I'll be at the 3rd annual Internet Cat Video Festival in Minneapolis today, talking to fellow Minnesotan's about pancakes and my run for US Congress, Minnesota District 2.
In related activities, here's two recent additions to my continuing series of paintings of cats with pancakes on their heads-
I've added these two paintings to my cat pancake art gallery, which brings the current total to 50 images.
Paintings Of Cats With Pancakes On Their Heads
I've just discovered a painting from last year on
The Cats Mewseum that I neglected to add to the collection-my 'Nurse Kitty Pancake' which I painted in the hospital during the time of the Huffington Post interview-which would bring the total to 51 paintings. I imagine I overlooked the post because the scan didn't seem the best. The original painting is long gone, but perhaps I can find a better image.