Click above to view larger image. Largest.
Another iron in the fire, this one regarding 'Donnie Davies' and his 'The Bible Says / God Hates Fags' song, which has been the subject of much web-based speculation, although now revealed as being the product of Dallas area actor Joey Oglesby. A pretty good hoax; it fooled even me at first until I saw that one of the dreaded 'Gay' bands listed on his Love God's Way website was Kansas.
Steve Koval, editor of the Houston Voice writes -
Unfortunately, none of the anti-gay conservative Christian organizations have taken the bait yet. Donnie's going to have to be a little more hateful if he wants to land one of them.
So, that's whats going on. The fact that not one Christian organization has 'taken the bait' is viewed by more than one commentor as a disappointment, instead of as evidence that it's pretty hard to find these sort of people outside of extended families of lawsuit-baiting lawyers posing as Baptist churches. It's unfortunate and a continuing political loss for homosexuals that they continue to drive away fellow Gay Christians by parodying enemies which don't exist. There are very few truly anti-Gay and hellfire ministers in the world, but many more Gays who in their own personal struggles join organizations such as Exodus, and who are a threat to no one. Parodies such as 'The Bible Says/God Hates Fags' song and the fake 'Evening Service' website are really a message to spiritually oriented Gays by Christian hating Gays that they are fools to consider their sexuality as anything less than driven by the wiles of nature. Graciously embracing the viewpoints of all in the homosexual community, instead of bitterly mocking those who are in personal struggle, would go a long way to help secure broad societal acceptance of 'Gay rights'. Christian bashing by Gays is a loss for everyone, most especially to the homosexual community.
Just by coincidence, I happen to have a new Gaybear cartoon in progress at the faithmouse forum at Portal Of Evil which encompasses some of these issues. It's a pretty strong sexually oriented cartoon, and like some other recent toons, I've kept it off this site in order not to offend regular visitors.
Thanks to N. I. Annakindt at moreover the dog went this them for her supporting post.
Holy See Official: Crime at Vatican Running at Biblical Proportions -FoxNews
Holy See Official: Crime at Vatican Running at Biblical Proportions -FoxNews
Vatican Kitty and B16 cartoon in progress.
To calculate your chance of becoming a victim of a crime at Vatican City, add both annual residency and visitorship together (18,000,000 plus 492) and divide by 827 (less than 3 crimes per day, mostly all pickpockets).
Should have this finished later today.
A new 'Britney Spears no underwear' cartoon, featuring Faithmouse and playing off the above scene from the Monty Python film Life of Brian. Lindsay Lohan recently checked into rehab, so prayers for her. Don't know what Paris Hilton is up to nowadays.
Should have this finished and posted sometime mid week.
Soon to be added to our Britney Spears cartoon collection.
Britney Spears no underwear picture, Britney Spears underwear, brittney speers photograph, Lindsay Lohan in rehab and Paris Hilton in a limosine
I was hoping to attend this year's conference as well, but both money and time have conspired against me. My intention was to carry a large Blogs4Life sign and to wear the following-
A good idea still-I'll put it on hold until next year.
In order to help promote the conference I'm creating personalized, color synchronizing versions of the promo cartoon for every blog on the Pro Life blogs blogroll. I offer to do this because I am insane. There are over 500 blogs on the list, and I can create about fifty or sixty versions of the cartoon a day. By Friday of next week I should have all of these images completed. Idle hands, not me.
As you can see from the example posted below, the cartoons feature both the blog address and a small image of the blog itself, which can be seen in Neverborn's computer monitor. Under each cartoon are links to four files - (1)a blog sized image, good for posting on your own blog (2) a file which should give you a decent looking print on a standard sheet of paper from a home printer, and (s) a 't-Shirt' sized image in correct CafePress resolution and file format (2000 pixels wide by 200 dpi resolution png file), the lattermost being a very good deal for the price of nothing. If you've ever wanted a promotional image of your own blog to swig around on the back of your proud blogging frame, but didn't feel like spending a few hundred for the art, there you go. Bloggers are welcome to use these files to promote their own blogs and Blogs4Life; however, Neverborn himself is only on loan. Please, no subletting.
These images are complimentary to all bloggers who would like to use them to promote their own work and the Blogs4Life conference. If you're made of money and can afford to throw a few dollars my way in return for my visit to your site and the resulting files, the money would go directly into keeping faithmouse online. Thank you kindly.
For those too young to remember, Gilbert O'Sullivan is a wonderfully melodic singer/songwriter and sensitive soul who, like Donovan, has disappeared from view. I'm a bit of a YouTube addict (ABBA plus 60's and 70's female pop stars, mainly) and while favoriting videos was happy to rediscover Gilbert and learn that he was not only still recording music but had his own site.
While there I discovered this image which is on the sleeve of his new CD-
The above is an artistic interpretation of the original Gilbert O'Sullivan sleeve, which I removed from this site after the Gilbert O'Sullivan webmaster raised concerns about my using copyrighted material without permission; see update at the end of this post.
In Mr. O'Sullivan's guestbook, I left this, I thought, reasonable entry-
I was watching some of your old videos on YouTube, read a blurb about you on Wikipedia, and felt sad that you had once said that 'no one cared' any longer about your music. I've always been a big fan and was very glad to see that you had a site and was receiving some online encouragement.
But then I saw the statement as part of your new CD equating the Palestinian and Israeli political situations. It's harmful to encourage people to believe the conflict between the only true democracy in the Middle East and terrorists who have vowed to destroy the Israeli people, and who continue to purposefully murder women and children, can somehow be considered morally equivalent. The Palestinian people suffer, but that's because of their own corrupt leadership and not Israel, which time and again has offered them autonomy in exchange for peace which they continue to refuse to accept.
All the best to you.
I can report that Gilbert O'Sullivan remains a sensitive soul because in response to my rejected entry I was immediately banned (which I realized when greeted by a headline stating 'Currently you cannot make entries. You are banned'. Try it yourself). My mistake must have been commenting upon the very subject Mr. Sullivan himself raised as part of his own work. Guestbooks can be coded to automatically ban anyone who includes certain words in their comments, such as 'Palestinian' 'terrorists' and 'Israel.' If you look through his guestbook you'll see it is absent of similar references.
To the oddities in my online resume I can now add Banned by Gilbert O'Sullivan. Excelsior!
Originally posted Friday, December 22, 2006 at 1:37 AM.The webmaster at Gilbert O'Sullivan.com sends this email-
Hi Dan,
I read your piece about supposedly been banned from the Gilbert O'Sullivan Guest Book with interest. I'm the webmaster of the Official Gilbert O'Sullivan website and I decide what entries go into the website guest book. To set the record straight your entry never made it's way through to me. It was probably blocked before it got to me, as you guessed yourself, because of some of the terms you used.
By the way I also never received a request from you to use the copyrighted photograph from the album sleeve that you copied from the official site and are now using on yours.
Kind regards,
(name withheld)
Well, that's what I said.
As for using copyrighted material, Mr. O'Sullivan made a newsworthy political statement and I in turn commented upon it and showed what it was. Photographs of the A Scruff At Heart album cover are all over the web; here they are on a Japanese, a German, and a French site, although images of the inside sleeve are much harder to find. However, to avoid legal action from Gilbert O'Sullivan ('Gilbert O'Sullivan sues Faithmouse'-now that would be a surreal headline) I've replaced the original image with a wholey artistic interpretation. If I'm in any other manner infringing upon the Gilbert O'Sullivan copyright I will certainly set that right as well. Those who wish to see the original 'Justice for Palestinians, Peace for Israelis' sleeve and Mr. O'Sullivan's personal response to an observation similar to mine will need to visit here.
Bob Dylan long ago made the definitive statement regarding the 'neighborhood bully' as I pointed out in my Pieces For Israel cartoon and post from August of 2005.
National Enquirer, eat your heart out.
Visitors from Brazil may be interested in our Famila Feliz cartoons.
Preview of a cartoon in progress, which I've made into a parody of a cover of a Jack Chick (Chick publications) track. I have nothing personally against Mr. Chick (I choose to ignore his anti-Catholic tracks, probably because I've never actually read them, and also because I don't feel like being upset at a fellow Christian cartoonist); the idea just came to mind and I thought it was funny.
Britney Spears did eventually replace her missing underwear by the way, purchasing close to $4000 dollars worth at a shop in West Hollywood called Le Bra Lingerie (warning: photographs of sexy underwear.)
I'll try to have the complete Britney Spears / Faithmouse / GayBear toon online tomorrow evening, although sans her pals Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan. Just can't picture it.
Illustration for Familia Feliz.
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