Friday, June 29, 2007
Pro-Life Generation
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Sam Brownback and Neverborn / All Wet
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Obese Cuttlefish Dictator

Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Blessing Panel

Click above to view larger image. Largest.
Jereme at What Would Jesus Download (which features our cartoon and also offers a free version of Christian Ubuntu for Linux) has a new toolbar available for Firefox and IE.
Monday, June 25, 2007
Queen Victoria's Secret

Click above to view larger image. Largest.
Roy in his WHAT DO THE DRUMS SAY, RODNEY? post at alicublog says the following-
"I would advise you wash this garbage out of your brain with some hardcore pornography, but your work computer filters may not allow it, so use Faithmouse instead -- the guy is every bit as bigoted as Dreher, but clinically insane, which is much more entertaining."
A post of a previous Neverborn & Swoopy / Blogs4Life toon can be found at the Korean cafe322.
Thanks to Alan Keyes Renew America for the post of the recent Godless Dollars cartoon.
Daniel posts the Devilcat with MadMax Tequita Bottle Sparklie on Ivón AnahÍ's MySpace page.
Thanks to Pookie18 for the recent post on his Today's Toons thread at Free Republic.
Nyla at the Spanish language Hey Britney forums says "Pues buscando fotos hoy me encontre con esta ....como se cachondean de ella... " and posts a link to a (relatively) recent Britney Spears No Underwear! cartoon featuring Faithmouse and GayBear.
Just discovered this post of the Steve Irwin / Crikey! and an older Chaplain Catodanno cartoon by MySpace's Pepper Ann.
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Stop The ACLU Ferret / The North American Ferret-Boy Love Association

Click above to view larger image. Largest.
Friday, June 22, 2007
Stop The ACLU Ferret / Just Do Me In Ohio

Click above to view larger image. Largest.

Big headstart of this Sunday's Stop The ACLU toon. I've made a few revisions to the previous Walking Stick cartoon as well.
Thanks to Alan Keyes Renew America for posting the recent Godless Dollars cartoon.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Robin Williams

Click above to view larger image. Largest.
Robin Williams Slams Catholic Priests as Pedophiles, Spews Bigotry on NBC Tonight Show - NewsBusters
Queen Victoria's Secret / Mayberry Pancakes Icon

Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Godless Dollars

Click above to view larger image. Largest.
Mint releases more 'Godless' dollars -
(error during striking process)
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Ms. StarMole Dreams of Number Six and Christgantor Freeing Faithmouse From Rover

Click above to view larger image. Largest.
Thanks to Amergina for the post of the above at her Friends of Amergina LiveJournal.
Monday, June 18, 2007
St. Augustine Is In Your Extended Network

Thanks to Al at Is Anybody There? for posting the recent Ruth Graham Bell Memorial cartoon.
Pookie18 has the recent Faithmouse / Neverborn Gimmie Some Skin! cartoon in his latest Today's Toons thread at Free Republic. Pookie also now posts his collection on, a site housing a number of refugees from the Free Republic / Rudy Giuliani supporter purge of a few months ago.
erika![thUGG] has a Faithmouse / Gaybear Britney Spears 'No Underwear' cartoon on her (ADULT CONTENT) ericableedsgreen MySpace page.
Synonymous Bengal posts the Stop The ACLU Ferret Comedy Night cartoon on this ACLU Ring Busted thread at the Cinncinati Bengals Engraged Fan Site.
Darren at 0ñL¥÷h¤þ€'s only86 MySpace page posts a variation of our current banner and suggest 'faithmouse' as the blog operator's new nickname.
Jason posts the Faithmouse Salute Sparklie on this MySpace bulletin board (ADULT CONTENT).
Staggman posts an isolated panel from an older POot Toon to this Guitar forum.
Ccnuggie posts a recent Stop The ACLU Ferret cartoon to this conservatism LiveJournal.
2T posts the Jerry Falwell Memorial cartoon on this Jerry Falwell.... DEAD! District Soul page (NOT NICE).
Thanks to cartoonist Iron Spike who draws Iron Circus for this post in her Iron Sideshow Christianity and Atheism forum-
"This is how small the minds of some people are. They are completely incapable of comprehension. They can't understand that a person might come to a logic conclusion based of the evidence presented.
On the other hand, though, y'know who's basically OK with nonbelievers? This dude. We've linked each other. Do I agree with him on anything at all? Nope. Not a single thing. But can we have a civil conversation? Yoobetcha. Because he's not interested in saving me from myself. Maybe he recognizes it for the brainless condescension it is, or maybe I'm not worth the bother. Who knows. Point is, I'm not evangelized at."
That's true. I don't preach to anyone, other than just drawing and presenting the cartoons. Faithmouse is art which parallels my own personal convictions, but not necessarily so.
The ILXOR Come with me, come to the land of batsh*t rightwing cartoonist thread features a number of my recent cartoons and (following my diddling with their topmost faithmouse cartoon post) subsequent pro and con commentary, including -
"I dunno if faithmouse guy actually qualifies as right-wing anymore, he just seems to be a Big-Time Believer and doesn't participate as much in the incredibly knee-jerk authoritarian partisanship you see in the other strips. Compared to mallard etc. he's a breath of fresh air. "
"I dunno; the FM guy has his moments where there are weekly cartoons attacking the ACLU, showing them cavorting with terrists, or when the site reps for Alan Keyes or Sam Brownback."
" ..I didn't read the whole thread but I came here to say that FaithMouse doesn't deserve to be lumped in with the rest of this garbage. For one, instead of being nauseatingly simplistic it's often refreshingly inscrutable."
afp3683 post the Otters Holding Hands For Christ toon on his blurf LiveJournal.
The Great Faithmouse Request Thread continues at Portal Of Evil (ADULT CONTENT). Paypal donations appreciated!
Finally, I'm especially proud that Francisan Brother O.F.M. Cap has the Neverborn / Bad Ass For Life toon posted on his True Preacher MySpace page. If you're a MySpace user you'll need to request that he add you as a friend to see his page (many traditional religious images and Catholic rap music) but it's a total gas and worth the effort. Please tell him 'faithmouse' sent you!
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Stop The ACLU Ferret / Not My Father

Click above to view larger image. Largest.
Thanks to Al at Is Anybody There? for posting the recent Ruth Bell Graham Memorial cartoon.
Thanks to both BlessedHUIE and Sweetpea90 for posting the Ruth Bell Graham Memorial cartoon at MSN's God's Embrace. Visitors are welcome to post faithmouse cartoons on their own sites, but remember to always use the specific address (cartoon123.jpg, for example) and not any of the regularly updating 'toon' 'Jesus' or 'catholic' URL's.
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Mother Hillary

Click above to view larger image. Largest.
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Ruth Bell Graham Memorial Cartoon

Click above to view larger image. Largest.
A cartoon for Ruth Graham, wife of evangelist Billy Graham, who passed away on Thursday.
Thanks to Frank Trainor for linking to faithmouse at his new In Touch With The Mystery.
A Thorn In The Pew gives us a nice post or two, and suggested Faith's mantilla in the recent Latin Mass cartoon.
Janesasa on this Chinese GodBlog site posts the Autumn Leaves image from a few years ago.
Thanks to Jeffrey at BlendedFolk for adding faithmouse to his Catholics links page.
Edwin posts a few toons promoting faithmouse on this Ben Folds webcomic forum. Thanks!
Barbara posts a Neverborn / Blogs4Life promo toon on her MySpace Barbara's Blog.
Thanks to Pookie18 for a number of recent posts at his Today's Toons threads at Free Republic.
Jayne at So Many Devotions adds faithmouse to her links.
Darren at I Give You My Heart's only86 MySpace page posts a variation of our banner.
Janice posted the These Colors Don't Run cartoon to a thread at SitComs Online.
President Bush, Pope Benedict XVI and Faithmouse / Walking Stick

Click above to view larger image. Largest.
President Bush gives Pope walking stick made by former homeless man - CNA
Bush in holy gaffe (no news making news) - Free Republic
A President Bush / Pope Benedict XVI / Faithmouse cartoon. I'll backtrack and add Vatican Kitty to the scene as well.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Christopher Hitchens, Author of 'God Is Not Great' And A Baby Panda With A Frog On It's Head

Click above to view larger image. Largest.
Christopher Hitchens, author of 'God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything' (currently #3 on the New York Times bestseller list) and a baby panda with a frog on it's head.
Christopher Hitchens - Wikipedia
Hitchens Vs Hitchens - Daily Mail
Criticism of 'God Is Not Great' by the author's brother, journalist Peter Hitchens
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Faithmouse and Neverborn / Gimmie Some Skin!

Click above to view larger image. Largest.
Scientists Make Stem Cells From Skin Of Mice Instead Of Embryos - Medical News Today
Monday, June 11, 2007
Latin Mass
A cartoon on the subject of the anticipation of the lifting of restrictions on the traditional Tridentine Mass, better known as the 'Latin' Mass. The Latin Mass wouldn't replace the post Vatican II Mass-it's just that the lifting of restrictions (this one would be by personal accord of the Pope himself; a Motu Proprio) would allow priests to hold the mass without the prior approval of their local bishop, which should widen its usage. The word in the 'street' is that Pope Benedict's papal rescript allowing the restoration of the Latin Mass is on the way, but we're all still waiting. And waiting. And waiting.
Timothy A. Bear = not the sharpest teddybear in town.
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Stop The ACLU Ferret / Bible Ballet

Click above for larger image. Largest.
For the Sunday Funnies at Stop The ACLU.
This cartoon references two recent cases where Catholic parents are assisting the ACLU in separation cases. For those new to the cartoon-
Ms. StarMole - former atheist, now liberal Catholic deaconess at St. Joan of Snark's in Liberalopolis.
Faithmouse - Conservative Catholic mouse.
Mr. ACLU Ferret - an ACLU ferret.
Chauncey, World Scout - Ms. StarMole's nephew and charge, following the death of her sister.
ACLU Sues LA District for Bible Giveaway - CBN
ACLU, some parents sue over Bible classes in Ector County -
Friday, June 08, 2007
Paris Hilton in Jail with Saint Gentian, Patron Saint of Innkeepers
This may be unpopular-but I have a lot of sympathy for Paris Hilton, influenced at least partially by her recent high-profile public appearances with a Bible and reports that she's praying while in jail. My previous Paris Hilton cartoon alluded to the fact that her great-grandfather Conrad, founder of Hilton Hotels, was a very committed Catholic.
Two previous Paris Hilton cartoons-

Father AllDeer

Guess who! From a cartoon in progress...

I'm extremely negligent in acknowledging posts (just busy) but very quickly this morning here's a few. I'll update the list later this evening-
Thanks to Christine at Ramblings Of A GOP Soccer Mom for her Citius, Altius, Fortius post.
Thanks to Ma Beck at her WardWideWeb for also posting the Beijing Man toon.
He Is Risen Indeed has added faithmouse as a link.
Paul at Thoughts Of A Regular Guy has posted the most recent ACLU Ferret toon.
Beijing Man

Click above to view larger image. Largest.
I've taken a few liberties with the official Olympic logo for the 2008 Olymics in Beijing, China.
China May Ban Catholics From 2008 Olympics - Catholic Citizen
73-year-old Underground Bishop Arrested 10th Time in China - Status Of The Chinese People
Thursday, June 07, 2007
A Message To You, Rudy
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Father Tim Vakoc, Homilist

Click above to view larger image. Largest.
Priest, injured in Iraq, utters first words in over 2 years _Catholic News Agency
November 2006 story
Chaplain injured in Iraq receives seminary’s Distinguished Alumnus Award - AW2News
Celebration for Father Tim Vakoc, St Therese's, New Hope, Sunday, June 10 - Northland Catholic
Monday, June 04, 2007
Coadjutor Archbishop John Nienstedt

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Ms. StarMole and Minnesota Loon in a Coadjutor Archbishop John Nienstedt cartoon. A new character named Father Foxy is introduced by way of the portrait in the last panel.
Stop The ACLU Ferret
Saturday, June 02, 2007
Friday, June 01, 2007
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