Wednesday, February 28, 2007
James Cameron Rediscovers Al Capone's Vault

Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Taint / I Hate It When That Happens / Panel 1
Monday, February 26, 2007
Pure Sex
'Pure Sex' is the name of the controversial monthlong sermon series.
Taint / Monster From My Hoo-Ha
Taint with fetus in a new cartoon.
You know, I might laugh at these Taint cartoons if they were written by a liberal. I can laugh at Stephen Colbert because I know that he doesn't mean the things he says. However, I know that Mr. Lacey does in fact believe in what he is writing and has quite a history of sticking not so subtle messages in his cartoons. The message that he's giving off with his Taint cartoon is that only tattooed, uncouth, gawfick girls get abortions. I fail to see how his new cartoons are in any way different from the old ones, in terms of message. His faithmouse character remains pure and Taint is imbued with all the disreputable qualities that Mr. Lacey associates with women who get abortions. Apparently the appearance of furry mouse tits has sufficiently distracted you all. Mr. Lacey is not having a breakdown; he knows what he is doing and you are all idiots if you believe otherwise.
Enjoy your mouse tits.
-Mrs. Mahler posting in the current faithmouse thread at Something Awful (adult content)
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Friday, February 23, 2007
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Taint, fini
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Taint 2

Second panel in the current cartoon featuring a new character; an atheist, counter-character to Faithmouse named 'Taint', (hence her language). Two more panels to go in this toon.
Sort of all over the map early this week with toons in progress, mainly because I felt driven to launch Taint. I plan on having both the new B16 / Vatican Kitty toon and the Al Franken toon completed sometime later today.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Monday, February 19, 2007
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Friday, February 16, 2007
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Please Be My Valentine

Click above to view larger image.

Thanks to Barb at SFO Mom for posting the above Neverborn / Please Be My Valentine cartoon. Laura H. has done the same at her And If Not (living Catholicism and fighting for life in an anti-Catholic, pro-death culture). Sara at Mom's Musings has also posted the image, as has RobK at Kyrie Eleison. Cathy_of_Alex posts the toon on her Recovering Dissident Catholic. Bryansix posts the cartoon on this Discussion Whatever thread. Waldo on this Happy Valentines' Day thread at ANTIFanBoy (adult content) also posts the cartoon. The cartoon also shows up on a number of LiveJournal friends pages, including Chiavia's LJ , JoSparke's LJ , Alluring Kailyn's LJ and Will Sample's The Sanitarium. Faithmouse is a tag on Free Press. Al at Is Anybody There posts the Father Augustine Confessional Car cartoon. Blogs4Life blogtoon posts include Rockyfort at CrosSwords and Lutheran Pastor Walter Snyder at Ask The Pastor. Jenny at her Bell-Jar LiveJournal posts the ACLU Real I.D. toon from last year. Thanks to Jason 'I've Got Undies On My Head for posting the Neverborn / Return To Sender toon as the background image on his 65953535 LiveJournal. Open Door posts today's Be My Valentine cartoon on the Arabic Atheist network منتدى الملحدين العرب
Found the above faithmouse / Pokemon card on this Chronoshock game forum thread along with the comment 'Now this is what I'm talking about! Finally, a Pokémon of the Christian Right!' Thanks to Dr. M.A.P. at the Pro-Life Phillipines forum for posting a few past Neverborn cartoons. Christian Pro-Life Resources for the Phillipines does the same. Hawaii Right To Life includes a cartoon in their post promoting the Blogs4Life conference. Missed this post by Stacy Harp at Active Christian Media which includes a Blogs4Life customized toon from 2006. Cactus Alliance thanks us for the promo toons. Thanks to unimaGINAble[TF5] at her heart vs heart MySpace for posting the Canadians Mounties memorial toon from 2004. Faithmouse is the subject of discussion in two Something Awful forums. Thanks to Laurannd mkII at POE News for her For those who don't check regular Poe post. Facebook has a number of posts of the Be My Valentine cartoon, including in networks under sdstate, sdsmt, dmacc, iastate, central, uni, etc.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
God is Green, preview
Monday, February 12, 2007
Stop The ACLU / Medieval Dorks for Christ

Click above to view larger image. Largest.
For the Sunday Funnies at Stop The ACLU
Friday, February 09, 2007
Full Service

Click above to view larger image. Largest.
I've fallen behind in my post acknowledgments. Here's a partial list minus about two dozen which I'll add over the next day or three.
John Edwards staffer knocks faithmouse
I thought that name looked familiar. It seems that one of the staffers which Bill Donahue is calling on John Edwards to fire from his campaign for making anti-Catholic statements has displayed a keen interest in the past regarding my cartoon.

Click to view larger image. Largest.
Wingnuts in favor of freeloading squatters, so long as they can be used to punish fornicating women by Amanda Marcotte (filed under 'religion, ***holes', 82 comments)

Click cartoon to view larger image. Largest.
Most Inexplicable Cartoon Of The Hurricane by Amanda Marcotte (filed under 'Conservatism', 26 comments)
As for that latter cartoon, it was more than anything else about my father, who was a gunner's mate on the U.S.S. Hornet during WWII and permanently traumatized by his experiences during warfare in the South Pacific. Two other sites claimed it as art at the time, which I very much appreciated. Here's one which I located via Wayback (the other was on a site called 'Blog On The Run' by Lex Alexander, which seems not to have been archived).
Inadvertant masterpiece - Aldahlia.net
Everyone's entitled to their opinion, and I have a reputation for never 'returning fire' on anyone who has criticized my work.
I must admit though, it's fun knowing that there's a faithmouse anti-fan on the Edwards staff. Additional posts by Amanda regarding my cartoon would be very much appreciated. Gosh knows I could use the publicity.
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Mooninite Triptych

The Triptych

Three cartoons in progress on the subject of the recent hoax device scare in Boston. The devices were battery operated LED advertisements featuring images of Ignignokt the mooninite from Comedy Central's Adult Swim Aquateen Hunger Force cartoon.
The three cartoons represent a conservative, centrist and liberal viewpoint, fully exaggerated. The bookends feature one of my drawing pads. In the bottom image you can see Mädchen the cat investigating whatever it is I'm doing at 2 AM.
An entertaining experiment, I hope. The third toon will feature an assortment of webcomic characters, so if you're a webtoon fan keep an eye open for one of your favorites.
Monday, February 05, 2007
Gaybear Adult Cartoon

Sunday, February 04, 2007
Saturday, February 03, 2007
Thursday, February 01, 2007
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