Click above to view larger image. Largest.Evolution Is Deterministic, Not Random, Biologists Conclude From Multi-species Study - ScienceDaily
On second thought, the title for this cartoon would have made for a better cartoon than the one I drew.

A few post and link acknowledgements-
Thanks to Ray at our own local Stella Borealis, Northland Catholic Roundtable for posting the recent Neverborn / Get Me Outta Here! cartoon.
Pookie18 has posted a few toons to a recent Today's Toons threads at FreeRepublic.
StarBright posts the Chaim/Neverborn toon to Stumbleupon.
Ride The White Horse posts the Familia Feliz Thanksgiving Day cartoon to Molly's MySpace page and wonders aloud about hidden phallic symbolism. Her name is Ride The White Horse.
The Johnny Hart memorial cartoon can be found somewhere on this KVRAudio site.
Al at Is Anybody There? also posts the Get Me Outta Here! toon.
Hat City Blog has a post of the Mitt Romney's Dog cartoon, which is in turn crossposted at My LeftNutMeg.
Rick Face has the You're #1 In Christ! birthday cartoon.
Thanks to HDLNS.com for including faithmouse in their 'issues' category. Issues?...we've got 'em!
A Rudy Guiliani /Ruby Jewels cartoon (have to get around to a new one of these soon) can be found in this Tampa Bay Buccaneers fan forum.
Another Rudy Jewels post can be found on this Seattle Craigslist page.
Wettham MySpace - Cuttlefish Dictator cartoon.
Judigbass StumbleUpon - Shield of Faith cartoon.
SFO Mom - Arms Are Much Bigger.
MucheDumbre - Bill Clinton Turkeyburgers.
Transhumanism - Christian Terrorist.
Tink's MySpace is showing one of my older promo cartoons.
ProjectAfter Forum questions my sanity.
The Express MySpace uses my Buddy Democrat cartoon as the background image.
The recent Prince Tells His Fans To PFUnk Off cartoon is posted somewhere in this Connections blog (my referrer log told me so).
NetPhoria shows both the Neverborn/Morrissey and the full Taint & Fetus /Kristina Dimitrova cartoons.
Blogs4Brownback mentions faithmouse in their recent 'Umbert The Unborn' post, and warns possible visitors.
Rionn!'s MySpace - You're #1 In Christ!
SomethingAwful continues to chronicle my descent into madness.
No Other Color But Green's MySpace displays the God Is Green cartoon. butWHY
A freeper references The ACLU Ferret in this FreeRepublic forum.
HipHopDX - My Goldfish Died.
BungleFever - You're #1 In Christ (popular!).
The Small Print - Donnie Davies 'God Hates Fags' panel.
Somewhere within this Gangs Of Arabia roleplaying site you can find the Neverborn/Bad Ass For Life cartoon. Ditto BadFellas.
Torch The Bridge - Neverborn (as) Morrissey cartoon.
Adrienne Jones - Britney Spears / Monty Python cartoon.