Christ disguised as Santa Claus in a Christmas cartoon from 2004. Click Santa Christ to view a larger version.
I'm taking some time off from cartooning, which gives me a chance to show some older cartoons such as the one above. Merry Christmas!

Blogs4Brownback - Faithmouse Friday
MafiaRPG - Donnie Davies/God Hates Fags panel
Dry White Toast MySpace - Grateful She's Dead
Church And State - Bad Santa
Free Dominion - Fraud Fits Loves Lawsuits
Free Dominion is the Canadian 'Free Republic'.
Zolaboard - ACLU Grinch (used as avatar)
Debbie Schlussel - link to Energy Saver Bulb cartoon.
Debbie is a frequent guest on Bill O'Reilly's show on Fox.
Reformed Hispanic - Neverborn/Swoopy Blogs4Life promo toon
Zanz - Neverborn/Delivery Refused, Return To Sender
Crime Club - Bad Ass For Life

One of a half dozen portraits of Mother Teresa I've painted during the past decade. Not the best background on this particular version, which is why I still have it. Hard to sell something I know could be better. It's come in handy though as reference for a newer version-

First application of oil over an acrylic underpainting. The background is off to a much better start, I think. Should have this completed and posted by Christmas eve.
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