I cannot say what in my delirium I asked the indolent McNugget.
All I recall is that the initial knowledge requested of my heart was refused; for like Obama in a Jon McNaugton painting the McNugget could only offer his back as a cold, crusted, and somehat oily answer. "Why are we so alone?" perhaps I queried, knowing that I was not addressing the soul of one chicken but a composite of many, disinfected and bleached, and now shaped by chance into the father of a country he would not today recognize, and likely to deem completely free only following the event of his own consumption. His powdered wig, long since breaded; his noble authoritarian nose, long since breaded; his frilly ruffled shirt, long since breaded..conspired to offer no solace or direction.
The only answer I received was the cold hard floor beneath my body, except in the places where I kneeling on painty carpet remnants-this and the muffled sound of a thousand rickety franchises complaining mightily as they threw themselves against the fists of the hard Minnesota wind.
This is the second in my series of nude self-portraits, and is available on auction on Ebay at a starting bid of 99 cents. This is a 2 by 3 foot acrylic painting on stretched canvas. I'll post better photos tomorrow.
Update - a photo of the completed painting in natural light and ahead of the storm-
Thanks today to Buzzfeed for their 33 Insane Portraits Of President Obama post.
I Dan Lacey Painter Of Pancakes Nude Query The George Washington Chicken McNuggett - Ebay Art Auction