I've added a new
Hurricane Katrina gallery to the
HTML site, which I'll update regularly over the next week or two. My hope is that these cartoons might be an encouragement to anyone who knows someone engaged in relief efforts in the area, or who knows of someone who might be in trouble.
My main thought about the Hurricane, and in particular concerning the tragedy which is the Gulf Coast, is that there must be many unknowns who have given their lives for others. We'll probably never know what they did or their relationship to the people they saved. Some were (are) probably strangers, others family members, possibly dying together. This is rich earth for a cartoon which claims itself to be Christian.
Adding to the current political battle over New Orleans is best left to those who also draw and/or debate and who can form sturdier arguments than I. The number of purely spiritually oriented cartoons about this crisis I suspect runs much lower, and this is the well to which I wish to contribute.

I've added a new gallery of
Prayer and Encouragement cartoons to the toon site.
The Berlin Wall between Church and State has posted the recent cartoon about 3 of 4 U.S. doctors believing in God, and Michael Tosh at
Crazy Catholic has posted a Kerry/Abortion toon from last year.
Christmania (cool name) has added the regularly updating cartoon. Thanks also to Teresa who has added the cartoon to her
Bouquet of Love.God bless!