Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Father Tim Vakoc, Homilist

Father Tim Vakoc from Minnesota, the only U.S. Army chaplain to be injured in Iraq, continues to recover

Click above to view larger image. Largest.

Priest, injured in Iraq, utters first words in over 2 years _Catholic News Agency
November 2006 story

Chaplain injured in Iraq receives seminary’s Distinguished Alumnus Award - AW2News

Celebration for Father Tim Vakoc, St Therese's, New Hope, Sunday, June 10 - Northland Catholic


  1. This is a very crass joke. I knew him and you have mocked a man who has done you no harm.

  2. I have a comment for you, James. You are a dingbat.

    The cartoon states that, in suffering, you can make a statement which is as effective as any spoken homily. The tagline at the bottom of the cartoon 'Ft. Tim Vakoc, first U.S. Army Chaplain injured in Iraq, continues to recover' emphasizes that point. There is nothing mocking or derogatory about it. If you had taken a moment to look at the cartoons from that period of time and before you would have (should have) come to that conclusion.

    What you probably did is skipped to the now, to my most recent work, and made a snap judgement that the cartoon at the time must not have been sincere. It was a long process aided by the ignorance of nitwits such as yourself which contributed to my losing my faith.

  3. He is dead. He died a number of years ago. May the peace of Christ be with you always.
