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Cartoon drawn in pencil on the back of a postcard with a little color thrown in via photoshop. This was a preliminary sketch for an upcoming toon on the South Dakota abortion vote, but I think it works just fine as an image on its own. The actual South Dakota toon will feature an appearance by Alan Keyes.
Revised the first Michael J. Fox / Backwards To The Future toon, which can be seen below. A Neverborn Halloween cartoon is also in progress; hopefully I'll have that online by Tuesday morning.
Thanks to las47032 for including the recent Stop The ACLU / Holes In The Argument toon in a thread at Fighting The Left.com Ben Hollingsworth posts our current regularly updating Jesus.jpg toon within a post regarding Christian Ubuntu (http://www.whatwouldjesusdownload.com/) on his Ben's Blogs. Pabloalphons posts a Faithmouse / Neverborn cartoon as his definition of soul. Ray at our own Stella Borealis: Northland Catholic Roundtable has included faithmouse in his list of Regional Bloggers who post frequently: Oct 27. Thanks to BiTTeR_IvY for adding our cartoon to her BiTTeR_IvY LiveJournal page. Somewhere in this Polish Fonda forum is a post of http://faithmouse.com/daily813.jpg. Thanks to Miguel Vaz for posting the Neverborn / Delivery Refused, Return To Sender cartoon on his Portugese Anti Aborto. Rachel Weaselbooger on LiveJournal posts Bat*** insane right-wing cartoonist Dan Lacey weighs in on the MJF stem cell controversy and links back to the faithmouse forum at Portal Of Evil. Derek Michael Lenz has the Vote Christ 2006 toon posted on his Ruckmanite777av.livejournal. Thanks to PUNKTUAXION superr in Luxembourg for using the Neverborn / Ave Domini 2006 toon as the background image on her PUNKTUAXION superr Friendster page.
Thanks to Brass at Portal Of Evil (adult content) for creating the flying Faithmouse gif from the previous North To Korea toon.
A Kim Jong-il (김정일) Faithmouse cartoon. Posted this on Billie's A Few of FR's Finest / Warm Fuzzy Wednesday thread at Free Republic.
I'd like to work Hillary Clinton into a number of future cartoons, and rather than just produce a Mort Drucker/Dick Wright type likeness I'd like to do something a little different.
Signs I made last month for the Wash For Life carwash in Rochester, Minnesota. You can see the original Neverborn design here.
I'm afraid I've fallen behind on my thank-you's...
Thanks to prolythic poster Ray at our own local Stella Borealis-Northland Catholic Roundtable for posting a few recent cartoons, including the Neverborn/Mama Lisa toon. Alan Keyes' Renew America has posted three recent toons; Ms'd, Marian Fisher, and Mama Lisa. Thanks to Stop the ACLU as well for their regular Sunday Funnies posts. Cactus Alliance (we deal with prickly issues the right way!) has add the Pro-Life Blogs feed to their aggregator and therefore displays the Ms.d' toon. Amergina's LiveJournal is also displaying the Ms'd toon. Proud to have the Neverborn/Life toon on Freeper CGK's 'about' page.
Thanks to low-boy for posting the older John Kerry/Nail In Christ's Wrist cartoon on his page of Christian images at his low-boy Asiantown page. Kudos to Kids On A Mission For God for adding an older Terri Schiavo/Third World toon as a graphic link to faithmouse on their site entrance. Pookie18 has posted a number of toons on his popular Today's Toons forum at Free Republic.
Thanks to I Love Volchat for his post of the Bill Clinton/Mr. Bunny toon on this Inside Tennessee Scout.com board. Faith has included a graphic link at Faithcross. Mr. Magoo has posted the Neverborn/Delivery Refused toon at this thread at Bigfooty. MSN ***Sweet_friendzz has added one of the older series toons to their 'Have fun met deze cartoons' page. Thanks to EthicalGop for the post and link at this Discussion Forums thread on Marian Fisher. Snakebytexx included one of the Christmas Series-Michael Newdow Magic Erase Pens toons in this New Hampshire Craigslist forum. Thanks to the German Sleepwalker Blog for including the hotlink for the regularly updating 'Jesus' toon in a post regarding Linux Ubuntu Christian Edition, which can be downloaded from What Would Jesus Download.com; WWJD.com also displays a special, dialogueless faithmouse feed on their homepage for their many international visitors.
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Ms. Magazine Ignored Petitions From Women Who Regret Abortions - LifeSite
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In progress.
Project Jason - Assistance For The Families Of The Missing
Five years ago, 19 year old Jason Jolkowski was last seen by his younger brother taking out the trash from his parent's driveway while waiting for a carpool ride to his part-time job. No one has seen him since, no one believes he was a runaway, and there are no clues. I can only imagine how heartwrenching this must be, and it's an experience shared by families and friends of the missing all over the world.
Wednesday Revision-
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In response to a comment by Panda Rose, Asshat posts the following-
'We need crazy Christians in a grim world, need them on both sides of the Tiber.' No, we should deport them. We need thinkers, not believers. I'm glad this offensive experiment will die a quiet death. Good luck to you in your future endevours.(sic)
Actually, I've increased both my output and returned to political subject matter during the past month. A hat tip to the folks at Democratic Underground; there's something about being kicked while you're down to inspire you to get off of the floor....
Sketch showing the original drawing for a new toon (inspired by the Mona Lisa story from a few days ago) with some lettering thrown over the top and colorized. As you can see I'm not adverse to working on different cartoons on the same sheet of paper. I try not to be too precious with whatever it is I'm doing; re the lines from folding the paper and carrying it around in my pocket during the day. The creases I can always erase later in Photoshop when I scan the drawing for both print and web.
The John Klang memorial portrait in progress. This is drawn on a 4x6" sheet of paper which I carried around on Monday inside of a Sweetist Day card my wife gave me a few years ago and which I've had sitting atop a pile of neglected projects near my computer. It was handy, and, it kept me from ruining the drawing as I carried it around in my pocket. I did some of the shading at the Culver's Restaurant in Lakeville, Minnesota. Not finished, of course. I have an extended section I'll blend with this drawing for the finished portrait.
I draw these portraits from photographs completely by eye. I've discovered that when working from photographs it's helpful to turn them upsidedown, a technique which makes live subjects suspicious of your motives. The benefit of copying photographs from unusual angles is that it forces you to see only spatial relationships. It's much more productive to draw irregular shapes versus what you assume a nose should look like, which is by definition representative and therefore wrong. I call that 'cartooning' (see nose below).
A second version of yesterday's Pro-Life Memorial Day cartoon, which is standing in for today's toon until I first cut grass and then complete one of the above projects.
I've received a request from someone associated with Care Net for a Neverborn cartoon. Also, a relative of one of the subjects in the unfinished Heroes Of Sadr City memorial portrait has contacted me wondering if I plan to complete the portrait, which I should. My apologies. I love starting projects, but hate finishing them.
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