Thursday, March 14, 2013

Pope Francis Portrait Painting Art Ebay

A newly elected Pope Francis portrait, formerly known as Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio of Argentina.  Painted directly from reference photos I took of EWTN TV Vatican coverage.

Pope Francis portrait painting

Larger Pope Francis painting image.

This is a 16 by 20 inch painting on stretched canvas.  Looks like pastel art, but the colors are acrylic with a good amount of gold and copper paint incorporated into the background and skin tones.

PAINTING Pope Francis Portrait $150- Ebay Art 

I've also posted an 8 by 10 canvas print of this same painting for $15.

 PRINT Former Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio Of Argentina Art - Ebay


Thanks to the many websites and blogs which have incorporated the above painting-

The Republic Of T - Saint Francis And The Sissies

Georgetown Journal Of International Affairs - Mater si, Magistra no?: Pope Francis and the Latin American Left

Communio - Ecumenical and Interfaith leaders respond to the election of Pope Francis

Vernoming - Waarom we paus Franciscus niet paus Frans noemen

Apuntes Periodismo Digital - Que dijo el Papa Francisco (cuando era Jorge Mario) del aborto, catolicos divorciados, derechos de la mujer, educacion sexual y otros Apuntes

Unsettled Christianity - (Some Of My) Thoughts On St. Francis In The Blogosphere

Alois-St-Martins Irish Crossroads - Jim Wallis/Christian leader for social change "Rebuild My Church"

Seriita / Start Your Day With Numerology - Jorge Mario Bergoglio: Pope Francis

Catholic News Live - Ecumenical And Interfaith Leaders Respond To The Election Of Pope Francis

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