Fetus demonstrates to Faithmouse's sister Taint that he has a clear disposition toward voting for Pro-Life candidate John McCain on November 4th. One of a few Faithmouse cartoons I plan on posting from now until election day.
For those unfamiliar with the cartoon, which is understandable since I hardly draw it anymore, Taint is Faithmouse's sister, and Fetus is her unborn child. Taint has a lot of vices and Fetus has this thing for performing SNL character impersonations. An incomplete gallery of Taint cartoons (many adult and highly inappropriate) can be found on a number of alternative internet forums, including
Portal Of Evil and
Something Awful.Over the past few months Faithmouse has been regularly included in the
New York Times 'Headlines Around The Web' blogroll, which includes blogs specifically chosen by Times editors. I''ll take it, thanks!