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Falwell: Hillary Better Than Lucifer - Newsmax.com
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ACLU vs. NOLA Parish Over Hurricane Katrina Memorial - Fox News
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Third version of the cartoon I've posted online in the past day; the former versions were posted directly to the Stop The ACLU site itself. To stop myself from creating additional variations of this cartoon I've destroyed the former ones and flattened all the layers of the print version of the cartoon above. Enough is enough!
I had a pretty clear idea of the 'message' of this cartoon (the ACLU defends some Christian cases, particularly ones which further their own partisan agenda, but on the whole aggressively attacks Christian free expression) but the 'gag' was just too idea laden and kept imploding under its own weight. Finally I compromised with the cartoon and allowed it to express the spirit of my original idea. It's surreal, I know, but it works for me.
I recently read some of an interview with Bob Dylan, where he revealed that he tries to capture an overall aural quality to his songs which matches the elusive one he totes around in his head. This sound, he explained, is similar to an early morning walk down a busy street, minus the jack hammers. It's his 'jingle-jangle morning'. I can understand this, because much more important than any particular political or religious idea, I try to capture a certain atmosphere I feel regarding the confluence or non-confluence of these themes. I understand that people enjoy gags, but I've never been very good at them.
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Please feel free to post today's cartoon on your own site to help promote this worthwhile youth event, which will benefit local pregancy resource centers.
Neverborn / Wash For Life Coloring Page
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Thanks to Alan Keyes' Renew America for posting today's Wash For Life toon. Thanks as well to Pookie18 for posting a number of toons on Friday's Today's Toons thread at Free Republic. Adam at Adam's Blog under 'What Price Beauty?' has posted the Fetuses? You're soaking in them! cartoon. Suzanne at Blue Wave Canada has done the same under the title 'Remember the old dish soap ads?' Sharii at her Save The Babies MySpace post has also linked to the cartoon. A post of the older Women's rights begin in the womb toon can be found on this forum from Croatia. Something Awful (adult content) has a thread revisiting the Fiestacat cartoon from last month. Christine has posted the Neverborn 'Life' flower toon on her Domestic Vocation. Those with an account at ESPN can view this post of the Delivery refused, return to sender cartoon. Ray from Stella Borealis has tagged me with Five Things Meme, and I don't own a backpack.
Cartoon in progress.
Another preview image from the Steve Irwin Crikey! cartoon, which is also in progress.
I'm working on a promotional cartoon for the first annual Wash For Life, which I learned about by way of the Generations For Life newsletter. The Wash For Life takes place this Saturday September 16 at a location near you, with proceeds to benefit pregnancy resource centers. I've have this new Neverborn cartoon, which will be similar in flavor to the recent Neverborn 'life' flower cartoon, posted online for both this Friday and Saturday. If you have a Pro-Life blog, please consider posting the cartoon on your own site to promote this worthwhile youth event.
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Still working on that Steve Irwin toon-here's a preview image for those who have returned for the completed image. The Baxter County Right To Life toon is finished though, and can be seen in the post immediately below.
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Right To Life groups are welcome to use this version of the above cartoon which I've made into a Life-Chain sign-up sheet image.
Life Chain Sunday - October 1, 2006.
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For the Sunday Funnies at Stop The ACLU.
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Women Paid to Carry Baby to 12 Weeks before “Harvesting” for Beauty Treatments - LifeSite
A barbaric kind of beauty - Daily Mail
Thanks to Rebecca at the Catholic bioethics Mary Meets Dolly for posting today's cartoon. Pookie18 has posted a few recent cartoons on his Today's Toons thread at Free Republic. Pookie's collections are regularly re-posted on a number of sites, including this thread at the Republican Humor Yahoo group (registration required). Honored to have two recent toons linked on the Wikipedia page for Iowa's 1st Congressional District Republican candidate Mike Whalen. I've seen my Jesus Enters Jerusalem cartoon, which features an appropriately middle-eastern looking Christ (as a camel) used now in a few places on the web, including this recent adaptation for a personal icon by Guest_7izo on his IMVU page.
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Judge Rules Christian Prison Program Unconstitutional- Agape Press / Free Republic
I decided that the current Iowa series toon will actually make for a better Sunday Funnies Stop The ACLU toon than the 'Disaster Cross' sketch in the previous post.
The Iowa district judge who ruled against the Prison Fellowship program is Robert Pratt, who was appointed to the bench by Bill Clinton in 1997. In 2002, Judge Pratt struck down an Iowa law that required convicted sex offenders to live at least 2,000 feet from schools, day care centers and other child care facilities. Judge Pratt is a member of the Volunteer Committee of Lawyers, an affiliation who's members 'share strong misgivings about the wisdom and consequences of America's perpetual drug war'. On an article on the VCL site, Judge Pratt refers to the war on drugs as the "war on drugs" and laments the taxpayer dollars wasted by the fight.
Worldwide Faithmouse cartoon of the day-
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