A 2007 New Year's cartoon continuing the 'No Underwear' theme of the recent Britney Spears cartoon. Featuring Ms. StarMole and a ferret as paparattzi photographers, Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton, and a limosine.
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Friday, December 29, 2006
The Seventh Mouse

The result of being depressed and staying awake until 5:30 in the morning watching Ingmar Bergman movies. Igmar Bergman, The Seventh Seal, existentialism, Det sjunde inseglet, existential 1957 Swedish film, european art cinema, cartoon of a teddy bear
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Happy New Year / Gerald Ford / Behold, I Make All Things New
A second New Year's cartoon in progress; this one for the regulars at a forum called Portal Of Evil (adult content) which has a 1700 comment thread on Faithmouse going back a few years, and to which I'm now contributing adult-oriented faithmouse cartoons not appropriate to this site. The toon on POE will update as I work on it until New Year's Day, at which time a completed version will probably find its way back here.
The intended theme of this cartoon (featuring a former president Gerald Ford mask) can be found in Wednesday's A Christmas Greeting linked article.
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
McClatchy Company Dumps Catholic-Bashing StarTribune at a Half-Billlion-Dollar Loss to Corporate Speculators
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Unknown Child Of God

Photo by Jose Carlos Fajardo / Contra Costa Times
Monday, December 25, 2006
Chris Ward / Ave Maria
'The original faithmouse' plays and sings Ave Maria on the harp, Christmas Eve 2006 at a Twin Cities Minnesota church.
Manger Drawing

Click above to view larger image. Largest.
The Christmas Day toon I previewed a few days ago morphed into two separate images: the Neverborn / Come Let Us Adore Him cartoon posted on Saturday, and the manger drawing above.
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Friday, December 22, 2006
The Last Britney Spears No Underwear Cartoon

Click above to view larger image. Largest.
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Christmas Day Cartoon

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Preview of the Christmas Day cartoon, in progress.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
a faithmouse Christmas cartoon collection

Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Santa Claus Is Catholic

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New toon featuring Ms. StarMole's nephew Chauncy:world scout, in addition to B16, Vatican Kitty, and their new Monstrance Mobile. Haven't drawn a toon with Chauncy since last April's Are You For The Eighty-Sixed? Pope Benedict XVI will be dressed here in the traditional camauro.
Click to view larger image. Largest.
Monday, December 18, 2006
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Stop The ACLU / Copy Machine

Click cartoon above to view larger image. Largest.
A Comparison of Judge Jones’ Opinion in Kitzmiller v. Dover with Plaintiffs’ Proposed “Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law” - Discovery Institute
Judge copied ACLU in anti-design ruling - Free Republic thread
Dec 18 - revised cartoon posted.
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Official Christmas Card From The Cathedral of St. Paul, Minnesota

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Pope St. Leo I The Great, Defend Us Against Nancy Pelosi-ism

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Neverborn meets Pope St. Leo I the Great, combater of heresies which seriously threatened church unity, and makes a request. Cartoon in progress. Should have this finished and posted by 11 AM Saturday, along with a preview post of Sundays Stop The ACLU toon.
Friday, December 15, 2006
Florida To Investigate Thirteen Day Execution, Not

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Florida to investigate 34-minute execution -FoxNews
Fighting for Dear Life: The Untold Story of Terri Schiavo
Guy Adams - The Conservative Voice
Inspired by Freeper Bosco's comments on this Free Republic thread.
Obama a Player in Left's Redefining of Christianity
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Black Xmas / Because Nothing Says Christmas Like Murder

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Weinsteins & MGM To Release (Black Xmas) - Deadline Hollywood Daily
Sketch drawn on a Chipotle napkin (love=Chipotle) for a Devilcat / Faithmouse cartoon in progress regarding the Black Xmas Christmas slasher movie. Devilcat is shown with theater treats and movie ticket in hand, the latter of which he presents to a highly irked Faithmouse. Credit to the original faithmouse for Devilcat's dialogue, which she produced at the drop of a sombero in response to my informing her about the upcoming film.
A not-too-complicated single panel cartoon; hopefully I'll have this online later today.
Dec 14 - Finished toon posted.
Dec 15 - Revised cartoon posted.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Please vote for Stop The ACLU
With two days left to go in the 'Best of The Top 250 Blogs' category at the 2006 Weblog Awards, Stop The ACLU is around 1,000 votes shy of the first place Feministe.
John has a lot of pride in his blog (rightly so) and would like to make a better showing before the vote ends on the 15th. If you can take the time to click the graphic below and vote for his blog, it would be much appreciated.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006

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New dialogueless cartoon featuring Faithmouse and Devilcat. For What Would Jesus Download.
Thanks to Walt for posting a recent Stop The ACLU toon on his The Political Incorrect Blog: A conservative Christian’s viewpoint when the truth is not always politically correct.
While we're on the subject of being politically incorrect, Faithmouse fan Nissa has started a blog called Gay Chaste Catholic-Proclaiming His Love: There's no 'except Gay people' in 'For God so loved the world..." I'm proud that she's used a few of my cartoons in her first posts, including an older Gaybear toon. In the 'future' series from earlier in the year, which featured faithmouse married and with a family of six children, Gaybear goes straight following devotion to the Blessed Mother. Currently we're back in the present time again, wherein Gaybear is a Gay Christian and accepted by Faithmouse and friends.
So, what the point of all of this? Simply that our fellow Christian's relationship with God deserves our respect, especially if it bears signs of a personal relationship with Christ (humility, prayerfulness, and obedience to The Church being but a few). Probably the most controversial point of my portrayal of Gaybear is that he is more than a pawn of natural forces. God isn't nature; He's the creator of nature, and we have choices.
Next to Neverborn (and, um...Poot) Gaybear is probably my most controversial character, and some might consider him to be my most 'liberal' character. If anything, I use the character to make points for Christ, who loves and understands anyone who chooses to love Him.
It would be nice to add a cartoon or two to the a faithmouse Christmas (Secular's Department store) series which I presented this time last year. At the least I'll go ahead and collect these cartoons together on a separate page. Do my best; as you can see I've been busy.
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Stop The ACLU / Apoca-ACLU

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The Legal Lynching of Rumsfeld-
FrontPage Magazine

For the Sunday Funnies at Stop The ACLU.

Faithmouse gets a nod on Top Searched For Women Celebs with the post faithmouse forum/britney spears underwear cartoon (Under Where?) (adult content) for what seems to be no very good reason, until I found this post by Nissa titled faithmouse forum/britney spears underwear cartoon (Under Where?) on her Moreover The Dog Went With Them.
Found your group and thought you might enjoy one of my recent cartoons.
Using government to suppress expression is repression. The ACLU (our leading national censor-much more powerful than the FCC) and similar groups promote a twisted interpretation of both the rights granted by the First Amendment and Jefferson's original intention of his phrase 'wall of separation between Church and State' as expressed in the Danbury letter, wherein he was assuring a Baptist church that the goverment should not have the power to interfere in religious affairs. If you want to know who's actually defending the right to free expression in this country, try the American Center for Law and Justice and the Thomas More Law Center, where you can find documented many, many cases of anti-Christian repression which have and are making their way through the courts.
Silencing free speech, especially by using the judicial branch as a means of 'prohibiting the free exercise thereof' in public, government controlled settings, isn't free speech. It isn't, never was, will never be-no matter what the anti-Christian bigots would like for you to believe.
Friday, December 08, 2006
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Stop The ACLU on Fox News
I'll be handling the Sunday Funnies post for John at his blog for the next few months. There's no shortage of material for faithmouse cartoons; however-the post isn't limited to my own material, so if you come across a relevant ACLU related toon please feel free to forward it to me at faithmouse(at)yahoo(d0t)com for possible inclusion.
John Bolton / Neverborn Cartoon
Thanks to Billo at Billoblog for the hat tip. Cyclophile at his Live Journal posts Eddie's IM IN UR CULTUR, STELLIN UR CHRISTMAZ, and Sigma7 includes it in his LJ concordia discors - Picspam, pain post. Pookie18 on his Today's Toons thread at Free Republic has images posted for both Monday and Tuesday. Somewhere on this Sabai House board from Thailand is the Please Be My Valentine cartoon. DunkinDan has posted the Naughty And Nice toon on this Inside Tennessee Scout18 board; the cartoon has also shown up on this Discussions Forum religion thread. Jay Anderson has N&N on his Pro Ecclesia, and Allen at Is Anybody There? has added the cartoon to his previous Who's Naughty? Who's Nice? This Christmas In Retail post. Thanks to Fracas for the nice post of the toon as well. Kingfish in absentia has added a B16 toon to this ilx.thehold.net thread. Avahari at LiveJournal considers my bad German. Count Von Tucc has added the We're Going To The Hunter S. Thompson Suicide Party! toon to his sidebar of his conttucc MySpace page (adult content).
Thanks to 'A.M' for emailing this-
I'm not a Catholic woman, I'm actually a United Methodist, but I love your Never Born cartoon character and the message. I believe that these "comics" (I hesitate to down play their power with that term) are as powerful or perhaps even more powerful than pictures and testimonies since this can reach a larger field of people. Your non-abrasive and adorable character is an excellent ambassador for your cause. -Thank you and Blessings
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
StudiVZ Karikatur, Und Karikaturansammlung Des Papstes Benedict XVI
StudiVZ is a popular German student oriented site, similar to Facebook, which has been completely offline for a few days because of security issues, and also because its very young CEO has been engaged in some very questionable online activity (posting videos of himself stalking young women, and canvasing the Neo-Nazi community both for investors and birthday gifts). StudiVZ promises to be back online sometime on Tuesday.
The text in the above cartoon -'studiVZ ist offline aufgrund von Sicherheitslecks / Ihr habt immer eine gute Verbindung zu Gott' translates into English as 'studiVZ is offline because of security trouble / you always have a reliable connection to God'.
Thanks to Christian for the revised translation.
Dieser „faithmouse“ Aufstellungsort enthält viele katholische, christliche, amerikanische politische Pro-leben Karikaturen. Für sieben Jahre online. Willkommen!

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Click above for larger image. Largest.

Click above for larger image. Largest.

Click above for larger image. Largest.
Click above for larger image. Largest
Monday, December 04, 2006
Danny DeVito Is Drunk
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Britney Spears Underwear Cartoon
A simple picture of faithmouse, dedicated to pop star Britney Spear's missing panties, misplaced somewhere in a limosine with Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan, but from what I understand reunited with their grateful owner after having been recently rediscovered after a frantic search by helpful photographers.
Under wear, I could not say....
Stop The ACLU / I'd Like To Report A Nativity

Click above to view larger image. Largest.
The ACLU Targets Christmas - American Center For Law & Justice
Friday, December 01, 2006
Tamanho Famila
Gledson and Célida of Familia Feliz in Brazil discovered faithmouse a few years ago and emailed me for permission to use my artwork on t-shirts, postcards, or anything else which might help to promote their ever-expanding adopted family of 50 plus children. I've also met at my own home with a missionary from Bethany House who's a long-time friend and liaison for the family. I've drawn a number of cartoons for Familia's use and have given them blanket permission to use anything from my site. I haven't created anything specifically for them during the past year and a half, and so was delighted when they contacted me a few days ago for help with their music CD project.
I have fifteen new Familia illustrations to create over the course of the week or so, and so for now I need to put all socio-theo-political commentary on hold. While these mice-sized mice illustrations are non-controversial, a few should make for nice faithmouse cartoons in their own right (for example, one cartoon is for a Hebrew song called Hodu L'Adonai Ki Tov, which translates as 'give thanks to God because He is good').
Angelbabies 4 Lyfe

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Part of what I like to do with faithmouse is to take it into places a Catholic, pro-life cartoon wouldn't be expected to go. If you look at the links on my sidebar, you can see I've been somewhat successful at that.
The earlier Neverborn/Bad Ass For Life toon showed up on a number of very non-Christian sites, posted, not because the posters thought the cartoon was worthy of being mocked, but because they liked it. For faithmouse, that's acceptance worth pursuing. When Jen*Star posted the Bad Ass toon on a MySpace blog with the comment that she was really looking for a 'wanabe ganster 4 lyfe' toon, I took that as a cue. I decided to take the theme a little farther with the previous version of the above cartoon, in which the characters struck a somewhat familiar Hip-Hop like pose. The cartoon looked sexual, but it really wasn't (obviously they're just angel-babies) a twist which I thought might be considered charming to my side of the aisle but authentic to the other. The nature of many of my images is that they can be enjoyed for various reasons by those who would normally never even consider a religious based cartoon, but without my actually giving up any moral or theological ground.
However, too many of my regular fans found the previous version too racy, so I've bowed to them and revised the image (which I'll also re-color it in the near future). Bare-butted cherubs are a constant in Catholic art through the ages, but I suppose I must have made that one cute girl-angel a little too bootilicious. I try to think through my images and anticipated reactions thoroughly before posting, but I can make mistakes, especially when I have this many projects on the table. For those who were offended, I most sincerely apologize.
Thursday, November 30, 2006

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Cartoon in progress. I've had my hands full lately so I've been posting more sketches as toons.
If you're a regular LiveJournal poster or reader, you'll recognize this image as a take-off on the eternal rehashing of the original I am in your base killing your d00ds image, which has taken on many forms, most notably feline.

Eddie_Lummox at the faithmouse forum at Portal Of Evil (adult content) posted this image in response to my IM IN UR, wondering where the kitten is. I think his faithmouse is a lot better than mine, so I've copied and pasted it for today's cartoon-

Click above to view larger image. Largest.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Angelbabies Bustin' Tillerdawg

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Faith Notes

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Musically themed drawings which are part of a special project I've started at the request of Famila Feliz, a Brazilian charity which has used my cartoons on T-Shirts and postcards over the course of the past few years. More about this later.
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