Must have been the butter and syrup!

A miniature oil portrait of Fox News host Sean Hannity with a stack of pancakes on his head.
Fox News Sean Hannity Pancake Art- Ebay Auction
Before I discovered that I had been deemed persona non gratis at the Hannity forums I decided to paint a second image of Hannity, this time with red, white and blue pancakes. I include it here for your enjoyment-

Sean Hannity with red, white and blue pancakes on his head.
Sean Hannity with red, white and blue pancakes - Ebay Art Auction

A few recent posts of my paintings and cartoons I've discovered on various sites and blogs-
The Game Vault - Gary Gygax
Busker Wars - God Loves You
Effliga - Hillary Clinton / Bill O'Reilly muppet
Club RSX - Fourth Of July cartoon
Shasun - Heath Ledger as The Joker
Banditi - Heath Ledger as The Joker
Stone Rock - John McCain pancakes
Urban Honking - Sarah Palin pancakes
Killing Ifrit - John McCain pancakes
Boxing Prediction League - John McCain pancakes
Asoiaf - Praising God With A Potted Plant ('Mo')
Ed Schultz - John McCain pancakes
Metal Sludge - John McCain pancakes
Ih8mud - Barack Obama unicorn
Threadless - a few pancake paintings
Democratic Underground - John McPancakes
Kickoff Labiere - Chantal Sebire
Future MD - Sarah Palin pancakes
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