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In progress.
Project Jason - Assistance For The Families Of The Missing
Cartoon I started a few weeks ago to help promote Project Jason. Had a little problem getting the right 'sky' effect; if you click on the above image, you'll see what I'm trying to accomplish.
Five years ago, 19 year old Jason Jolkowski was last seen by his younger brother taking out the trash from his parent's driveway while waiting for a carpool ride to his part-time job. No one has seen him since, no one believes he was a runaway, and there are no clues. I can only imagine how heartwrenching this must be, and it's an experience shared by families and friends of the missing all over the world.
Wednesday Revision-

Thought about this a bit more, and decided it's not helpful to draw a cartoon PSA for a missing person when you can't tell who the missing person is supposed to be. I think this gets my original artistic idea across without sacrificing the actual purpose of the cartoon. Still need to add stars and perhaps a few other details to the above revision before I can say it's done.

I've decided to at least temporarily drop comments from the blog. I appreciate the commenters who have left encouraging messages, including those who have civily disagreed, but for now I'm on opinion vacation.