Click above to view larger image. Largest.
VIDEO: Lord of the Rings Film Star Ian McKellen Admits to Ripping Out Hotel Bible Sections Against Homosexuality - LifeSite.net
It took a few days, but the vast faithmouse conspiracy has returned. I was able to hook up my former hard drive (and all of my print files) to my new computer, but many of my older programs refused and still refuse to work in Windows Vista (my advice: stay with XP as long as you possibly can) and/or I had some major issues with missing critical files. A little sleep deprived, but happy to be back. What a hassle!
I have most of four or more cartoons drawn, which I'll begin to scan and post later today after Chris and I visit the A Rather Bad Day In Pompeii exhibit at the Science Museum of Minnesota. Hope they have that petrified dog.
Click above to view larger cartoon. Largest.
Introducing a new character, alluded to in this Ms. StarMole / Minnesota Loon cartoon from June.
Click above to view larger cartoon. Largest.
The faithmouse request thread is back and running at PoE. I try to turn out one to three requests a week on any subject; toking gratefully accepted but not required. Above is a toon I drew for PoEster NoCode featuring her husband and his beloved pet crab.
And now, a few post and link acknowledgements-
Yamo posts NoCode's crabtoon on oh yes. they. did. LiveJournal.
Thanks to Sonticus Santus / Catholic Audio for employing the Father Robert Altier sketch in their post of links to his Fundamentals of Catholicism audio series.
Rotten Tomatoes has the Greetings from Taji, Iraq toon from 2005 on a 'Soldier censored at YearlyKos convention' thread.
Thanks to meditations for adding our regularly updating cartoon as well as a number of previous cartoons on their toon page.
Iriss posts the Stop and Praise God toon to Christopher's MySpace page.
One Nation Under Blog picks up the picks up the most recent ACLU Ferret toon via the Stop The ACLU feed. Hollie's Hooligans and others (thanks to all) do the same.
Erica at her the calvaria sign MySpace page is using the neverborn / Eviction Notice cartoon as her background image.
Jampeejampa from brisbane, Australia has an older neverborn sketch as the background for her Thai hi5 page.
Yuki posts 2005's I'm Living It on mma.tv's 'The Biggest Fundie' thread.
Hey, I finally found time to design character galleries! Eighteen characters are featured in the two pages above (click for larger). Taint & Fetus, Poot, Camy and Watchee, Garrison Squealor, The ACLU Ferret, Panda Rose, Dude, Hillary Chipmunk, Ruby Jewels and others refuse to sit together for a portrait, at least temporarily.
Lastly, Chris Ward (my wife, and the original faithmouse) will play her harp Tuesday afternoon at the private visitation of one of the victims of our local tragedy; the gal with the husband and young daughter, the one who normally didn't travel that way home from work.
Chris would rather I not mention this, but it's a blessing and a little awe-inspiring considering that Chris had planned to be on that road earlier in the day herself but decided to do something else.
Honey, forgive.
Click cartoon above to view larger image. Largest.
Love Power Music and Miracle Ministries - West Bank, Minneapolis
Posted the following yesterday to this Phatmass Bridge Collapse In Mpls, please pray thread-
I actually logged on to Phatmass to post some of my recent faithmouse cartoons, and the first thing I saw was the headline about the bridge collapse. I told my wife, and then we turned on the television.
My wife has a sister who's family went camping north for the week, and my wife had debated earlier in the day whether or not to check on her sister's house today. If she had done so, she would have driven over that same bridge on the way back home, within a few hours window of the collapse.
We've both driven that stretch hundreds if not thousands of times. It's going to be really tough for years to get around Minneapolis and the rest of the twin cites after the loss of that main artery.
I don't know if you've seen this on television, but there's an apartment tower directly to the east of where the school bus stopped, not more than a few hundred yards away. Father John Zuhlsdorf lived there with his mother when he attended the U of M. My wife lived in a dorm not far away when she was a student at the university as well.
Very close by and overlooking the freeway is the Love Power mural-
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