Thanks to Al at Is Anybody There? for posting the recent Ruth Graham Bell Memorial cartoon.
Pookie18 has the recent Faithmouse / Neverborn Gimmie Some Skin! cartoon in his latest Today's Toons thread at Free Republic. Pookie also now posts his collection on WideAwakes.com, a site housing a number of refugees from the Free Republic / Rudy Giuliani supporter purge of a few months ago.
erika![thUGG] has a Faithmouse / Gaybear Britney Spears 'No Underwear' cartoon on her (ADULT CONTENT) ericableedsgreen MySpace page.
Synonymous Bengal posts the Stop The ACLU Ferret Comedy Night cartoon on this ACLU Ring Busted thread at the MikeBrownSucks.com Cinncinati Bengals Engraged Fan Site.
Darren at 0ñL¥÷h¤þ€'s only86 MySpace page posts a variation of our current banner and suggest 'faithmouse' as the blog operator's new nickname.
Jason posts the Faithmouse Salute Sparklie on this MySpace bulletin board (ADULT CONTENT).
Staggman posts an isolated panel from an older POot Toon to this About.com Guitar forum.
Ccnuggie posts a recent Stop The ACLU Ferret cartoon to this conservatism LiveJournal.
2T posts the Jerry Falwell Memorial cartoon on this Jerry Falwell.... DEAD! District Soul page (NOT NICE).
Thanks to cartoonist Iron Spike who draws Iron Circus for this post in her Iron Sideshow Christianity and Atheism forum-
"This is how small the minds of some people are. They are completely incapable of comprehension. They can't understand that a person might come to a logic conclusion based of the evidence presented.
On the other hand, though, y'know who's basically OK with nonbelievers? This dude. We've linked each other. Do I agree with him on anything at all? Nope. Not a single thing. But can we have a civil conversation? Yoobetcha. Because he's not interested in saving me from myself. Maybe he recognizes it for the brainless condescension it is, or maybe I'm not worth the bother. Who knows. Point is, I'm not evangelized at."
That's true. I don't preach to anyone, other than just drawing and presenting the cartoons. Faithmouse is art which parallels my own personal convictions, but not necessarily so.
The ILXOR Come with me, come to the land of batsh*t rightwing cartoonist thread features a number of my recent cartoons and (following my diddling with their topmost faithmouse cartoon post) subsequent pro and con commentary, including -
"I dunno if faithmouse guy actually qualifies as right-wing anymore, he just seems to be a Big-Time Believer and doesn't participate as much in the incredibly knee-jerk authoritarian partisanship you see in the other strips. Compared to mallard etc. he's a breath of fresh air. "
"I dunno; the FM guy has his moments where there are weekly cartoons attacking the ACLU, showing them cavorting with terrists, or when the site reps for Alan Keyes or Sam Brownback."
" ..I didn't read the whole thread but I came here to say that FaithMouse doesn't deserve to be lumped in with the rest of this garbage. For one, instead of being nauseatingly simplistic it's often refreshingly inscrutable."
afp3683 post the Otters Holding Hands For Christ toon on his blurf LiveJournal.
The Great Faithmouse Request Thread continues at Portal Of Evil (ADULT CONTENT). Paypal donations appreciated!
Finally, I'm especially proud that Francisan Brother O.F.M. Cap has the Neverborn / Bad Ass For Life toon posted on his True Preacher MySpace page. If you're a MySpace user you'll need to request that he add you as a friend to see his page (many traditional religious images and Catholic rap music) but it's a total gas and worth the effort. Please tell him 'faithmouse' sent you!
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