I've found the time though to rework the 'Christ' part of yesterday's image, which I'm posting as today's hotlink for the affiliates. I'm not too unhappy with the pavement, which I redrew using mainly graphite shavings applied with the corner of a paper towel. The detail of the stonework was pulled out with a gummy eraser, and then I defined the edges again with pencil.
As for yesterday's cartoon which I'm still planning to revise and post, the Athenian Civil Liberties Union was an allusion to Paul's comments regarding the nature of the people of Athens in Acts 17 and his argument that the 'unknown god' which they worshipped was none other than Christ Himself. Christ, who paid penalty for the sins of all mankind so we could forever be in good relationship with God, doesn't need legal representation by man-however, like the Athenians who' spent their time doing nothing but talking about and listening to the latest ideas' mankind could certainly benefit from the revelation of the salvation already in their midst.
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