I've painted a few additional Rush Limbaugh portraits or paintings featuring Rush, but these are the ones I can find. I've also drawn a half-dozen or so Faithmouse cartoons with Rush as the subject; you can locate a few of those if you're interested via Google Image Search.

Oh, and get better soon, Rush. It wouldn't be the same without you.
On a related note, I've decided that my New Years painting-in-progress of boorish lout Mark Simone was a little too kind, so here's a reboot-

A little smaller this time around and on sheet canvas.
Update / Oct 19, 2010
Thanks to The Village Voice for posting the 'Rush The Hut' painting and linking to this collection at their Photo OP Slideshow 'Rush Limbaugh and the Many Face of Evil: A Photo Gallery.'
Oh, and that completed Mark Simone painting from last New Year's currently resides at the top of page 2 in GIS-