My City Pages interview, which includes a slideshow of pancakes past-
Dan Lacey's bizarre pancake paintings land him fame beyond Gawker - City Pages
I'm also interviewed in this front page Sunday New York Times story, which references both my pancake and Barack Obama Nude On A Unicorn series-
Obama’s Face (That’s Him?) Rules the Web - The New York Times

A miniature oil painting Alaska Governor and Republican Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin hunting pancakes while wearing a patriotic bikini.
Sarah Palin Pancake Hunter - Ebay Art Auction
Pablo Pancake Palin-ed - PABLOg! (News and views on Pablo Castelaz, a young boy fighting cancer)
Sarah Palin Makes Us Feel Confused And Tingly - LiveJournal
McCain Pre-Palin: Governors And Mayors Can't Handle National Security - Huffington Post

A few posts of my work on various forums, recently discovered-
NXPortal - Palin pancakes
Cafe Come Back Alive - Panel from an older Ronald Reagan cartoon
MYBS - Oolong pancake
Craiovahhub - Heath Ledger as The Joker
Roosterteeth - Obama victory unicorn
RPG - Sarah Palin, pancake hunter
Urban Honking - Hadron Collider with a pancake on its head
Volnation - John McCain loves Abba
Juventus Mania - Heath Ledger as The Joker
Wrestling Forum - Ledger
Zatar Kingdom - Miracle Of Birth cartoon
Sutkh - Oolong
Meet Me Into - Oolong
Sanguine Raiding -Sarah Palin, pancake hunter
Rog The Frog - Sarah Palin, pancake hunter
Elle Girl - Oolong
Bweinh - McCain Muppet
Fark - Two John McCain paintings
Mets Regugees - Neverborn Bob Ross cartoon
Last Planet To Jakarta - Hadron
Brandimensions - Obama muppet
Teton Gravity - Obama unicorn
Four Freedoms Blog - John McPancake
GM Truck HQ - God Love You cartoon
Civ Fanatics - 'A Political Cartoon' panel
YouTube Stelcor - Mother Teresa painting used as background image
Soldier Angels Forum - Miley Cyrus, Underwear Harlot cartoon
USF Italy Program - St. Francis Of Asissi drawing
Motortrend - Barack O'Muppet
SF Fixed - Barack unicorn
Neva Back Down - Neverborn / Badass For Life
Geetalk - McMuppet
MSN Moviesboard - Oolong paintings
Tricksterthief - Joker
Ajanlolap - Two Eight Belles paintings
Bronco Country - Oolong
Tooboarders - Obama unicorn
Juot - McCain pancake
Rotten Tomatoes - Obama unicorn
Legends Horse - Arabian horse painting used as avatar
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