Another panel from the full page cartoon in progess.
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Click cartoon above for larger image. Largest.
One panel from a full page comic in progress.
For those who may be concerned, this is only a flashback in Faithmouses' mind to an earlier event. It isn't happening currently in the plot line, which will now resume from the point where we last saw Faithmouse and Timothy A. Bear together.
To recap: Timothy fell asleep for two years in a Squealy Mattress store. When he awoke, he learned that Gaybear had found his true self through devotion to the Blessed Mother and had become Francis, the ex-Gaybear. He also had a new girlfriend named Clare. Timothy also learned that Augustine the Cat had become a priest. Father Augustine brought Timothy to a house shaped like a cross with a lot of shoes on the doorstep and a Celtic cross doorknocker on the front door. Inside, Timothy was amazed to encounter Faithmouse, her new husband Blackbear, and their six children.
Click to view larger image. Largest.
I've said here in previous posts that I only want to do beautiful and loving work. If I owe my audience anything, it's honesty.
A special thank-you to the folks at Portal of Evil.
A cartoon for Holy Saturday, which also serves to mark the 1,000 comment in the adult-oriented 'faithmouse' forum at Portal Of Evil. Another site called Something Awful is mentioned in this cartoon as well.
I no longer link to sites such as POE as I did in the past in order to keep all of the links on this site child friendly. I actually have a few fans at Portal, so you're a fan of faithmouse and you check out their forums, please do me a favor and refrain from leaving heated comments there in my defense.
An entertaining image, I think...
Thanks to Don Hughes at JesusJournal, who has emailed to say he'd like to post some cartoons on the site in the future. Thanks as well to American Papist for the posting the recent 'Jerusalem' cartoon under the banner Hey, I made the Faithmouse cut!
Including references to web sites and blogs in the cartoons seems to be garnishing a pretty intense reaction. Faithmouse is a web cartoon, after all. I'll try to expand upon the theme in the near future.
You can find a gallery of some older faithmouse cartoons at Ann's Catacombers site, including my last drawing of the Cathedral of St. Paul (during it's roof renovation) which I used as the background of a quinate commentary on sin.
Thanks to the Judith and Mitchell at Our Word And Welcome To It for their mention of our Northland Catholic Roundtable get-together at Davanni's in Bloomington last Saturday. Fellow Catholic bloggers Desperate Irish Housewife, The Church Online, Bearing Blog, and AdoroTeDevote (who could use your prayers after losing her grandmother on Monday morning) attended as well. Nice to be able to steal i.e.-represent the thoughts of such solid Catholic thinkers. The gathering afforded some needed information and opins, and inspired today's cartoon, the tone of which was influenced primarily by a comment by the erudite Mitchell Hadley as he noted the lack of ecclesiastic transparency in the current Father Altier controversy.
And now, a partial limerick-
Jesus' death tore the curtain in two;
today we could all use a much better view.
Click to view larger image.
Thanks to Ray at Stella Borealis: Northland Catholic Roundtable for reserving advanced seating on his blog to display this continuing limerick in defense of Father Robert Altier. I'll post the full first verse by Monday, once I complete our (mouse in my pocket) regular Sunday Funnies toon for Stop The ACLU, which will be a little different this time around.
Barb at SFO Mom makes this request-
I would appreciate it if anyone who reads this would keep a special intention in their prayers. I am in a big struggle with something, that may not be a big deal at all, but sure feels like one right now (isn't that always the way!)
I need Francis' Prayer Before the Cross:
Most high, all-glorious, all-good God,
bring light to the darkness of my heart.
Give me right faith, certain hope,
and perfect charity, with wisdom and insight,
O Lord, that I might always discern Your holy and true will.
Hoped to have had this finished and posted by Wednesday night; will have to aim for noon on Thursday for the completed version. The toon will feature an appearance by Pope Benedict XVI, who hasn't appeared on the site since he roared into town on his riding mower in April of last year-
Click above to view larger image. Largest.
Thanks to the honorable The Curt Jester for linking on Wednesday to the cartoon above.
An illustration I began around this time last year. Nice time to return to it. Should have this finished and up by Monday morning.
Don't know if anyone's noticed, but I've been revising the Terri Schiavo illustration from a few days ago. Still needs a tweak or two, but better I think...
Grazie 'da rilavorare' per additione dal lista 'Satira eccellente' a il diario conservatore Riposte Frequenti.
For the Sunday Funnies at Stop The ACLU
Thanks to the original faithmouse for hand-lettering the poem in the image above. Thanks as well to former Russian linguist and intelligence officer Paul for adding the feed for the regular toon to his Thoughts of a Regular Guy. A germane toon from last year has made its way to this German forum at Haschingsplace.
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