Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Faithmouse Removed From Google Listing For 'Britney Spears No Underwear' as a Consequence of Hidden St. Michael The Archangel Prayer

This is the text of an email I received earlier today. From all I can tell, it seems to be real-

Dear site owner or webmaster of,

While we were indexing your webpages, we detected that some of your pages were using techniques that were outside our quality guidelines, which can be found here:

In order to preserve the quality of our search engine, we have temporarily removed some webpages from our search results. Currently pages from are scheduled to be removed for at least 30 days.

Specifically, we detected the following practices on your webpages:

* The following hidden text on


Saint Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle.
Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray;
and do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host -
by the Divine Power of God -
cast into hell, satan and all the evil spirits,
who roam throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls.



We would prefer to have your pages in Google's index. If you wish to be reincluded, please correct or remove all pages that are outside our quality guidelines. When you are ready, please visit:

to learn more and request a reinclusion request.

Google Search Quality Team

The original email-

The charge by Google is true. On the website, which redirects to my blog (a blogspot address, which is also Google) at the very bottom of the page, I have the prayer in white text on a white background. I placed the prayer there a few years ago, and no one (except perhaps for Ray at Stella Borealis) knew it was there but me. Because of the redirect, the index page is only accessible to search engine spiders and robots. It's 'hidden' because I'm not interested in making it an issue and a subject of comments. I keep the original faithmouse site out of view but in my back pocket; you never know what might happen to a blog on blogspot, for example, fellow Catholic blogger Desperate Irish Housewife recently had her blogspot address stolen and it now hosts a porn site.

Here are a few current Google search engine listings-

Britney Spears no underwear - #12 (last week, #8)
Christian cartoons - #7
Conservative cartoons - #6
Catholic cartoons - #5
pro life cartoons - #2
gaybear cartoons - #1 (due to my 'Gaybear' cartoon character)
pro military cartoons -#1
crazy Catholic conservative cartoons - #1

So, what to do?

Update- It seems that as a result of Google suddenly discovering the St. Michael prayer, faithmouse has been completely knocked out of Google's listings under the search term 'Britney Spears, no underwear.' That's unfortunate, because the listing drew upwards of more than 2,000 (surprised, I imagine) visitors to this site per day. Therefore, I've updated the title of my post from 'To Be Removed' To 'Removed'. We'll see if any futher de-listings follow.

A copy of the original faithmouse index page can be viewed at Drag cursor over bottom of page to view prayer.

My post of this story on Something Awful (adult content) resulted in my being banned by the forum. Search 'faithmouse' to find a second cartoon thread to which I've regularly contributed.

Thanks to Ray at Stella Borealis; Northland Catholic Roundtable for the post, as well as to Leo at Psycmeistr's Ice Palace.

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