides his model wife Coco who is anthropomorphically presented as a pretty unicorn. The T's have pancakes.
As with my previous Orly's, this painting is currently available for auction on Ebay.
I may still do a little more work on the above. I had originally intended this as an online decoration for the coming Mayan apocalypse, before George suggested that it would make a swell 12 12 12 painting ( note the Mayan style hairdo.) I may add a flaming meteoric pancake or two, possibly.
Orly Taitz Ice-T Obama Coco Unicorn Twinkie 12 12 12 Painting - Ebay Art Auction
For those not aware of the backstory-Dr. Orly Taitz is a major Tea Party figure who is primarily known as 'The Birther Queen' and has for years attempted to harass President Barack Obama via legal filings challenging his citizenship status. She believes he was born in Kenya. A few years ago I began to paint a series of what I call my Orlys which I have periodically auctioned on Ebay. Dr. Taitz continues to threaten me with subpoena and/or include me in her legal filings (she believes Greek billionaire and Democratic party supporter George Soros secretly funds my artwork, in order to embarrass her and cause her to lose elections, for example, her failed attempt to capture the position of California Secretary of State.) George says I should keep the nature of our secret relationship to myself, but sometimes the truth just sort of slips out.